The timeline of events as experienced and shaped by real players across dozens of campaigns.

Tales of a Shattered Empire - 7222

The story of the fall of the Savedic empire starts 90 years prior to its collapse. At the height of its second era it ruled over many neighbouring lands, and actively fought wars to expand their territories. They maintained spiritual dominance over the lands that they had conquered, and kept the conquered peoples at an arm’s length.

The empire helped consolidate their internal rule through worship of a god of ego and power known as the Titan. The Savedic citizens were allowed to see themselves as above the conquered through worship of this deity, which the conquered were largely disallowed from worship.

One of these territories connected to the faelands, and one travelling knight found himself traversing through the faelands when he stumbled into a new, somewhat unfamiliar place. The infernal side of the faelands, Sterinael, the Hell of Lies. In it he found an artefact, or a being called the seed of unrest. This seed was said to able to corrupt and bring down systems of faith. He planted this seed in the faith of the Titan, and it began to grow. 90 years later the seed had grown enough to bloom.

The Sundering: Osidenico -7219

On the imperial frontier, a vision of the very land being torn asunder while a group of rebels clash with an imperial legion. A small group of characters caught in the conflict learn that the demigods of this land would bring it to ruin before letting it be conquered. Falling on different sides of the conflict, the characters separate before the sundering, some choosing to live in the new sundered land, and one returning to Savedinhem.

Folley’s Hill: Osidenico - 7222

Our group of characters reunite as one of them returns as a commander of a small force under a general, though something appears to be amiss as the Savedic empire attempts to claim Osidenico once more. This commander, and devout follower of the Titan is set up for failure at Folley’s Hill, where he is attacked by a large force of rebels. A victory is claimed by the commander, and his previous companions are captured. His victorious force returns to the Savedic encampment, under a restored temple of the Titan. Tensions rise and the general of this force is revealed be stoking corruption of his own faith. As rebels come down on the temple, it shatters and red crystalline creatures emerge, spawn of the seed of unrest.

Hold at the Darkspire: Daediumni - 7222

Children of the silver moon, Covillia, are called to the aid of the empire of Savedinhem, who in a single moment saw hundreds of thousands of crystalline creatures emerge through crystalline caverns in their places of faith. These children gather in one of the few unfallen places, an alpha city of the Savedic empire, the Darkspire. Amongst these Covillians, a small group of youths begin to explore the Darkspire, and seek out the potential influence of lies. In their investigation they make some allies, but under the high expectations of their elders, the group falls apart, most of them losing position in their houses, and one of them being banished from the moon, and being taken under the wing of a Savedic general.

The Fall of Eloscine: Donia - 7222

Savedic survivors from Osidenico ralley forces in the northern land of Donia post the fall of the empire. Finding after a month the forces of lies receded from the territories, they established themselves in the near abandoned city of Eloscine, meeting other imperial remnants. The growing forces began to engage in skirmishes with the once subservient locals, attempting to show that there was power still left in the empire. Growing resentment in a single individual created a series of informational and technical sabatoges, allowing the local Donians to overpower the forces in Eloscine, and ultimately defeat them.

The Reclamation of Selosdeius: Tatuhnum - 7226

The Covillians join forces with the children of the red moon, the Mulinyans, and two Savedic factions to reclaim the Savedic holy city of the Titan, Selosdeius. Our youths of Covillia, now young adults come together to investigate an attack on the potential alliance by a dispatch of undead. Travelling to the nearby dead nest city of Vaur, where they play at politics, and gain a new ally against Lies. Ambitions and doubts begin to grow in the group on the nature of their people, and how complacent they may be in the war against lies as the four moons belong in the pantheon of the Titan. Selosdeius is reclaimed with the help of the dead, but the fractures growing in the children of the moon are too wide, one of them falls to corruption, and two decide to leave their moon behind, worrying about the corruption having already spread to its silver surface.

Valina Avos, the Fatespeaker, and the Great Revelation: Aginae - 7233

After many years of the seemingly endless war against lies, very little progress is made, and even less is held. The scattered children of the moon come back together, realizing the only one which had stayed with the moon, was the one who was most corrupted, though many of them had been deceived. Bringing their former ally into the fold, and discovering an arch devil in their midst who had been masquerading as the commander met at the darkspire from day one, these weathered children finally have an edge. Reclaiming the city of Valina Avos they lay the foundation for their first potential true victory against Lies, though it may be many years before the fruits of that labour flower.

Stirrings in the Dark: Daediumni - 7265

In a quiet village, deep in the cold and dark forests of Daediumni, isolated from most of the conflicts, young characters have their world turned upside down as their village is forced to flee from encroaching dark demigods and the forces of lies. Running into an abandoned estate of a Senator, they find a cult of the dark demigods hiding, and discover on of their companions to be cursed. The group is forced to leave some allies, friends, and family behind as the cult overpowers their weakened force.

The Last Fall of Selosdeius: Tatuhnum -7265

A massive coalition of factions attempt to come together in the thrice fallen, now abandoned city of Selosdeius, to fight against lies, and initiate a spiritual change in the land to loosen Lies’ grip. The coalition was infiltrated, and ultimately doomed to fail as chaos spread quickly across the city. The Betrayer’s mist stoked the conflict with the help of an arch devil, and the coalition scattered. An unlikely group of allies escaped to the adjacent long fallen city of Titans, Wunuundar, in search of an artefact called the queen’s piece, that could help initiate this spiritual change. This goal ultimately fails as the alliances in the group shatter, though it was doomed to fail one way or another.

In The Hope That We Are Loyal - 7281

The Faith Stand: The Cloud Tower - Abralle Hureaux

The first signs of corruption began to rear their head in the city of the Cloud Tower. Two factions of faith in the pantheon of Justice, the legion and the safeguard, began to form fractures. A group of mercenaries and heroes began to investigate, travelling to the nearby abandoned Savedic ruin of Valina and learning a cult was at the heart of the fractures attempting to corrupt the faith. Shortly the fractures widened and two sides were formed, meeting in combat in the jungle forests between the two cities. The uncorrupted were victorious, but at great cost of life. As word of the conflict reached the rest of the province, many prepared themselves for further escalations.

The initial group of mercenaries and heroes were made up of Arris, a half elven grandson of an elven lord and estranged son of a missing mage at the cloud tower, Cod, a scrappy human missing a foot and a couple of morals, Eghan, an orcish travelling priest called a keeper of balance, Garviel, an elven unlikely knight with a powerful connection, Durseth, a human and grizzled former legion commander, and Buulg, a simple brutish human mercenary. Eventually these strangers would become the faithful friends.

In this first arc these characters meet another group of heroes from the religious factions, led by a man named Alinder, who would be the uniting figure before the battle of the faith stand, and with Durseth, lead the forces into battle. The party nearly split when they discovered Jean, or rather the two people who shared the identity. Jean was taken as a child and replaced with a changeling who took his identity. The original Jean was turned into a monster, who the party found and eventually redeemed, but not before almost coming to blows as they fell on different sides of the issue. Both Jeans became allies and friends of the party.

In the investigation and build up to the faith stand, Buulg was killed by a cultist who held the title of blessed ambassador, a figure who was the primary driving force behind the corruption.

Splitting Identity: Bridier - Abralle Hureaux

Bridier was the nearest populated city to the Cloud Tower, and prepared to respond to those who had seemingly turned their swords against their own kin. The high priest of Justice, the Euciminary, sent a detachment of his knights to aid Bridier. The heroes of the faith stand, seeing the beginnings of the escalations preemptively travelled to Bridier to attempt to de-escalate, and spread word of the corruption. These heroes were met with minds twisted against them as a surviving legion commander had already arrived in Bridier. The disagreement stoked the fractures, and the city of Bridier fell to crystalline fissures and emerging creatures as lies took hold. The heroes fled, taking a number of Bridiers uncorrupted forces with them.

In this arc the faithful friends would find themselves in Sterinael, the hell of lies, shortly after the faith stand. They had discovered crystalline caverns in a temple in Valina, and after defeating the being at the centre, they failed to escape and wound up in the wrong place. There they found Arris’ father and rescued him, as well as meeting a strange green Satyr named Razild who attempted to lead them to their deaths before a Covillian named Qa’aknor saved them.

They met a new character who would join the faithful friends named Norhorn, an elven adventurer with a pet dragon.

The forces in Bridier were led by a man named Roldon, who claimed to be the moonfire knight, the very same title Garviel was given. The presence of the two figures claiming the same title helped stoke the corruptions. Durseth was able to gather Bridier’s legion, and Cod stayed behind and gathered intel that the corrupted planned to cut down the fleeing heroes and their forces in the streets. This information allowed the allied forces to defend themselves, but the act of the sides turning on each other in the streets caused the crystalline caverns to break through to the surface, releasing all kinds of creatures into Bridier.

Trouble in a Tavern : The Ronleau - Aureaudienne

The Border between the human and dwarven provinces shut down just in time for a messenger from Bridier to be stuck at the crossing. An inn in the mountains called the Ronleau became a prison for a scattering of figures who began to suspect something deeper was at play. Escaping the inn and fleeing into the mountains, discovering signs of lies and corruption at every juncture on their way to the dwarven capitol.

The scattered figures and reluctant heroes are Valor, a tiefling legion squire carrying a message from Bridier, Rin and Kas, adventuring elven twins invited to the dwarven capital by a family friend, Grimble, a halfling from a niche cult who can’t stop getting himself into trouble, Lucky, a traumatized halfling wizard, and Gwyntin, a dwarven trader hoping to make money in the capitol. They would eventually become the dark wagers.

At the Ronleau the dark wagers met a strange traveller named Razild, who led them into the mountains towards an old imperial outpost where he left them to die at the hands of strange creatures.

Eliden Field: Abralle Hureaux

The heroes of the faith stand gathered their forces, and chose a place to meet the forces of Bridier with their cultists and creatures. Eliden field was a small clearing in the jungle forests on the way to Bridier. The heroes of the faithstand, being greatly outmatched, prepared the field and forests to burn, they used the elements, and the hot climate to their advantage, creating a burning hellscape where their enemies burned and boiled alive in their armour. Eliden field was another costly victory for the heroes of the faith stand, and its brutality caused the entire province to raise arms.

The faithful friends met the forces of the Cloud Tower with the new forces from Bridier and prepared for battle. Many died on both sides of the battle, but ultimately they defeated and redeemed Roldon to end the battle. The forces they were left with would not survive a third conflict. Arris sent word to his grandfather, lord Dawnmyre of Ezelle to send reinforcements, and spread the word of the growing corruption

Old Pacts Not Renewed: Nithiem Trucemark - Border Between Menevielle and Cor Tol

As tensions begin to spread across the country, the site of an ancient pact between orcs and elves sees the two groups turn away from each other. A message is snuck across the border to be delivered from the elven lord of Ezelle to an orcish matriarch in a city called Nabrelle. Keepers of balance tried to keep the conflicts from escalating but small cracks were beginning to form between the groups that could not be mended.

The message was carried by Heliose, an acquaintance of Arris, who gained companions Kaliven, a half orcissh mercenary who survived the faith stand and was attempting to flee the coonflicts, and Loradove, a blind mage from the Faelands escaping her cruel father and an arranged marriage with a figure called the moonfire knight. This party would remain unnamed.

They travelled with a young keeper of balance named Emile toward the home city of the keepers of balance, Nabrelle.

Tensions in the Capitals: Brightwall - Abralle Hureaux // Cal Crechar - Aureauddienne

The heroes of the faith stand discover the roots of corruption reach the human capital of Brightwall, confronting the Euciminary, and realizing the true scope of this conflict. Meanwhile the survivors of the Ronleau are overwhelmed by the politics of the dwarven capital of Cal Crechar, they receive the support they were hoping for and gain a company of elite dwarven mercenaries to reclaim Bridier, unaware of the corruption.

Alinder and the Faithful friends split at the Cloud Tower, going south and north respectively. Alinder travelled to rally the forces and slow the crawl of corruption, while the faithful friends travelled towards the capital to speak with the Euciminary, On their journey north they discovered the upper half of the province primed for war, and the Euciminary himself speaking the corrupted doctrine, manipulating the prince. What happened at Bridier was likely to happen all over the province.

The dark wagers found themselves in a nest of lies, with faction families all vying for control of the city to claim influence. Confused and overwhelmed, they brought Valor’s plea to the highest court, heard by the Wuedic Judge, the high priest of the religion of Order. A woman named Marie Niledeau funded the group and hired an elite mercenary company to retake Bridier.

Spreading Deceit: Ezelle - Menevielle

Lord Dawnmyre of Ezelle is the target of an attack during a festival while hosting a draconic ambassador named Gygurad, and a revealing investigation brings to light a potential plot to overthrow this lord as a cult grows across the elven province.

The investigators were Caertis, an aasimar of justice and servant of the Euciminary from the human province, Plyvorn, a servant of lord Dawnmyre and long time friend of Arris, Samrakshan, a tiefling librarian and arcanist, and Tomtiskmesh, a dragonborn knight. These investigators would become the scarlett sleuths.

The sleuths uncovered a plot to take Ezelle as it had sent the bulk of its forces to the human province to bring the province into war. Plyvorn used his connection with Arris to gain insights about the cult and their strategies. After concluding the investigation the lord Dawnmyre allowed the attack to happen, and urged the rest of the elven kingdoms to not respond, slowing the spread of corruption.

Small Folk, Big Stakes: Drienne - Falineau

In the isolated town of Drienne, a plot to stoke war between the halflings and dwarves is uncovered, thanks to the lessons learned in other provinces, a battle is mostly avoided, and deescalations occur.

Fighting for Truth: Bridier - Abralle Hureaux

The heroes of the faith stand and survivors of the Ronleau come together, realizing the vast scope of the corruption, they join forces to excise the corruption from Bridier, but at great cost.

By Hand Only: Nabrelle - Cor Tol

After travelling through the dense Quarien wetlands, the elven lord’s missive finally reaches the orcish matriarch, and the keepers of balance are mobilized, and a campaign to remove the corruption growing in the south of the orcish province.

Golden Ideals: Veynuudri - Surom Fahn

Revelation of Manipulation: Highport - Menevielle

Holy Life, As We Know It: Apprisol - Cor Tol

Same Notes, Different Tune: Lillevole - Falineau

The Fight for the Wetlands: Azirine - Cor Tol

Fallen to Deepest Depths: - Underdark

The Birth of the Faithful: The Cloud Tower - Abralle Hureaux

A Call Heard Across the Land: Vie - Cor Tol

The Fall of the Elves: Ezelle - Menevielle

The Crystal Eye, The Crystal Grove: Wilgrove // Dalroet - Cor Tol

Uncovered Mysteries: The City of Light

Regrets and Ancients: Morelle - Menevielle

Bringing the Dwarves Into the Fold: Cal Crechar - Areaudienne


A Call Answered: - Menevielle

Spiritual Alignment: - Falineau

Renewals: Nithiem Trucemark

A Bid For Hope: - Sole Deluan - Falineau

The Meeting of the Monarch: Equilem - Cor Tol

Trust and Faith: Araveaux - Abralle Hureaux

Tentative Steps: Sourte - Falineau

The Human Captial: Brightwall - Abralle Hureaux

Doorways: Woodgate - Falineau

The End of the Oracle: Disia - The Godlands

After the fall of the Savedic empire, their largest territory, Fellia, began to develop their society, and move on from the traumas of the empire. The Fellians were unaware of the true nature of the fall of the empire, and blind to the seed of unrest growing into their own systems of faith.

59 years passed before a second insidious plan began to flower in Fellia

The Amethyst Age of Ebinibad - 7366

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference. 

A Heroic Departure: The City of Gloomlit Spirit - 7366

An Unceremonious End: Djenna - 7369

The Saga of Giving and Greed - 7702

Kajeno 7702

Kajeno is one of many cities built in the cosmic sea. First seen in The Saga of Giving and Greed, a campaign that explored dynamics of disparity, greed, and responsibility. Four factions, represented by seven player groups.

At the story’s start, Kajeno was divided into rigid class structures, with an abundance of resources at the top, and few resources at the bottom. The city’s power was connected to a being known as the lost child, a demigod taken from an outer axis land called Ugeniye. This demigod would manifest hallucinations of ghostly children, attempting to enlist help to little success.

In the absence of of one of their demigods, the land of Ugeniye fell out of balance, and an Arch Devil of greed began to accumulate power, taking an illusory form it called the Shard King, and creating a group of violent raiders who would cause havoc across the cosmic sea. At the same time the Ugeniye happen to set their eyes on Kajeno for as their next target, the Gith of Colvillia set their eyes on the injustice at the heart of Kajeno, and sought to restore balance to the land of Ugeniye.

A group of Kajeno citizens(player characters) discovered rumours of an impending attack, knowing the rich would be protected in the inner core, and the poor would be caught in the violence, they made a move which set the campaign in motion. The mayor’s office, in the inner core, there is a distress signal that would reach the Misithian Extraplanar Force, a group of cosmic peacekeepers and fighters.

The Astral Galleon Gallant Entropy was deployed to Kajeno, but under the terms and conditions of the Mayor, Elsa Bradford. The Misithians hands were tied, and their ability to intervene on behalf of the people of Kajeno hampered, with the exception of one small loophole. As part of the agreement that allows the Misithian extraplanar force to be called, a chapter of an organisation called the Misithian chronicle was placed in Kajeno, whose staff recorded history, culture, and engaging lightly with politics.

Group leader Rhuminlor Davidax(player character) was assigned to protect the chronicle and the Misthian citizens, the only priority that outranked the mayoral mandate. One brave and complicated citizen, Petriko, became the loophole through which the fates of the entire population of Kajeno would be determined.

The Gith, led by Ethanis Ta Abna(player character) used the cover of the first raid to gather information about the city, it is there they made their first contact with a member of the Kajeno seven(player characters), and the stories began to weave together. The Kajeno Seven also had a relationship with Petriko, and through him the Kajeno people, Gith, and Misithians began to take steps towards collaboration.

During the raid Petriko took a ‘leisurely stroll’ which required M.E.F. escort, allowing a small group of Misithians to intervene on the Kajeno people’s behalf. On this escort, the few Misithians gave a small number of Ugeniye a run for their money, as two groups of player characters came to blows. The Ugeniye surrendered, and brought a parlay to their captain, Asta(player character). Amidst the end of the first raid, representatives from all factions came together to discuss de-escalations.

Many in Ugeniye found themselves displeased with the Shard King, but few knew his true identity. Asta was trusted by the Arch Devil, but she sought to unseat him, the Kajeno people sought to change their structure of governance, the Gith maintained their mission to free the Lost Child, and the Misithians wanted to reduce the cost of life amongst the chaos of change.

As the groups separated after the first raid, they maintained contact and worked together on their respective problems, gathering information and hatching plans to advance their positions. One of the Kajeno seven who belonged to a rich family staged a ball to begin to create pressure against the mayor to fully deploy the MEF against the Ugeniye, while also formally introducing the Gith into the city as envoys from their moon, and normalising their presence as additional protectors.

The plan was to select a few wealthy individuals with resources outside of the inner core that were under threat from the raiders to create anxiety and a sense of fear that they were not experiencing in the inner core. The Kajeno seven would then plant bombs in those locations before the next raid in hopes of undermining the mayor’s position and forcing her hand. The Misithians would then be deployed to deal with the Ugeniye and take out the Shard King, leaving the Kajeno people, assisted by the Gith free to attempt to breach the inner core, overthrow the mayor, and release the lost child.

The Kajeno seven primed the common people for revolution while the MEF used a loophole after uncovering the nature of the Shard King to investigate Ugeniye. Consumed by mists outside of the shards, the land of Ugeniye was almost completely gone under the influence of a being dubbed ‘the angsty teen’, the lost child’s opposite

All plans coalesced before the second raid. Bombs were delivered, raiders were launched, bloody vengeance may have been exacted between the Kajeno and Ugeniye players(one pc was killed on each side). The Gith breached the heart of the inner core with both Ugeniye raiders and some of the Kajeno seven to release the lost child, while the Misithians used their immense power to pacify the raiders as best they could. The Shard King, recognizing what they were, left immediately, retreating back to Ugeniye.

The burden of the Misithians is idealism, holding the most power in the circumstances, but having their actions restricted the most. The chaos of the revolution led to many deaths in the inner core, the people of Kajeno were filled with pain and rage, and needed a target. With the Ugeniye now held captive in Kajeno by the Misithians, the people of Kajeno wanted blood,  and the Misithians had to put themselves between the Kajeno and Ugeniye to avoid bloodshed, this would cause the Kajeno common people to turn bitter towards the Misithians.

The Shard King was chased into his vault while the angsty teen was hunted in the reaches of Ugeniye, each were destroyed but the explosive death of the angsty teen created a new fiery demigod who would be a positive influence on the chaotic raiders. The lost child was returned to Ugeniye, and balance restored to all factions.

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference. 

The End of The Godlands -7712

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference. 

Horrors Beyond Imagination -7712

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference. 

Horrors Beyond Imagination Pt 2- 7721

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference. 

The Saga of Dreams and Dusk - 7732

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference. 

The Dragonlord - 9654

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference. 

A Land Awakening - 9706


A small town outside of Sebead was put to the sword by Faruudic remnants in an attempt to goad the Ijinian knights.

A failed ambush fell upon a group of Ijinian knights, which pulled them back to Sebead.

The Ijinian knights decided to escalate their oppression of civilian populations, using these attacks as justification for their increased measures. Their goal was to forcibly root out Faruudic remnants, making little differentiation between reformed citizens and actual imperial remnants.

The Councillor's Assassination and the Abyssal Orb

After the Ijinian knights failed to find the Faruudic remnants, the remnants continued to attempt to undermine the Ebinic factions.

An agent was sent to Kan Madi to assassinate a councilor of the old unity. The assassination was successful, which caused a small power vacuum in the faction, open to be taken advantage of.

Magical modifications to an abyssal artefect were made this same night, though this artefact could not be traced.

The Banquet of Unity

A banquet hosted by the Prophets of the Song was held in Sebead, as a new councilor came into power in the Old Unity, but there was a betrayal at the dinner. The Ijinian knights seized power and the Old Unity was split in two. The Ihnbanadiim(leader of the old unity) fled north to the Kehmuts while the newest councilor falsely took the position under the Ijinian knights.

Amongst the chaos the prophets rooted their influence in the minds of the newly appointed leaders in Sebead.

Mendiim's Fall

Around the time of the Banquet of Unity, the Faruudic remnant forces attacked Mendiim under the influence of an unknown artefact. Once the city was taken, they began to slaughter the innocent, filling the streets with blood.

The Ijinian Mobilization

With the Faruudic remnant finally making their presence known, the Ijinian forces fully mobilized from the far east, leaving their territories undefended.

The Rising Blood Tide

In the central south Ebins, the abyssal incursion began to grow under the shadows of the turmoil.

The Fall of Jan Gajin

The Faruudic force that attacked Mendiim was less than half of the remnant in Ebinibad. The rest of the army moved on the Ijinian city of Jan Gajin and took it, holding it captive as a political game piece.

The last ancient dragon, a devout worshipper of pain led the attack.

The Prophet's Lure

As the prophet's power grew root in Ebinibad, they began to lure citizens into the underdark, as hundreds of silent, dazed pilgrimages began with Djena as their destination.

The prophet's influence amongst power holding figures was growing. Their influence even stirred tensions in Byadi, sending a once lost prince into action.

The Kehmuti Rise

With the growing influence of the prophets in Sebead and Byadi, the Ihnbanadiim, and the Faruudic ex prince of Ebinibad both found themselves with small parties deep in Kehmut territory, asking for aid.

The Kehumuts cautiously joined the fold to fight the influence of the prophets.

Mendiim's Reclaimation

Mendiim was reclaimed quietly, as adventurers and Kehmuts entered the city through underground pathways previously used to provide safe passage to Ebinic dragonborn.

They found the city overrun with demons of slaughter and charmed Faruudic warriors. The abyssal artefact was found and reclaimed, and the city mostly saved, just moments before the Ijinian Knights arrived in their full force.

The kehmuts who had been coming to blows with the Ijinian knights already, fled through the tunnels before they were scene in Ijinian claimed territory.

The Reclaimation of Jan Gajin

The power of the Dragon who claimed Jan Gajin attracted the interest of a powerful demon, and with the Ijinian force on the other side of the country, the demon was the only being strong enough to stop the dragon.

The dragon and demon were pitted against each other, and the Ebinic pact, with key help of some adventurers, and two powerful wizards, killed both, and reclaimed the city for the Ijinians.

The Uprooting of Sebead's Prophet

The Faruudic prince had made his way to Sebead with a group of adventurers to try to speak to the Ijinian Knights on behald of his people. He and a group of adventurers found the prophet controlling the Ijinian Knights.

Gathering adventurers who had come to this land, the prince confronted the knights, and killed the prophet, freeing the knights from their control, and gaining the knight's trust.

The Coalescence at Anaknara

The leader of the Ijinian knights had stayed in the middle of the country, hunting Faruuds, remnant or otherwise. Adventurers from across the land found the hidden city of Anaknara, and bringing the evidence of the commander's failures to protect the country, unseated the commander before he found and attacked the city.

The Ebinic Rebellion

After 150 years of rebellion, and 1300 years of occupation, Ebinibad was freed from the empire of Faruudahl. A draconic empire who worships the two ascended dragons, Ohmun and Rodax. These gods of forgiveness and pain left their mark on the people of the Ebins, scarring their cities, lands, cultures, and spirits.

The land is filled with the bones and scales of dead dragons, and people pushed to the limits of pain and grief, trying desperately to find themselves.

The Lost Prince - 9823

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference. 

The Fall of Aridian 9824

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference. 

Undeath and Prophecies // A Beacon in Peril 9828

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference. 

Consuming Darkness - 9828

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.