GEM 20 logs

All logs recorded by players as they experienced the horrors of the campaign.

Roux writes logs in a fine notebook before transferring them to whatever appropriate medium

**Commander Rhuminlor Davidax, LSR000022 0/0/0**

*This place unnerves me; though, I loathe to show it. It’s bloodlet, starless sky leaves me cold. It makes me feel lost, guide-less; as if the watchful eyes of Saeri and my mother can’t find me in Aktios.

And yet, our first engagement here was efficient, uncomplicated. The worst, though, is surely yet to come. The corruptive hand of Destruction runs deep within these lands.

I do fear that many of my company do not fully comprehend the risk they have put themselves in; that they do not see the vastness of the task ahead…the confidence of youth I suppose. I trust they will come around in the end, gods let it be soon on this perilous path before us.

Though our combat engagement was a success; our search for survivors was not. After a full day, we found only a recently deceased acolyte of Hope; they took their own life mere hours before we arrived. A burial was all we could offer - a show of respect to this land and it’s peoples.

Were they right? Is Hope lost for Aktios? If anyone can prove them wrong it is us.

I have to believe there are more Aktians to find, more to save; that as Hope fails this land the M.E.F. can rise it anew.*

Ven usually does voice logs when she can have privacy. This one was typed in

**Lieutenant Vensus Erbauer, VEN017571 0/0/0**

*Day one down. And hit the ground running by being one of the first MEF to go up against a divine emissary on Aktian soil. My team took it down before I could even get a shot off, though we did get hit harder than I would like, it wasn't anything that we couldn't fix. Promising, but I can't count on that luck holding out. We also were with the group that found survivors. Eight. Eight out of a town of at least hundreds. Surviving on a hidden blessed grove.

I understand intellectually why we have made the choices and timing that we've had. I hate the cost. We were fractions of a second from having more survivors when we touched down.

What I want is another galleon. We are the best of the best, despite some appearances, but only 10,000 people on the ground two years late feels like an insult when I look at these survivors.

But if I focus on that, well, morale is going to be impossible to keep up as is. We have what we have. Look at the resources, look at the problem, and work the problem. And have trust. In myself, my team, leadership.

My team. First impressions. Having these memories recorded somewhere is important. So here we go.

How the hell is John Anderson not in leadership. Other than his weird ability to blend into a crowd back at home. He's the one that put an emissary down and made sure it stayed down. And he is a natural second for any leader.

Artemis, well, my first impressions of her are old and already documented in the Kajeno logs. She has flourished with the academy and the MEF. I'm going to keep a bit of an eye on her, I think her impulsive ways are still there but she has been taking this seriously. Also having a dragon on our side is always a relief.

Zen, another one I already had an opinion of. I'm glad I'm not one to need my ass kissed because he won't even greet you if he doesn't want to. Hell of a fighter. He is going to get on my nerves. He has experience and skill, i just hope what comes across to me as arrogance is more of me being not the best with people. I wish I could read people like Roux does whenever I try to talk with Zen.

Fadrin. Also already have worked with him. Not in combat but in creating some items. He has a good head on his shoulders. I'm worried that he isn't one to compartmentalize emotions. It's only going to get worse from here and we can't afford split focus from our wizard.

Ko' is kind from what I've seen. Smart. Seems to keep his head in a fight. He stepped up when I was working to get the trust of the survivors. Might be someone who can fill in my shortcomings with reading people.

Oliver. Our rookie. Our **21** year old Rookie. who has a 21 in his tag. Gods save us. He's earnest. Also kind. Fast in a fight and his ability to fly is going to be key in our searches I'm sure. I don't think he comprehends what he has jumped into. He knows all of the words for it and has seen all of the videos and is old enough to make his own decisions. I don't know if he has the experience to know in his gut what those decisions might mean.

But do any of us ever really know that. I want us to beat the odds. I know the numbers, the probabilities. I know I'm going to lose people I like, I care about, but there's that part of me that thinks there's somewhere in those probabilities where we don't lose. I know how foolish that is. And the numbers have been ran and analyzed and ran by people smarter than me. And that is not a bar very many people reach. Any hope like that, of walking through the raindrops and staying dry is foolish and leads to heartbreak.

But I always knew Aktios was going to break my heart. So what's one more crack in there I guess. If it keeps me moving. Tomorrow we keep doing more of the same. I'm going to rest before I get too far into my own thoughts.*

John typically does written logs

**Sergeant John Anderson, NPC123456 0/0/0**

*Day one I worry that the members of the squad are not giving this the weight it deserves, besides Lieutenant Ven of course. And Zen, never thought I'd be glad to be in a squad with Zen again, but he understands what I do. This mission will take a lot from all of us, and many of our squad members have too much to give. Oliver the young lad, bless his heart, should not be on this mission in my opinion. I understand that he has the training and can make his own decisions but he does not understand. If there is ever a rotation in Aktios I will request Oliver be on it, he has too much future to live to lose it all here.*

*This is one of the missions that people like myself and Zen are for. We have nothing to lose, experienced so much that living normally doesnt feel right anymore. When I'm here in Aktios it feels like where I should be. I don't truly have anyone to go back to so I might as well give my life fighting for those who do. When we landed I felt like I was stepping back into old boots that fit just right.*

*I still think about that woman who was cut down seconds before we arrived.*

*-Staff Sergeant Zen Tekagi*

**To my love. Ellen*,

"It’s another day another war. This time it’s demons in Aktios. I tried my best to get myself killed again to no avail. Seems my team is somewhat capable. There are some reliable vet’s with me actually. Sergeant Anderson is a salty vet and seams pretty squared away as well. Won’t hold that against him though. He came through in the fight and that’s what matters. We got two boots with us that concern me. They just aren’t used to war and it’s hell like environment. They haven’t gotten me killed yet though.

Captain doesn’t seem so bad. Not the usual kinda prick. At least the captain is calm under pressure and is trying to lead. Still, If the Cap is smart she knows why we are here as much as I do. God dam Lt. General needs his command to get their combat stripes for him to make general. He’d jump the entire regiment in to the planes of hell to die if it meant him getting his promotion. If it wasn’t for the fact the Aktion’s are actually good people in need I would have told my Battalion commander to suck my green balls and gone surfing instead.

I don’t understand why they haven’t kicked me out yet, considering “suck my green balls” doesn’t ever fly well when I say it to these boot ass officers ( 32 times so far). 48 page 11’s, 20 NJP’s (non Judicial Punishments) and getting busted down 3 times and still these fuckers keep me around. A couple of more years and I can retire though. Then maybe we can get that house on the beach you always wanted. If things change between us of course. I respect your decision. All my love. I miss you".

**Fadrin Urias (UFU345821) 0/0/0**

To my son Arthur,

Yesterday was your birthday, today I once again fight for the betterment of people as I have for 10 years now. People around here do not understand the importance of empathy, we are not like everyone, your love for those around you is a very important. Do not lose that as you grow, be the friend to those who don't have any. I may not be with you forever but I hope you look at these writings for the rest of your long life. Grow your love for people as you yourself grow. I may not be around for much longer, my people don't live long lives like your mother. I'm proud of you Arthur.

To my Love Telia,

This mission is a dangrous one, more dangrous than any I have been on. I have decided that if I survive this mission it will be my last. I will live the rest of my days with you and Arthur. If I do not survive, do not morn me love. I have live a love filled life, and helped more people than I ever thought possible. But try to keep Arthur from the MEF, he can help the world in other ways, he will be an amazing person. My only hope is to be alive to see it. Every day away from you takes too long, it feels like its been years yet its only been a day. Remember I will always love you, I will always be with you.

**Oliver Corax CRX804621 0/0/0**

I've read a million of these logs before and now that it's time to write my own I'm not really sure what to say. The very first fight of my very first mission we faced down a divine emissary of destruction and won. Or rather, John Anderson won for us. That man really knows his way around a blaster; some of our team didn’t even get an opportunity to strike! I want to feel encouraged by this but I know one emissary doesn't fix the problem. I know we have countless more devils and emissaries to face before we're done. And... I know we might not even see the end of this.

But that does not make the work not worth it. We were seconds too late for an Aktian woman facing down the emissary before us. We were a year too late for all of the people on the battlefield we found while looking for survivors. But we were only incredibly tardy for the 8 survivors we found. And each of those 8 lives is profound and matters. They're the reason we're here and I think that's where I'll put my focus.

Earlier Zen and Lieutenant Ven told me and Fadrin that we needed to compartmentalize our feelings. (As a side note, I understand compartmentalization is not something that can be taught at the Academy but gods it would be nice if it could be.) But the issue I was having wasn't that I was feeling too much, it was that it was all jumbled. I think finding this focus will help me move forward and help my team know they can trust me. (Is this the sort of thing I should put in these logs? I'm not sure. Maybe someday it'll help someone else on their first mission?)

I haven't gotten to spend really any off time with my team because there hasn't really been any off time. But I trust in my abilities and hopefully soon they will too. And speaking of hope, I hope Rainne and his team are doing well and I hope at least one of us can make it home to our parents. I do feel bad for us both leaving, but there is grass still growing in Aktios. I know we are not here in vain

Audio log

Charles Cheimon CCW356824 0/0/0

Hoo boy am I out of practice. Can't believe it has only been 21 years since my last mission. Took one heck of a beating out there, but I'm still standing. Little worried at the repetition of the number 21 I'm having. At least I'm not 321 yet, unlike quite a few of the young sprouts they let join this mission. Hopefully we'll be in a good position for me to make my cake.

I think I'm just rambling at this point. So I'll end this with my team is good, we've defeated a few handful of demons, and I'm happy to see another day in this beautiful Aktios countryside. Here's hoping we find more survivors.

Professor A'Buh'bah Don, ELE611420 0/0/0

How do you start these reports? I've had this recorder for five years now and all I've used it for is to help write my lectures.

Yes of course, one day down. I'm trying not to think about how many I have remaining. I'm trying to focus on the present. Today was good. Well, mostly good. We survived. Everyone did but in particular our squad of three. I don't know how we ended up in such a small squad. I guess since this is voluntary we don't have a nice round number of agents to deploy.

The old cook Charles took a nasty beating but gave it right back to the devil and the kid is a force to be reckoned with. A devil hit Chuck with a disintegrate and before either of us could react Imric turned 3 devils to ash. They seem to be able to take care of themselves and I don't think they know who I am or why I joined the mission. I might have made a mistake though. I was chatting with our comms officer and I spoke pretty openly about my previous life. I think my channel was open and the squad could hear. I hope the kid doesn't connect the dots or things could get awkward. I just want to make sure they do okay. I want that for all my students who chose to come here. This probably isn't proper reporting protocol but whatever.

Unfortunately we didn't come across any survivors nor any non devil combatants. Besides looking out for my students my goal is to practice what I preach and hopefully rescue a few lost souls and balance the scales in a sense. Hopefully tomorrow is a better day in that regard.

By the way, Aktios is beautiful even in its current state. I hope whatever happens to us we can put the land back on a path to healing.

Ko' the Bold, AKA013370 0/0/0

*I've seen many of war-torn battlefields in my time but Aktios is far beyond any of those before. There is pure evil in this land.

Amongst the many deaths we fortunately did find some survivors. They are interesting to say the least. I've never seen a soul so broken.

What's really going on here?*

**Sergeant John Anderson, NPC123456 0/0/9 Part 1**

*We met an Aktian named Lemenos who seemed very much mentally sound and in control of himself, vastly different from the first survivors we encountered. I saw my eyes in his, and his in mine, strange as he was an acolyte of Death and myself never really following a god. He seemed to read all of us just as well as Commander Rhuminlor does, and he also thought that Oliver wasn't ready and should be sent home. He also thought that Artemis and Zen should be sent home as well. I find myself agreeing to the first Artemis, though skilled and carrying that Gith stoicism she does not give this mission the weight it carries.*

*Zen should be here though. He is insubordinate yes, but at least he is here fighting for others rather than drinking his life away in some bar. With his dumb luck he'll probably survive this ordeal somehow.*

*Lemenos warned us of the incoming army which was including devils from the plane of War. Not only destruction hunts Aktios, makes it easier to understand how they lost this war so tremendously. Our tactics are proving effective for now, but we are walking the tightrope. The enemies numbers are great, far greater then our own and greater then what remains in Aktios to fight it seems. We can only bleed, stall and retreat so many times before our backs are against the wall. Hell we almost got overwhelmed at the first point of contact before Fadrin cleared us out, bless that man.*

With all my love- *Staff Sergeant Zen*Tekagi"

*Dear Ellen,*

“It’s been 9 days.since we landed. Lot’s of war here. We started off strong, but got pushed back at our last battle. We met some Aracokra here. A cleric of death. Oh my gods what a duschbag. Questioning the squad as to why we are here… Can you believe the nerve on this guy? The Aktions just got there asses handed to them on a silver platter, and this bird brain wants to question why we are here. I felt like telling him “tis this Kejeno? NO? Fuck sorry wrong war bye”. Said I should go home. His fellow Aktions are dying by the hundreds and thousands and he is telling a willing, experienced soldier here to save their ass that he should go home and how terrible things are going to happen to us because of me. ME!! IN FRONT OF OTHER SOLDIERS THAT ARE LESS EXPERIENCED THAN ME!!!! This guy took a course on leadership from the University of emo. I swear his feathers were dyed black. It’s no wonder they are losing, with over dramatic pessimistic gloom and doom guys like that giving orders. It takes more than fighting skills to win wars. Inspiration. Morale. Team work. All that bullshit. I felt the doubt he put into LT. Vensus. He got into the Lt’s head. That’s dangerous. Sometimes it’s not the tenacity of the enemy, but the ignorance of the ally that dooms an army. And I’m supposed to trust him because a pet likes to cuddle with him? Like I haven’t seen Demon shape changing infiltrators replace squad leaders at the war of Galios and lead troops right to their deaths? Idiot…Anyway. I didn’t say anything. They are all the same everywhere I go. Well intentioned but fucking ungrateful. He doesn’t realize his war means more to him than it ever will to me and it doesn’t need to be any different. His home is getting over run by devils. For him it’s a tragic fight for survival. For me it’s my 152 war and they are all horrible and I have my way of dealing with it and It doesn’t need his approval. If I carried that kinda weight and depth with me into every war I’ve ever been in I would have hanged myself years ago. I was supposed to “trust him” to show him this and that?…Please… But if he would have killed half the squad because they let him get behind them then guess who’s fault it would have been? Mine. For letting my guard down. The arrogance. Man he pissed me off. I took it out on those gods dam devils. We fought together as a squad again. The kids are doing real good now. Artemis can relax a bit but get on the job when it needs to happen. I have a drinking buddy now. Oliver came through strong and fast. They might even be faster than me. Fadrin reached in and showed some real power today. Sarge Anderson can shoot the wings off a mosquito from a mile away. I hope this stupid wannabe Kenku doesn’t get too deep into their heads. They need to be focused, believing in their peers that have already proven themselves, and trust in tactical protocol no matter how comfy someone makes you feel all in your cute little guts while also getting more comfortable with being uncomfortable in this hell hole. Well, I’m done venting to you my love. Maybe one day I will have the courage to send you these letters. The chain of command keeps demanding I write a log of the days events. I rather write to you, to hell with them. I’ve given them enough of my soul.

**Sergeant John Anderson, NPC123456 0/0/9 Part 2**

*The fight proceeded as planned but we lost one, a halfling in the retreat, didn't know them but some of us were forced to turn and confront a contigent of stronger devils to give the unit space to retreat. Lt. Clover went down in the fight but was recovered, fighting could've been worse but the medics did their jobs well. Some of the less experienced agents got their wakeup call, I'm saddened they have to have it, but it's good they got it early. They'll stay alive longer for it. Lt. Vensus got rocked in that battle but kept her head, and held us through it. It helped that Commander Rhuminlor had been there.*

*Gotta bring up and talk about haste uptime with the newer agents, they seemed pretty rattled when they lost it during that battle*

*I still think about the woman who was cut down seconds before we arrived.*

Audio log

Charles Cheimon CCW356824 0/0/9

We almost lost a lot of us to a clinch. Had me terrified for these kids. I'll have to keep a closer eye on that Clover kid. He goes down more often than a cheap stri... than a yoyo. I was too slow the first time, he needs to not be so accepting of death with emissaries on the battle field. Luckily Rhou was there to keep things running smoothly, and stop the clinch from forming. Extremely impressive bit of magic there.

I got to meet a kind priestess who gave me a cute flute. I'll have to practice more so I don't embarrasse myself playing it. I pray that my food is spreading the hope and joy I intend it to. Have to remember to get rhou more food.

**Commander Rhuminlor Davidax, LSR000022 0/0/9, Personal Log**

*Am I obsolete? A relic of a bygone era? Why am I on this mission? I reckon with these questions each day since our deployment in Aktios.

The youth of our organization continues to amaze in our engagements. Skill & arcana that took me hundreds of years to learn and master, matched and surpassed by agents mere years out of the academy. I have sometimes worried, vainly, what the future of the M.E.F. looks like when I am gone; I now know with certainty that future is far brighter beyond me.

It is both heartening and heart breaking to see this exponential development of our organization; I feel such immense pride watching the competence, bravery, and grace with which our next generation has dealt with such immense threats.

I hope they only see my pride and not the dread I mask; for the sobering reality is that many of them will not return home; many of them will die here in the beautiful Atkian landscape.

Those who do return to Misthia? They will be stronger for it; they are our brighter future.

Why did I come here? I find my answer in them. Our priority is to protect the Atkians but beyond that I must do everything in my power to protect as much of that brighter future as possible.

Our forces prove themselves at every hurdle. Only time will tell if they are up to the task emotionally. Irrecoverable death; a clinch, as experiences and losses continue to mount so does the burden; how they carry it will define our mission.

Finding survivors has helped. It gifts the crew a face to their virtuous path. It’s never easy to watch fellow agents fall but it’s easier when the results are tangible; a living reminder to the import of this sacrifice.*

Audio Log of Seraphine SHE198518

*We fought some devils today, it looked dicey for a minute there, but we sent them packing in the end. My best move of the day was taking some flying thing out of the sky. It had thought to blow fire at us, but I vaulted up and met it before it could get anywhere close to hurting my colleagues on the ground. When I’m home next I think I’ll commission a painting.*

*Clover did his fair share in the fighting today, I think he took out three or four devils on his own and he and I had a grand old time facing down an emissary, reinforcing each other's resolve in the face of such danger, but John Anderson took it out in the end. What is there to say about John? He’s charming, dashing, and terribly handy with that antimatter rifle of his… I wonder if he has a sweetheart or partner back home - I haven’t heard anything from anyone here.*

*We did take a few bad losses and some of the newer soldiers seemed rattled by the day’s events, but I know they’ll get their footing eventually. I’ve tried to keep everyone’s spirits up, but everyone else is so dour all the time, so I'm not sure it's much use. Clover went down and was recovered, so I wouldn’t blame him if he was a bit shaky, but Roux is even more grave and serious than usual and Ven seemed almost disturbed. I'll try and check in with her when I can. John Anderson seems to be taking everything in stride.*

*I’ll record more if anything interesting happens.*

*Seraphine out.*

**Rainne Corax, CRX204387, 0/0/9, Personal Log**

*Well that was a punch to the gut on how fast a fight can turn. We’re lucky it wasn’t a knife to the gut.

That- we almost died in a clinch. A destruction powered clinch. We are so lucky Rhuminlor turned that or I have no idea what that would’ve done to us. I know what a clinch is, we’re taught about it, especially front liners. I should’ve dropped that fucking aura. But a clinch from destruction??? I don’t want anyone to go like that.

I saw the magic start to connect and about to rise and I saw Oliver’s eyes for just a flash of a second and we were both about to die there.

I can face death on my own. I walked into this knowing that. I’m probably not going to see home again. But **Oliver**. I know he has every right to be here and make this choice to and I get that staying home with me and his friends here would’ve been something he would have to deal with his whole life. But he would’ve __had__ one. And what’s going to kill me, what’s going to completely throw me off and destroy me, is that. I know that now. And I don’t know whether to be pissed and break something or find somewhere to cry. And I don’t have time or get to do either. I have sacrificed getting to mourn my friends and my brother. And them getting to mourn me.

I am so sad and so angry at the same time and it’s only been a week. I need to get it together. I want to go yell at Oliver but that will do jack shit.

I am going to talk with him. I will keep up as best I can the friendly part of me especially in front of the aktians (two years of this and they don’t even have a home like Misithia that still exists) but I think I’m starting to understand everything that is sacrificed until you’ve been in something like this.*

**Lieutenant Vensus Erbauer, VEN17571 0/0/9**

Voice Log

*I can't sleep or trance or whatever. Or i should've started a while ago. I'll be fine and get it done. But there's a mix of people who have either crashed hard after that battle or like me can't seem to sit still. So I'm walking while giving this log.

We won. Whoooo. I'm used to wins not feeling like complete wins. This's just the beginning. It's going to get worse. And I already have to rebuild Pumpkin, assuming I can find most of him. First big battle. And my construct is smashed to pieces. Cosros...he helped me make him. I hope some of the stuff he did is still intact. I should be able to rebuild him, even from scratch. But it's going to take time and attention. And luck.

I think Oliver had his rude awakening. I had pulled back and left him to work under Roux, sounds like he's lucky he didn't get caught in a clinch. Not to mention the deaths we saw. I hope he keeps his head. I'll need to keep an eye on him.

The veterans all seem okay. Zen concerns me. He is an amazing fighter...he's still bad at listening. If he thinks my orders aren't worth following or if he can't see the reason i don't know if he'll listen. Like earlier with Lemenos. Kept stalking the man like he was going to stab us in the back. I get the paranoia but anyone who isn't destruction understands what's at risk here and wouldn't kill off help. He just made us look undisiplined. I don't know how to fix that. His head is harder than any armor around honestly.

As for me...I fucked up. At least two or three times. I fucked up the priorities and we are just fucking lucky there wasn't more deaths as a result. Luck isn't going to cut it. I need to be better. I think only Roux noticed that I was starting to panic. Need to keep that under control. I'm not green. I know better. I am better.

I need to sleep. Or at least trance. And i want to get back to the Entropy soon. Log complete*

With all my love- Staff Sergeant Zen Takagi.

To my love.

Somethings different. I don’t know where I’m going with this. And I never thought I’d say this but… I think I’m done.

I was thinking back about our times together. Your laughter. Trying to out swim me and hold your breath longer than me. You almost drowned yourself oh my god! And how that laughter slowly faded away into a smile, then into a hello, then into a frown. Every time I came back from down range you would change ever so subtly. And I would not. I wouldn’t change. I was perfectly in my cycle. Spend time with you, go to war, come back, spend time with you, rinse and repeat. I never considered how that would affect you. You were right. I did belong out here. This is what I am, and this is what I know. Being a solder, Being MEF. But now…

The MEF has changed my love. We used to be a family. Nothing mattered more than the person next to you. That person was your brother, your sister. Now, no one has each others backs anymore. All that nonsense you see back in garrison, it’s spread here on to the field. Officers more worried about their rep and their ego than their leadership skills. Today an officer told me they prioritized these Aktions over his own soldiers. I couldn’t believe he said that. It was the most heartbreaking thing I ever heard come out of a soldiers mouth. No more Brotherhood. That’s out. That’s the old MEF for us old fools I guess. I’m supposed to follow this person into combat? A person that would let me die and choose his own selfish perspective? I’m using big words I know. Don’t laugh. I can hear you laughing from here at me.

That’s the difference at the end of the day. I now know that if we get into it, he would let me die out there just so he wouldn’t have to deal with me making him look bad.

I remember the time me and Captain Astion got to swinging blows at each other drunk over some hot Gith girl at the O-club, I won that one and took the prize at the end of the night. We didn’t speak for a month but he never reported me and a month later he dragged me out of the Erelion battle field and recovered my death. Afterwards I asked him why he did it, and wasn’t he mad at me for punching him in the face, a superior officer. He said “depends, how was it?” Took me a second to remember the Gith girl. I smiled. We laughed and chatted for hours and stayed in touch until a few days ago. He died here on this planet. Not recoverable….

We are losing soldiers while these turds celebrate nothingness. Not one mention of Captain Astion. Not one moment of remembrance. Not one recognition of the soldiers that passed. Everyone here is just worried about their own skin , or these Aktions than the rest of us. He still doesn’t get it. few of them do. We are all brothers now. At least we’re supposed to be. It’s not the same anymore. The MEF is dying. No one sees it. But it’s happening. Too long on top perhaps? Too close to the sun?

I’ve decided. This is my last deployment. I’m not expecting you to drop everything. I know you said you loved him because he’s stable and he’s there and I never am. But, maybe let’s just talk. That’s all. Just sit there and talk with me. No strings attached. I just want to hear your voice. Maybe see if I can still make you laugh. Think about it my love. I know I’m replaceable. I’m just an old, beat up soldier. But you’re not. You”re the light of my life. And if I make it out of here, I would like to feel a little of the light on my skin before my time comes.

**Imric Veneticci, ISO3443771 0/0/9, Personal Log**

**Audio file damaged, transcript available:**

*I am supposed to be perfect. That's my purpose here. Pure perfection. Young, bright, driven. Powerful. Perfect. It isn't expected of me from anyone save myself.*

*I'm just a child in a coat much too large for my shaking hands. Rainne and Oliver got caught in that thing. Clinch, I know it's a clinch, I've studied them relentlessly. Did a project on them actually. But seeing one up close, consuming everything in its path, it was something... It was something awful.*

*I'm glad Captain Roux was there to put it to an end. I'm glad we're still here. I can't think straight right now. Maybe Zen Takagi has a point about survival meaning I'm good at this.*

*But good isn't perfect.*

*I need to be perfect.*

*I'm so tired already. I'm gonna go talk to them I think.*

*Oh, right, log complete.*

**Yael Dallaire (YDL368684), Log 1: 0/0/10**

There is evidence to suggest that combinations of arcane energy, layered over one another, may be disturbed in two discrete manners: one, by interfering with further magic, or two, by non-magical physical intervention (Harkness, 6357). More current research (Alfakir, 7080; Adesina, 7687) has explored the intersection of these options; essentially, splitting the difference between the convenience of magic and the security of mundanity.

On the current mission, the effects of so-called "magical clinches" have been observed when complex magic is layered within enclosed quarters (Captain and Troop Logs, GAL20). This suggests that there is a necessary saturation point (e.g., hypothetically, 47 SSL of magic in 100 cubic feet). This saturation point is at times unavoidable; the nature of the enemy is such that, even should the MEF use no spells, enemy casters will intentionally create and manipulate the necessary prerequisites to initiate a clinch. Additionally, there is very little reason for the MEF to use no magic purely for the purposes of avoiding a clinch; the disadvantage far outweighs the risk of contributing to a clinch.

This current proposal, drawing from the in situ observations of magical clinches, seeks to answer two questions: 1) by what mechanism(s) is a clinch disturbed once initiated? And 2) is it possible to prepare a battle terrain in such a way that an enclosed space becomes expanded (by physical, magical, or both), thus removing the possibility of reaching a saturation point?

This proposal is submitted to the committee for review.



Adesina, I. (7687). *Grey Holes: manipulating anti-matter from real-world matter.* Journal of Graviturgical Research, 64 (3), 57-69.

Alfakir, E. (7080). *Fundamentals of true transfiguration*. (3rd Ed.) pg. 109-121.

Harkness, K (6357). *What do I do with the mess I've made?: untangling magical knots for the advancing arcanist*. Misithia Collegiate Press.

Audio log

Charles Cheimon CCW356824 0/0/11

I'm not certain I'm cut out for active duty. I had to stand by and watch as worshipers of slaughter performed a rite on bound devils and Tieflings. I can't believe there was no better way than inaction. There must be something we could have done for those willing to surrender.

I do feel bad for Rhue. He caught a bit of heat from me as the man in charge. But there was no good solution in the situation. I can understand why Zen can be so cranky sometimes.

I saw young Davies face in place of one of the Tieflings though. The poor lad was just 21 when the slaughter mission happened, like so many here. That video is haunting me right now. I understand why they show those, what better motivation to gain strength than to stop those atrocities. But we didn't stop the atrocity here. Where we have full control of the situation. How can we, the bright and shining MEF, stand by so often. I know the rules are there for a reason, but we must have moral standards to support the rules or we become little better than those we aim to stop. I am no follower of the General for a reason.

I'm glad I was close enough to hear my two party members finally let the cat out of the bag. I'm surprised Bubba kept it a secret this long. Hopefully they will be able to grow from the bad situation that they originally met each other in. Here's also hoping that they get the chance to.

To the gods willing to listen I implore you. Please let us enlist your emissaries in this fight against destruction. If there is anything I can do to gain the aid of those interested in the happiness and well being of those on Aktios let me know. *Queitly* please

Log written hastily over a glass of wine in my space tent.

**Commander Rhuminlor Davidax, LSR000022 0/0/9, Personal Log**

*Two irrecoverables and I offer nothing but platitudes as blank eyes stare back at me…Have I lost touch this much?

The crew seems to feel so deeply - I did too once.

I see their pain so easily, yet with each passing day, my insight outweighs my empathy.

I want to be what they need me to be, but I’m not sure I am anymore. I have to be better..

Gern, Maris, I am sorry we failed you; sorry that you are lost to this place. I can only hope we honour your memory by finishing what you started - that your sacrifice will not be in vain.”

Professor A'Buh'bah Don, ELE611420 0/0/10, Personal Audio Log

They say you can't outrun your past, but I didn't expect it to catch up to me and take me out at the fuckin' kneecaps. /deep sigh/

I need to maintain my composure. I can't lose myself in the combat. I almost did today. That almost electric feeling across my skin really brought me back to the drug fueled debauchery of my raiding days. I didn't even recognize it was the first warning sign of a clinch.

And then Imric. He figured it out. I don't know why I was shocked. He's a smart kid and there's not too many folks like me out here. I hope I didn't fuck up the conversation too badly. He didn't try to murder me and so far I haven't gotten word of any transfers out of our squad, so I guess it went okay. He made me swear to kill him if things get bad with an emissary. I knew I had to say yes, but gods hoping I can do it if the moment comes.

I'm too exhausted to share my thoughts about the literal bloodbath, but watching those surrendered tieflings... That could have been me.

Signing off.

**Kalin Dunne (MAT749863)

Audio Log 1 0/0/10**

Today I’ve stared Death in the face and survived, but many folks weren’t so lucky. They won’t get to return home to the people they love ‘n see their skin wrinkle from smiles and tears of joy. By the end of our mission, there’ll be more bodies than we’ve room for here ‘n camp, ‘n we’re packed in like sardines now that we’ve opened our camp up to the 700 plus Actian survivors we discovered shortly ‘fore fighting the devils. All we’ve got room for is collectin’ the tags and patches we’ve cut from the undersuits of the departed to give to the families. We’ll carry the knowledge of these folks’ deaths and be the only ones who’ll grieve ‘em for weeks ‘til we return home.

Our team had one irrecoverable death during the fight today; happened to be Cole, a kind aged halflin’ who I had a few pleasurable chats about our families. Thinkin’ ‘bout how he won’t get to see his children ‘gain really hit me hard. Puts things ‘n perspective for sure. I sure don’t want the last time I saw Jezebel and sweet little Saoirse t’ be my last; I won’t let it, that’s for damn sure. I’ll be a stubborn mule like I remember Pa being like when Keiran and I were sproutin’ up.

I got to talkin’ with our group’s leader, Clover, and he had some words of wisdom to share ‘bout the losses of these folks. He said it helps if we focus on our kin we left behind rather than thinkin’ too hard on losing our comrades. We fight to keep the same thin’ that’s happenin’ here in Actios from happenin’ back home to our family. Very wise words from ‘em. He’s got the makin’ of a great leader, and I’m glad he’s ours. Also met a few other correspondents in other groups; Seraphine seems to be simple on the outside, but I think I saw somethin’ deep ‘n her when she said she came here to look cool. Ven, ‘nother leader, was mad at Clover for bein’ risky in our battle today; she care’s much for ‘em. Good to see the group leaders have formed strong bonds; I hope to do the same with other folks ‘n my group.

Heard music for the first time since leavin’ home. It was mesmerizin’ to see so many folk gather to sing a song that should be joyful with such a heavy weight of grief, it pulled me right in. I met a scruffed up, charismatic Actian man durin’ this, 'n he left me with words I’m still wrappin’ my mind ‘round. We M.E.F have come to share the burdens of these folks, ‘n their losses and victories, bathed ‘n devil blood or not. But there's somethin' wild 'bout the Actians' victory celebrations. They bathed 'n the blood of tieflin' prisoners; that coulda been me if I weren't M.E.F. Gave me chills even seein' some of the folks 'n other groups join 'em. I couldn't keep lookin'.

Last bit ‘fore I must clock out for the night. I miss the stars back home. The night sky is tainted red with blood ‘nd destruction ‘nd blocks out the moon ‘nd stars. I’ll write a song o’ sorts ‘bout ‘em to sing for my group; I slipped that I used to play ‘n everyone asked me to sing for ‘em sometime. I’ll do it if I can get me hands on a lute or anythin’ with strings that can carry a tune.

To Saorise, Da loves ya! There ain’t a day I go without thinkin’ bout you, Darlin. Be a good girl for Ma ‘n don’t worry her too much! To Jezebel, I’m sorry for worryin’ you when I signed up for the M.E.F. You were right to be worried, but I promised to come home to you ‘nd our girl. I ‘tend on keepin’ that promise too, whatever it takes. I love ya.

Over 'n out.

Sindri (COG-556401)

Sketch Log 0/0/09

Amidst several sketches of blueprints for weapon modifications and machinery there lies a large landscape sketch of the Rondahk Ruins stretching into the red skies. In the margin, “We had our first real causality today. A young Halfling. Can’t place the name but I can remember when he went on his first mission. He liked to throw things so I modded his daggers to come back to him. A couple of the others seem tense. Can’t tell if it's from the deaths, the Spell Clinche, or the display the Slaughter zealots put on today. No matter, they’ll get used to it after a while.”

Sindri (COG-556401)

Sketch Log 0/0/10

Taking up a full page is a detailed drawing of a hammer. Along the side are complex runes with a symbol carved into the side of the hammer’s head depicting a person bowing to a large figure clad in armor. Written nearby, “Met a young Aktian girl today. She was pounding on Red Jack with this hammer. I guess she was trying to wake it up. When she found out I built it and controlled it, she accused me of enslaving it. Even after I explained it doesn’t operate well without me, she was still confused. She also questioned my choice to be a soldier. The Aktians seem to have an uncanny way to judge you while also showing gratitude for all we’ve done. I’m not sure how I should feel about this.”

On the subsequent page, there is a detailed drawing of two young men in MEF gear. Both of the men have had bold, black bars drawn over their eyes. Written between the two men, “Things have gotten a bit more complicated. Last night, John, Oliver, and I were awoken by someone walking through camp. They saw who it was, I didn’t get to the tent in time. The stranger was wearing MEF gear though so I know it wasn’t a problem. The next morning Timeza overheard me talking to Oliver about it. Even though I told him to drop it, I’m afraid he won’t leave it alone. He’s already got enough things to worry about with this mission, going around asking questions that shouldn’t be answered is just gonna make things worse. This was supposed to be a simple relief and protection mission so that I could be happy to end my life with a purpose. Now I’m gonna be looking over my shoulder even when we’re at camp.”

**Sergeant John Anderson, NPC123456 0/0/10**

*Its the day after the battle at Rondahk, everyone seems to have recovered in their own ways. Problem is we aren't always going to have time to do that. Reports of the other contingents battles came through Kabinni had 50+ irrecoverables. I'm no expert but I don't believe that was supposed to happen.*

*This mission isn't likely to succeed, there is a sense you get about those things after so many missions, I can't explain it. Doesn't change the fact that we should be here. If anything it has strengthened my resolve. The M.E.F. was always meant to go where things were the worst, at least to me.*

*Despite the Slaughter victory celebration seems agents are connecting with Aktians well enough. The Aktians can't seem to fathom not following a diety but at the same time at seems everyone aligns with something in the pantheon whether on purpose or not. Seems that's enough for most. Seems me and Lemenos are cut from the same cloth. I spose being a soldier means serving Death at the end of the day. I should talk to him about it.*

*I still think about the woman who was cut down seconds before we arrived*

Tamezi Eodrey FAE777666 0/0/10

Clover told me these things are supposed to help me understand why I'm here. Hope he is right, but we shall see.

Man am I glad I was no where near that clinch. Nasty looking business and everyone who was in it looks so haunted. There was this nice kid named Oliver who didn't look like he was taking it too well. So I gave him alcohol to try and drown it. He seems to be a fruity kind of drink guy. Oh well, maybe after the next fight I'll bring out some good stuff.

That blood bath was a weird one, but to each their own. As long as it isn't MEF or Fae folk they're stringing up I'm not going to bother em'.

While I was drinking I met this weird bird folk guy who told me to go home. I know there isn't any easy way to go home, so I told him maybe. I'm not super sure if I'm succeeding in what I came here to do. So I'm not sure if I should even be here or a part of the MEF for that matter. We shall see if anything worth while comes along to keep me here.

Because I drank so well while pestering the lemon guy I slept really well. I MISSED THE BLACK PROTOCOL. Sindri was trying to be all sneaky because Oliver got his mind wiped (strong magic that). But I could see what was going on from afar. That means they were here last night OOOHHHH. That means I can't drink as much anymore, because I want to be the one to figure out what is actually going on. I know we aren't supposed to, but isn't that half the fun of doing so many things. I wonder if there is anyone I can get to work with me, hmmm probably not. MEF is a stickler for there protocols normally. Maybe I could get that Zen fellow involved, he doesn't care too much for protocols. Anywhos I'll definitely have to be careful to not be found. Don't want my mind being wiped too.

Private Video Recording Number XX of

Clover Astrella(ACE233007) on 0/0/10,

to be sent to Rowan Astrella with the next low priority communication batch of the Gallant Entropy.


**Video log flickers on, the lapin face of Clover comes into view, sitting on the bed in an extremely tidied room**

"It's evening now. We've settled into some old giant ruins, but can count on good ol' *Magnificent Mansion* for a little bit of comfort. Sorry, I wasn't able to sit down and record a message for you last night"

**A distance look briefly crosses over Clover's face before his eyes refocus, he clears his throat and quickly produces a cheerful smile**

"The size of these ruins are quite marvelous, you'd enjoy them very much Rowan. The longevity of the stonework is a testament to giant masonry. Uh, I'll have to attach some image files later."

"But enough of that. Honey, you can let Basil watch now"

"Hey buuuuddy, I can already imagine how much bigger you're getting, Baz. If you keep eating your veggies you'll give the giants a run for their money. I hope you aren't giving Papa too much trouble. Been going to bed when Papa tells you to, *right?*"

**Clover raises a dubious eyebrow, before turning to pick up something. Lifting into view, a raggedy plushie of a purple rabbit.**.

"Momi has been making sure I sleep well at night, he's taken his missing very seriously. It would be disappointing if Momi heard you weren't sleeping properly in his absence."

**Lieutenant Vensus Erbauer, VEN17571 0/0/14**

Written Log

*I am awful at stealth. Everyone has a weakness and that’s one of the big ones for me. Especially if I’m doing any artificing work. Luckily for me, my team plus one from Rudeus’s squad, Pongo, are pretty damn good at it. Now we’re waiting to hear how the other teams did.

There was a close call and I had to leave my work and restart it. But it got done. Helps that Destruction is still planning for Aktian tactics instead of Misithian ones. That advantage won’t last long, it’s nice while we have it though.

On personnel things- Between me, Zen and John we haven’t let Oliver or Artemis stand still for too long. Artemis will find things to do if you don’t give them to her and Oliver will get too far into his own head if you let him have time to do it. So, it’s either training with Zen on hand signals and fighting, training on their equipment with John or patrols with me. It’s working so far. I’m trusting Ko and Fadrin to take care of themselves for the most part. Both have enough experience and are more level headed.

For where we’re at, this is the first time I’ve seen a modern, proper Aktian metropolis. It must’ve been something amazing to see two years ago. It’s still amazing, just also depressing to see it far emptied than it should be, evidence of people killed en masse while fleeing. And patrolled by devils and worshipers of destruction.

I hope one day it can be taken back, but it will take a while before the Aktians need this much infrastructure again. The population is going to take a while to recover to that extent. It isn’t quite at Misathian levels of grandeur but what is. I do think given time the Aktians would’ve rivaled us for architecture and urban development. Hopefully we can give that back to them, the possibility to have that time again.

Part of me almost wants to talk to one of the people who are following Destruction. Just…why? Why are they choosing this? Maybe this is me just being bad at religions again, or not getting how people can follow things that are clearly harmful. Or joyless. It will mean they cease as well. Eventually if they get what they want, the devils will turn on them.

Aktian belief/worship though is unlike anything I’ve ever encountered. Their ties are so deep in ways I don’t really understand. I can admire it but also be repelled by it in some ways. Probably comes from just wanting to fix things myself. Depending on a higher power works but can also cut both ways.

This is turning to rambling more than an update log. So I will end it here. Hopefully will come back with an update once our plan goes off.*

**Sergeant John Anderson, NPC123456 0/0/12**

Written Log

*We have started out to Gridopoli and I'm writing this after our first day and night of travel. It troubles me that we must travel in this vulnerable way, but if there was another option command surely would have seen it. The Aktians are terrified to out in the open but I can't blame them. There was an elder Leonin man that reminded me of my grandfather, tough as the stones he walked and twice as stubborn. I offered him my bedroll but he declined so I decided to sleep as he did, defiance with every breath. He was too old to fight but he still fought in his own way. The tenacity of these people is strong even as broken as they are. He gifted me his old shortsword.*

*I spoke with Lemenos and I believe he understood me more than I did myself. He said that part of following Death was to be at peace with it, whether dealing it or receiving. I had thought that I was giving up my peace for others to have in being a soldier, but perhaps even that had given me peace. Perhaps I am a follower of Death in this way. Be Mindful of Death is what he told me was the first step in truly following Death. There is likely not time to follow that deeper but it is enough. He touched my shoulder as he said it and an icy chill rides my spine now, a constant reminder. It is welcome, although I don't think I needed it, I was always aware of death before.*

*The rookies are taking well to the training Zen, the lieutenant, and myself are providing. Every minute now will surely be seconds of life later, and it seems to help keeping their minds focused.*

*I still think about the woman who was cut down seconds before we arrived*

Audio log

Charles Cheimon CCW356824 0/0/14

We've moved the Aktians north, and had a few good campfire nights. Rhuo put on a beautiful night sky, and I got the chance to make some candy for the children we have been able to save. I pray it brings even a little hope to there young futures.

After just a few days travel we've come upon a breathtakingly massive city. Very reminiscent of some of the smaller Misithian cities. I had a huge surge of hope seeing the size of this city with the thought we can find more survivors here, even though it is horribly infested with demons. I tried to point this out, but I think it may have fell on ears deafened by the sheer loss of life that this nearly empty city represents. Millions upon millions gone because we didn't get here sooner.

Please Hope and Life aid those that can still be saved to find us while we work on securing this city.

Artemis Ta’Abna ALF767839 0/0/9

Personal log

Ir’zharn I knew what I was getting into when they asked for volunteers but I did not realize how bad it would be.

I know that if word gets out about the mission my family will be worried but i can’t think about that now. I know I have to stay optimistic for the people around me so that we do not lose hope. Tsk’va this is madness, why is this happening to these people.

We have found many survivors but compared to the original population count this is nowhere near enough to feel successful.

I have to stay strong. If only for Vlaakith and myself, I have to make it back home someday. I will make it back to them

I have to sign off, the locals are targeting Zen now.

Faira Wolfram FEY765612 0/0/10

Audio log

Hey little bro,

The battleax you made me has gone to good use. Our first fight went very well, the second was okay but a little more terrifying. This is the first time I have experienced discrimination towards our race and religion, it's not very fun. I'm glad you weren't here to see it. I am doing okay though, we were learning to dance tonight and someone made the sky go back to normal for at least tonight. I never realized how much i could miss the stars. I miss you and Akta so much, I hope all is well with you. I might be able to talk much but I will do my best. Take care of yourself and the family. I'll see you on the other side.

Your sis Faira

Oliver Corax CRX804621 0/0/14

Written Log

*I almost messed things up. Thank the gods it was after we got all three antimagic fields up but... I almost messed things up. I knocked a skeleton out of a window. And I hate referring to them as just "a skeleton" because that was **someone**. All of those skeletons were **someone**, and I carelessly knocked **someone** out of a window. It was fine in the end, with John Anderson at our side it's always going to be fine in the end- even when he's not using his blaster.

I can't stop thinking about when Artemis and I first flew over Gridopoli. I have never seen so many skeletons in my life. So many **someones** I will never know. Just looking at their bodies, I feel like I can sense their fear, I can see their last moments of desperation. It's heartbreaking. But it's our job to prevent something like this from happening to these people again, right? That's the whole reason we're here.

Lt. Ven has been keeping me busy with training with Zen and John Anderson and patrols with her. It's good for me I think. And I think I feel more prepared going into the coming battle than I did at the Rhondahk. But at the same time... less prepared. The reports coming out of Kobinni are not good. But everything there is still going according to plan? It scares me that the dead there have been seemingly reduced to a statistic of "acceptable losses" as John Anderson put it. But what will that mean for Rainne and for Imric? For Fadrin and Artemis and Zen and Ko and John Anderson? For Seraphine and Sindri and Charles? For Lt. Ven and Clover and Roux? They deserve to be remembered as more than their tags.*

*And maybe these logs are a way to make that happen. Charles and Seraphine have a real talent for improving a moment. Charles is known for his amazing food, but what he told Imric and I about John Anderson and Lt Ven when they were younger really helped me put some things in perspective. And to follow that with Seraphine's dance lesson? It was nice to smile with Rainne and with Imric, even just for a moment.

It would not be truthful to say I wasn't scared. But I can't regret coming here. Every time I look at the Aktians I remember why I came. They deserve a chance to smile too.*


**Message logs intercepted: 0/0/13.

Source: Intrapersonel message system. Unnaproved by intel.

Disciplinary action: Pending


**Staff Sergeant Zen Takagi: ***“Hey ding dong. Hows it hangin”*

**Gunnery Sergeant O’hare:** *“To the left shit bird. How goes the grind? We bleeding purple here almost every day now.”*

**Staff Sergeant Zen Takagi:** “*Same. 2 to 5 a day minimum. You know me. Ever the optimist. But something’s wrong here. Casualties are high as fuck everywhere I get word from. You heard about Captain Astion? *

**Gunnery Sergeant O’hare:** *“Yea I heard. Dam shame. He was one of the good ones. Not like our Knucklehead company commander; Captain Dickforbrains or Dingleberry or Singleblade. Some dumb and over the top last name he probably gave himself. Typical “North Point Grad” dickhead boot ass officer with as much field experience as a typewriter. And our Platoon Officer’s so far up his ass I could ask him what the Cap ate for dinner and he’d know.”*

**Staff Sergeant Zen Takagi**: *“Ha! Same old story. Our whole Battalion’s been eatin dirt lately. These clowns relying on their magical doodads for Intel because they ain’t teaching basic core skills anymore. Then we show up and there’s twice as many of these Skin Trees as intel reported. Speaking of which, got anything for me?” Hoping for Aktion whiskey but will settle for actionable intel.”*

**Gunnery Sergeant O’hare**: *“Only that it doesn’t look like it’s gonna get any easier anytime soon. Seems like we’re flyin blind man. We hit a place with 120 reported Enemy Combatants, and we run into 240. We hear we got 240 to deal with, we go with enough to deal with 360, then run into 480 of those fuckers. It’s weird man. But good news is the smaller Skin Bushes love them some alcoholic debauchery, and we hit some good spirits off some bodies a while back. Gonna send it to you through the vine.*

Continued- *“Oh yea, Actually. I do have somethin. Avoid Gridopoli man. That place is infested with skins. Millions gone man. Millions. But if you do go and find something good let me know”*

**Staff Sergeant Zen Takagi**: “*Well shit. Now you tell me. THE SKY IS FALLING (wink wink) ***{Intelligence officer 2nd LT. Rickson Half-Elven has translated this to possibly mean they are already there. Probability %68}**. ***On recon but maybe go Betty*** **{Translation: “see combat” %56, “abandon post” %32}**. *Gotta say. Our LT has made some good calls here and shown some usefulness. Probably saved our lives. Hard to believe she’s an officer. I think we got a good one. Rough start, but wising up quick. If you need a transfer, or if I bite the dust, head over here and take my place and keep her alive (and don’t tell her I said any of that).”*

**Gunnery Sergeant O’hare:** *“will do bud, would you like me to do your laundry too? Bang your mom maybe? by the way, here’s another bone (get it?). When this is all over, they gonna take a stripe from you for apparently logging in an inappropriate combat log. You never change. You know if you stop being an asshole for 2 seconds, you’d make one god dam great platoon leader. Shit. You’d be Company Master Sergeant by now if you weren’t such a dickwad. Stay frosty out there. No mistakes or we don’t go home, and do your fucking logs shitbird”.*

**Staff Sergeant Zen Takagi:*** “C*opy Dire Wolf. And you don’t wanna go near my moms trust me… Looking forward to some hellish single malt coming my way. Got some Aktion Cigars I stole from those assholes playing that stupid game with me going your way. They play their games, I play mines…. }=) *

-*Blood an Honor*

Gunnery Sergeant O’hare: *“Ha! Blood an honor”*

**Commander Rhuminlor Davidax, LSR000022 0/0/14, Personal Log**

*I thought a tranquil night under the stars would improve my mood; perhaps, make all of us feel better than the oppressive red glow of destruction. However, one look in Astokos’ eyes matched the feeling in the pit of my stomach. While the gesture came from a place of honesty - it echoed hollow, like a faded picture of a distant memory.

If anything, this night brought clarity. The path forward is not in comfort. My role is not that of counsellor; it is to help as many members of this mission survive as possible. It is clear to me now these efforts must go beyond the battlefield. While our newer agents are highly trained, I fear the academy has left them with an insufficient ability to cope with the realities of this mission. The thread enchanted suit is not enough in Aktios, we must wear armour around not just our bodies, but our hearts as well if we are to succeed.

I am not oblivious to the confused looks; the longing stares awaiting a comforting hand that would have once come. It breaks my heart to look Harton, Vensus, Clover or Yael in the eyes and see them wanting more from me. I want to be there for them, but at what cost - we need to harden faster than the horrors of Destruction would break us. If they let their emotions, their grief, take control; then we have already failed. The atrocities of Gridipoli; the losses in Kabinni - this is all just the beginning of an onslaught of death.

I know that I have changed - if any of us are to survive in the face of oblivion, we **all **must change...

I thought we all understood this.

Why can they not understand this?

Why can I not make them understand this?

I wish that I could tell them the truth of things; our true part in all this. Hells I cannot even write it here. I just wish that they knew…that someone knew…*

**Kalin Dunne (MAT749863) Written Log 1 0/0/14 (date to be changed if inaccurate)**

I’m writing now, since it’s so late in the night I do not wish to wake any of my crewmates with my talking. We’ve traveled north now with the Aktian refugees, trying to take them to Gridopoli to meet up with more MEF folks. We’ve not had too many disturbances these past few days, fortunately, but the refugees carry so much fear with them. Our first night of camp, I had finally found a lute, and decided to play some soft tunes to accompany our evening chats, but out of respect for the refugees who were scared out of their minds to be found with any unnecessary noise, I put it away. I hope we are able to help rid this fear from ‘em soon, but trauma runs deep in these parts.

As I get to know others here, I feel my empathy for them grow as I take on their pains. Seraphine told us about how little family she had growing up, besides her ma who lived a long life and recently passed, and asked us what it was like. I talked about Kieran and how he took me in after both our parents died when I was 13 and how he always supported me through every whim I had when I was younger. I also revealed he inspired me to join the MEF to finally do something good with my life when I told him how I was feeling choked up with fatherhood and wanting to leave. Hearing about Seraphine’s pa brought feelings of guilt… I don’t want Saoirse to grow up without a pa, without me.

Later on, Seraphine and I got to pass candy out to the children while they listened to an ancient story about another force of heroes saving the Aktians. It was her idea, and it was sweet getting to see her learn how to talk to them. She started out awkward, but then warmed up to them. During this, I noticed a child who wasn’t paying attention to the story and instead watching a person, who I can only guess was their parent or relative of sorts, sobbing into another person’s arms. I tried consoling the child, giving them a sour Gobstopper and told them about how there’s times where it’s okay to be afraid and also times where distracting yourself from being scared is okay. They asked if I was a dad, and I told the kid about how I gave Saoirse a Gobstopper when she was afraid of thunderstorms to help distract her from her fear. The kid then asked me how I was going to protect her from what she’s afraid of if I’m no longer around… that hit hard, very hard. After talking to them, I felt more resolve in doing everything possible to make it home to my little girl. Not even the Gods could keep me away from her for long.

Lastly, we received word of Kabinni and the catastrophic losses they suffered. Over 50 irrecoverables. So many of our own dead in their tracks. Our squad leader, Clover, lost two of his cousins in that battle. Lt. Ven and I quietly watched him pass around a bottle of liquor with other members of his family stationed with us, pouring out shots and dumping them onto the ground in honor of the two girls’ sacrifice. Neither one of us wanted to disturb Clover during this, so I will share my condolences in the morning.

It’s late. I should rest up for our mission which starts in the morning. I hope to send an audio log home to Jezebel, Kieran, and Saoirse tomorrow evening, even if it’s short. I need to tell them I love them before things get too chaotic here to send messages home. Goodnight.

Tamezi Eodrey FAE777666 0/0/14

We moved from the Ron Dock (Weird name. There wasn't even any water, and who is Ron?) with the Aktian survivors we had. Had me scared spitless while moving, because we were just one big slow moving target. I wasn't the only one either. When we stopped for the night the Aktians were dead silent.

Sindri didn't understand their worry. John tried to explain it better than I was, but I'm not sure it really got through properly. We didn't cause any scene though which I can't say for all of the MEF. Weird that I made less of a scene than some and I was asking people for their kids. To send them to safety, but I know the stories of Fae folk and taking kids just as much as the next Misithian.

Hopefully I can eventually convince some of them to let me send them to safety. The sheer number of bodies we came across when we entered the city is mind boggling. Sindri worked super efficiently and kept me from having to expose myself to potential danger. I was ready and not at the same time.

We had the Oliver kid with us for this mission. He was doing so good right up until we were getting ready to leave. He literally knocked a skeleton down onto Sindri. Luckily the baddies that were attracted by the noise were no match for John Anderson.

For all his talk of us being potentially cannon fodder in a larger plan, he sure as Shadowfell isn't cannon fodder. I might be though. So much for bringing notoriety to the Fae Folk.

I'm not sure if I should even be here, or a part of the MEF for that matter. Maybe when I send a group to safety I'll just go with them. I can at least say I did my part in saving a piece of Aktios.

**Sergeant John Anderson, NPC123456 0/0/14**

Written Log

*We arrived at Gridopoli, travel wasn't challenged for our contingent, and parameters had already been set up to isolate the city. Artemis and Oliver were assigned as part of the aerial scouting and did well, the intel brought back by them and others was enough to plan the attack. I'm not permitted to leave the details here but it is a good plan. The losses from our southern contingent are stacking up higher then command had like to pay, I have no doubt we will get what what's owed.*

*Despite the desolation of the city, majority of it remains intact, the Aktians built well. Hopefully there will be enough left for them to come back to, and Destruction has need of its own defensible structures. A contradiction that's been noted, perhaps one that will play in our favor. Many of my squadmates and others in the contingent are disheartened by the ratio of survivors to dead, but I say we already knew what we were coming into. Reality and briefings are far from the same thing, but somehow I knew it wouldn't effect me. I knew what we would see.*

*The infiltrations went well, Lieutenant Ven is steadfast as ever she was. We had leave to engage perimeter forces after that, didn't think I'd put use to that elder's blade so soon, but a fine blade it is. Been awhile since I've had to participate in a melee, but the orders were clear, we had to insure the enemy did not know we were there, and that meant Aktian methods. Glad I put in those hours before this mission, had a feeling I'd need to polish off the rust. I am worried that Oliver thought we were in the clear and relaxed, can't be too careful. We got away with it that time, we will not be so lucky in the future. But no need to give the lad another worry, best if he believes he did nothing too wrong for the upcoming attack. He'll need his whole head in that.*

*I still think about the woman who was cut down seconds before we arrived.*

**Seraphine Menyaman, SHE198518, 0/0/12**

Audio Log

*I did a few good things today.

The people are letting either fear or despair rule them, with their eyes lowered to their graves ahead of them or darting around, scared mice or shambling prisoners awaiting execution. I can’t pretend to wrap my mind around their experience but I’m promising myself, here and now, that if I die, it’ll be with a smile on my face and a devil stuck on my sword. An end for songs and monuments and stories for my grandchildren.

Anyway, I thought of giving some of the sweets I packed to the Aktian kids with Kalin to cheer them up a bit and he seemed really moved by those poor families. I know he misses his own family, he was telling me about them earlier. I was happy that the kids seemed happy, but I’m realizing that I don’t really know how to talk to them. I got Charles to agree to make some treats for them and I think I’ll go back tomorrow, maybe practice a bit. Seeing the children here has made me think a lot about my future. Does having a kid mean you’re sentencing them to pain and fear and death? What good is there in thinking about stories for the grandchildren without children of my own first? I think I’m getting old. I think I’d be a cool mom.

That’s terrible. Forget that. Not the giving the kids the sweets bit. That was cool of me.*

*Some of us seem a bit rattled though. I tried telling them that there’s no point in overthinking things and letting the fear and the doubt win, but I think getting them to do something, anything, helped more. Not knowing where to put your energy when you know a fight is coming but don’t know when is the worst. It reminds me of the whole Vile Hunter business aboard the Entropy.

Oliver is a natural dancer and Rainne and Imric were sporting about the whole thing. I think I’ll try to bring in anyone who needs to get out of their heads for a bit. It was a bit of a bummer that we had to be so quiet, but John Anderson doing the eight counts was surreal. It turns out the man has rhythm.

I think the feeling I want to leave off with is the relief I saw in Charles’ eyes when I suggested that he make some treats for the Aktians. That sense of purpose, of something to do, is so important. Maybe I’ll try to get him to teach me some basic techniques. I basically live on takeout back home. If you’re listening to this, you didn’t hear that last part.

I’ll record more if something interesting happens.

Seraphine out.*Sindri (COG-556401)

Sketch Log 0/0/14

Taking up the bottom half of one page depicts a rolling wasteland landscape with a long convoy of people stretching off into the horizon. In the foreground, a detailed depiction of a small group of Aktians walk along, carrying the meager possessions they have left of their lives, their eyes a mix of sadness and fear as they look out over their homeland. Above the landscape image, text reads “We’ve left the ruins behind. It's a shame. It was an easily defensible landmark. The tunnels reminded me of the Clan Lands, or the tubes on the Gallant Entropy. In the tunnels, you can feel any movement for miles. But out here in the wasteland, there could be a group of Devils just over the next hill, casually waiting for us to get into range. We’re too spread out with the Aktians. My only hope is they go for the big metal guy first. Might as well have put a target on the Red Jack. I heard there’s more casualties in the South. If I knew there were others following in our wake. I would have volunteered to hold the ruins. I mentioned this to John, he went off on the importance of the plan. We give up ground and live so the Devils don’t expect a counterattack. What’s more important? The Plan or the Mission? Not very good for the Mission if the Plan doesn’t work.”

**Lieutenant Vensus Erbauer [VEN17571] 0/0/15**

*Audio Log, recording during a short break in the Battle of Gridipoli*

These things are no joke, Artemis went down but was recoverable. That kind of healing makes the worst sounds though. Without Charles and Roux to answer my call for help this would’ve gone completely sideways. Need to boost healing capabilities for future battles with my immediate squad. Taking out the casters first was the right choice, even with an emissary on our necks. Take out their cover fire faster next time- split focus if possible. I need to figure out a better use for Pumpkin, he keeps getting taken out by area attacks. Talk with Charles and Sindri about ways to boost maybe.

Check on Zen and get to medical, he has those nasty marks that come from an emissary hitting hard. Third emissary to go down to John Anderson. I need to buy him a whole damn bar.

Get Fadrin better armor or something to soak up damage better. Check in with Oliver, Artemis, Ko. Get John to check in with Zen.

Check in with rest of squad and get names once this is done. Enough notes. Now back to the fire.

**Seraphine Menyaman, SHE198518, 0/0/15**

*Audio Log, recorded during a break in the Battle of Gridopoli*

Another success.

I went to the ambush point in the rubble and lured the emissary and devils toward me. It worked. I took quite a few big hits and blacked out hard enough to miss the emissary’s end, but I blacked back in in John’s arms and the emissary was dead and the legionnaires were after his gun. I'm sure we looked dashing. Ven told me to go clean myself up but naturally I did what I could to return the favor of saving me to John before thinking of myself and tricked the devils into thinking I had the gun before getting away. He took things from there. The whole going down business was a nasty shock, but I’m glad to see our plans going so effectively.

I’ll update things later on.

**Sergeant John Anderson, NPC123456 0/0/15**

Audio Log, recorded during the Battle of Gridipoli

*"Hot. Its too damn hot." (Heavy breathes) "Four. Four and I still see her. I still think about her." (Breathing sigh) "How many more..." (one deep slow breath) "As many as needed. And then some... Alright John stand up, you've got more to give... (the sound of a M.E.F. medical boost syringe being plunged) always more..."*

End Log

**Oliver Corax, CRX084621 0/0/15**

Audio Log, recorded during a break at the Battle of Gridipoli

*"It's my fault. Artemis died and it's my fault. Thank the gods she was recoverable but... Rainne's always told me to be quick, but my being quick got John Anderson targeted yesterday and Artemis killed today. If my getting out of the way is going to get others hurt, I don't know that I should do it anymore. John Anderson would call me foolish for changing my battle strategy in the middle of a battle but- Oh shit! Gotta g-"* Log cuts out with sounds of battle

**Kalin Dunne (MAT749863) Video Log 1 0/0/15 **

*After the camera flicks on and is set down on the ground, Kalin slumps down onto a rock, covered in dust, dried blood (mostly his own), and ash. The tips of his hair are singed, and it seems like there’s still some residual heat smoldering off on his armor.*

“I’ve never been hotter in my life! I flew into our first real battle head first, and had the ever livin’ life near knocked outta me in the matter of seconds! I knew the MEF ain’t a cakewalk, but I didn’t expect to nearly burn like an overbaked loaf of bread so soon. If it weren’t so damn bright, maybe it would’ve been easier to maneuver across the battlefield. At least I was able to help weaken some of them demons for the others in the squad to kill; we’ll have to talk strategy during camp to try to max our damage output.” *Kalin turns his head, noting some noise that happens in the distance before focusing again.* “That John Anderson means business; he killed his fourth emissary today from what I heard. I never wanna be on the other end of his gun; he’s a mean killin’ machine. I think I overheard someone call him an emissary slayer or efficient, and they’re spot on either way.”

*He chuckles slightly before taking a deep sigh. He rubs his shoulder blades and flexes his wings. *“They’re gonna be sore in the mornin’ for sure. If it weren’t for Charles swinging in and healin’ when he did, I for sure would’ve died. I’ll have to thank him proper when I get the chance. For now, gotta get back to it. Goodbye for now.” *Kalin leans into the camera, fidgeting with it for a moment before shutting it off. *

**Seraphine Menyaman, SHE198518, 0/0/15**

*Audio Log, recorded in the rubble of Gridipoli*

I killed my first emissary but there’s no satisfaction in it. Rainne’s gone and he's not coming back and I keep going over the scene in my head, trying to unravel the web of contingencies that enabled it, wondering if there was anything I could do with the information I had. Is there a point to this? Can I learn anything? I know these beings; I’ve studied their strengths and weaknesses, talked strategies with Yael and Ven. In the moment I assumed that if I made as much of a nuisance of myself as possible, presented myself as the most imminent threat to its survival, humiliated it, positioned myself so that an area attack aimed at me wouldn’t pose a threat to Rainne, that I could buy some time, for what I don’t know. It’s worked other times. If I’d stood by him, tried to throw myself onto the devil spear in Rainne’s place, would I have invited an area attack instead? Could I have saved him? That's worked other times too. I should stop with this; I’ve never seen the people who get consumed by questions like that led anywhere good by them. I should ask Roux, he’d know what to make of it.

I was going to talk to Rainne after the battle, I saw how angry he was about Oliver joining. I assumed his recoverable death earlier was his first, but that’s not true. It wasn’t true. He wasn't a rookie. He knew the risks. I’m sorry.

**From the belongings of

Rainne Corax [CRX204387],

Left with instructions to be released to Oliver Corax, CRX084621, brother, and Imric Veneticci, ISO343777, friend, upon CRX204387 falling to irrecoverable death in mission. Requirements met on mission date 0/0/15 at Battle of Gridipoli. Released with notification to CRX084621 and ISO343777**

*Video Log*

Rainne is sitting at the Corax’s home in Misithia, plain clothes, looking a little awkward at being on camera. “Hey, both of you. I hope you never see this video, cause we all make it back here and deal with the aftermath together but from what we signed onto, that isn’t likely. And I’m still upset with both of you about signing up for this. This shouldn’t be anyone’s first mission but I don’t get to decide that. And we’re leaving tomorrow so this needs to be done now.

Whatever happens out there, however I went, I made the choice. I think me being there will make a difference and that’s why I’m there. It is not either of your faults. Whatever happened, I know both of you. All of us are going to leave everything we have out there on the field. I just must’ve gotten the short straw this time around. And if I’m the one that went first, both of you take care of each other. I know this is going to suck but you have to. Command won’t have time. Please keep your heads on your shoulders and I hope you make it back home. Cause with what an irrecoverable death likely is out there, the only thing you can do for me now is have your memories of me survive for as long as possible. That…isn’t enough but it will have to be.”

He coughs and looks away from the camera “Watcher this is morbid.” And back to camera “I plan on writing letters for both of you once I know more of what we’re in for when we’re there. They should be released to you both after this video file is. Imric- keep your head and stay smart. And fast. People will underestimate you but when you get down to it you pack quite a punch.

Oliver- don’t follow me where I’ve gone this time. I mean it. Be quick, help people, stay alive. I won this race this time brother, you need at accept it and find the next thing for you to do.

This is sappy but I love you both. I’m proud of you both. “

Long pause before he gets up and the video ends on the empty chair

**Commander Rhuminlor Davidax, LSR000022 0/0/15, Official Report to Captain Madan and Comms Officer Paltine. **

Reporting Irrecoverable death: Rainne Corax [CRX204387]

Felled in Gridipoli. Threat of emissary deemed to high to merit extraction. Loss deemed acceptable within Protocol 5-721-b.

Audio log from his room on the ship

Charles Cheimon CCW356824 0/0/15

*Deep sigh as he settles in* I know I did everything I could, and I saved so many people. But I still watched two die in front of me, and so many irrecoverable where I couldn't reach. I can't let this happen again. I'll need to speak with Rhuminlor about this. I know they are *acceptable losses*, but no losses are acceptable to me.

I'll have to see if I can whip up some extra potions for this next engagement. and have to use them more effectively.

**Sergeant John Anderson, NPC123456 0/0/15**

Written log on the Gallant Entropy after the Battle of Gridipoli

*Oliver's brother is gone. Irrecoverable. He did not take it well and broke formation. Against Lt Ven's better judgement and my own I went after the lad. I may accept death but he surely wasn't ready. Shouldn't be here, perhaps now Oliver can be confined to the galleon or sent home, if not, if he can't function, someone **will** be killed the next time.*

*Sindri is the reason I'm here to write this, I'm told it was quite the maneuver. In any case I'm thankful that someone could make up for my mistake, that kind of luck doesn't last though so time to tighten up.*

*Seraphine gave me a bottle of fine liquor for saving her twice today. I'm not sure what to make of it, but I took it still. Not sure why, I don't drink on mission. Maybe it will help.*

*I couldn't take out anymore for you, but I went as long as I could. I know its not enough. It never will be but I will continue until you tell me its enough. Maybe I can take out an Emissary before it kills you this time.*

Sindri (COG-556401)

Sketch Log 0/0/15

Atop a length of the page is a detailed sketch of the Gallant Entropy coming out of full cloak. Support batteries rain down from the sky as the first wave of extraction vessels start to descend down toward the city. Below this the text reads, “It was a hard fight but we got through it. I haven’t had a chance to go over the battle logs so I don’t know how well the plan went off but it seemed to have gone well for the most part. Dozens of Emissaries were killed and the city looks in worse shape than when we got here but the fighting is starting to die down. Near the tail end of the battle, we responded to a power surge. We found an Emissary going after a lone agent. Turns out it was Oliver. Not sure how he got into that situation. John and I laid down suppressing fire but Oliver went down. Luckily, Kalin and Oliver were able to extract but then the Devil’s attention turned toward John. He went down next and I knew if we lost him we’d be in a bad spot. The Red Jack held out as I pulled John into the cockpit but if it wasn’t for Seraphine coming out of nowhere and finishing off the Emissary… Well, I’m not sure John and I would still be here. I’ll have to buy her a drink. I hear she likes the fancy stuff. After John and the others extracted, Seraphine and I helped the reinforcements clear the rest of the city. Tamezi could have gone too but he stayed with us to help. He seemed different. Changed maybe, less innocent. Speaking of innocence. I found out from a few of the other agents that Oliver’s brother is gone. Irrecoverable. It seemed that was the only person Oliver ever talked about. It takes a lot to lose family to something like this. I don’t know if he’ll be okay. One things for sure, I doubt I’ll see that innocent smile again.”

Staff Sergeant Zen Takagi


Audio Log dated 0/0/15

*It is a clear trajectory towards defeat if things do not change immediately here on the ground. 1st measure of change that must happen is confirmation of intel through more traditional means than the heavy reliance on magic. It is clear the intel we are getting is faulty, whether due to magical countermeasures or shear incompetence. A return to a three point confirmation must happen, where magical intel coincides with:

Covert intelligence. Agents must be entered into the Devils army.

Direct surveillance. Reconnaissance and Surveillance Targeting acquisition teams must confirm information on the ground

Interception of communication, both magical AND traditional modes (carrier birds, coded markings, etc)

Intrusive surveillance: Insertion of magical listening devices into enemy territories.

Psychic surveillance. (To be attached to Reconnaissance and Surveillance Targeting Acquisition Teams.

Intel hubs must cross reference for more accuracy.

The second thing that needs to happen is a return to Tactical class representation among all squads evenly. Some squads have too much melee and not enough range. Some have too much magic and not enough melee. Healing is scarce on a squad level, and attaching dedicated healers per platoon is pointless if you're sending out squads on missions alone.

Three. Leadership training is showing itself to be severely lacking. Officer candidates are not being shown proper patrolling procedure and risking lives in the process. A return to the rule of threes and the following instruction must become standardized among all officers:*

**Sergeant John Anderson, NPC123456 0/0/15**

Video log, waiting for extraction at the end of the Battle of Gridipoli, submitted later on the Gallant Entropy

*(A delirious looking John Anderson sits on the edge of the Red Jack cockpit, the sounds of repair can be heard from its pilot and soft, not very good singing can be heard for a moment)*

I can hear the cannons calling

As though across a dream

And I can smell the smoke of hell

In every stitch and seam

And like flowers, the bodies tumble

Around this muddied lot

I cannot hear them scream

"Forget me not"

Your voice it carries over

The hubbub and the hum

And it paints the sky and circles high

Like the beating of a drum

You will scream "I won’t forget you"

But I’ll cover my cold ears

It cannot be a lie

If no-one hears

'Cause although you say good day to me

I know I don’t belong

And although...

*(The sounds of M.E.F. Dropships pulling up to the Red Jack and the song dies, John hops down and the recording ends)*

Professor A'Buh'bah Don (ELE611420) 0/0/15

Audio Log recorded aboard the Gallant Entropy

Faced my first Emissary today and survived. All things considered I came out of the fight hardly untouched. Actually, this is the first time I've even sustained any damage since touching down in Aktios, but I feel my luck is running out. I don't know why, but I feel like my time is coming fast...

Despite my own luck things are taking a turn for the worst. Rainne died. Twice actually. The second one was unrecoverable. The first time broke something in Imric. I haven't seen him since the second one. If he's able to go back into the field he better get his shit together because when he's focused he is a force to be reckoned with and if we lose that we're going to start seeing far more losses.

Morale is dropping throughout the ranks it feels. There's a lot more silence in the Entropy lately and that silence is usually only broken by sobbing and arguments. Even Charles seems to be losing his usual cheer. He's still serving his little treats, but I feel like his spirit is waning.

I don't know how much longer I am for this world but I hope I go before Imric or Charles. They've been so accepting of me and my ... flawed ... past. I need to get some rest. I need to be at my best if I'm going to survive the coming days.

Signing off

Tamezi Eodrey FAE777666 0/0/15

Video log aboard the GE

I tried to be Flashy, and I tried to make a name for myself. I'm fairly certain I failed both. Time after time the enemies succeeded on resisting my magic, and so it didn't do any where near as much as it should have. I believe I did more with one round of Eldritch blast than I did with 4 high leveled spells, and the powerful spell I had that would have saved lives I held on to for just a little to long. At least I'm learning and growing, but I'm not certain I'll get the chance to become effective.

I know I would have died if the emissary had just focused one more attack on me. My only saving grace is I'm small, and don't draw much attention. Now that I've learned how to use this gear better, I'm really worried I'm going to lose that second part in a very bad way. But hopefully I will be able to kill them quick enough like John Anderson not to be problematic.

I spoke with some new groups here in Gridipoli, and they accepted my offer to get some of the children to safety. There were still those who were worried about the tales of Fae folk taking children, but seeing as I connected to a MEF Demiplane they were more at ease. I hope that is what I can come to be known for. I want the Fae to be known for their kindness and generosity, not just our more negative inclinations.

I spoke with Lemenos again. We were flying over the city, and I asked him what I needed to do to deserve to be here. He looked at the devastation laid out below us and said he may have been hasty in his estimation of us, but to be appropriate for Aktios that we had to embrace death. I told him I don't think I will ever deserve to be here than. Should I listen to his first advice and go home?

I've saved folks with fighting and kindness. I've done my part right?

0/0/16 (12 hours post-Gridipoli engagement), Irrecoverable Death Notification Contact Log

*A Split screen video feed, in the midst of a challenging conversation.

Side 1: Commander Rhuminlor Davidax [LSR000022]. Even in his elven form, Roux looks tired, weary. Restorative bandages coating his shoulder, which peak out from his dress uniform.

Side 2: Alrund Surenac (spouse to Patia Surenac [SUE774310]. Alrund is middle aged Misithian halfling man, his eyes currently well with tears.*


‘…Patia was a tremendous agent and an even better person. Again, I am so sorry for your loss Alrund. If you or your family need any support or counseling. Please, do not hesitate to contact your nearest Chronicle representative. Thank you and Gods bless.’

*Roux’s delivery is warm, yet, clinical; rehearsed even - like a man who has had a version of this conversation all too many times.

Offscreen from Alrund’s feed, a young voice calls:*

**Offscreen Voice:**



“One second, Susan..”

*Alrund’s voice cracks upon his reply. Wiping a tear from his cheek. His mouth opens as if to speak, but stops. Alrund nods through the screen before the ending the call.

With Alrund’s feed dropped, The screen centers on Rhuminlor - the call still open on his end. He removes his glasses - anguishly rubbing his face.*


‘It is getting harder to remember their faces…”

*Rhuminlor mutters this absent-mindedly to himself.

He pulls a notebook in to frame; it contains a list of names, he scratches off Patia Surenac [SUE774310]. There are many names on this list already scratched off.

Two remain not scratched:

• Harton

• Rainne Corax [CRX204387]

Rhuminlor pulls a glass of wine from offscreen - takes a long sip then sighs. A look of recognition as he realizes the camera is still on -before the feed fades to black.*

**Lieutenant Vensus Erbauer [VEN17571] 0/0/15**

*Audio Log from the Gallant Entropy, after extraction from the Battle of Gridipoli. Voice sounds tired, stressed*

How do I do this? How…I need to sort things, I need to check on my team. On John Anderson, on *Oliver*. Gods, **Oliver**. Any other mission I would insist on him being removed from being a combatant. I don’t want to have to make the calls with him I have to make. I don’t know if I can stop him from getting himself killed. I’m supposed to be one of the smartest people on this ship and I don’t know what to **do**. And I got out with…I’m just tired. I had…I have lost people. The way irrecoverables work here make it worse.

*long pause* I think I might need to watch the video feeds from that. I need to write a proper log. I need to grab my squad and that bottle Ken gave me and have a long drink before we’re thrown back out there again.*voice trails off and there is a long silence followed by a sigh* stop audio log

Medical report for patient **Oliver Corax [CRX804621]** as written by medic **Gopal Marzanna [MAR628065]**

HR 170bpm

BP 86/58 mmhg

HP 0/28, stable

Patient is a 21 year old male Aaracockra presenting with low health, neurogenic shock, and destructive injuries to head, neck, shoulders, torso, arms, and wings. Patient has suffered loss of vitality to aforementioned destructive injuries. Patient to spend 5 hours in regenerative pod for treatment.


Patient actually needed 6 hours in the regenerative pod as the healing process went slower than normal. Upon awakening, the patient was inattentive and distressed. Upon questioning it became clear the patient had only snapshot memories of events. There is a mental aspect to healing and the patient’s mental state may have slowed the process.


I have left word with **Lieutenant Vensus Erbauer [VEN17571]** to send the patient back to the medical bay for reevaluation before redeployment. If the patient has not regained alertness, he may be counted as a trauma infliction unfit for active duty.

**Seraphine Menyaman, SHE198518, 0/0/15**

*Audio Log after the battle, aboard the Gallant Entropy*

I’m glad the battle is over. My understanding is that the loss ratio was not worse than expected, but the worst of losing people is that there’s always that one last thing you were meaning to say and end up carrying with you. I feel that way about Rainne; I wanted to apologize for assuming that he needed special coddling. He freely chose to be a soldier and died a soldier’s death. There’s every chance we will all meet the same fate. Now, there’s only honoring his memory. I know after even the short time we spent together that a big part of that is to do what can to keep Oliver going, whichever direction that might be. That running away business can’t happen again, but I’m more afraid the guilt is going to eat at him and he’s going to overcompensate or make another stupid mistake because of it.

I’m sure there will be other records of that particular scrape, how we got Kalin and Oliver to safety, but it was as hard a fight as any I’ve been in. The lack of anyone orchestrating things made the fight especially difficult and things wouldn’t have ended up the way they did without all of us. Once John Anderson went down, and Tamezi and I were trying to figure out what either of us could possibly do, Sindri pulled victory from the jaws of defeat by sheltering John in his armor suit, and took a full hit from an emissary doing it. I’m impressed.

As for John Anderson, he pulled himself back from the brink but was in rough shape until he got picked up. The man saved my life twice and I’m determined not to let a good deed like that go unpunished. I wish I knew what to get him, what he likes, if he likes anything. In the meantime I gave him a bottle of my favorite Violet liqueur. The gods know we all could stand to taste some Spring. Sharing it isn’t a half bad reason to invite a girl over either.

I need to rewrite my will, I never updated it after mom passed.

**Agent Imric Veneticci [ISO343777] 0/0/15**

**Video log post-battle of Gridipoli**

*An empty chair sits in front of the viewer. Footsteps can be heard behind the camera, seemingly pacing. Breathing is erratic. It takes two minutes of this alongside shuddering murmurs for Imric to finally enter frame.*

*His face is covered in scuff marks. Burn marks have seared into the flesh surrounding his eyes, exacerbated by hands constantly rubbing them. The arms are in a similar state, the underarmor of his normal suit having been shredded up to his elbows from lightning that exuded from him. His hair seems shaggier than his last log, despite the short passage of time.*

"I've tried to do this four times now. I think I ended up breaking the cameras. Hope it works this time, I'm... So tired."

"Honestly I don't have much to say. My brother is dead. Now it's Oliver and I. Extraction was necessary. I wasn't even... I wasn't even *there*."

*His voice was raspy and broken before this point, but now it fully cracks. He lets his head drop into his hands. Stifled sobbing can be heard. The edges of the log seem to fizzle slightly as a dull green glow emanates from Imric. His hair is standing on end now.*

*He manages to take deep breaths. The recording settles again, as does his hair. He looks up at the camera, eyes reddened and the burns on his face smoking ever so slightly. His face is forcibly void of emotion.*

"I need to read Rainne's letter. After that... After that I just need to be better. I'll be better."

*He stands and leaves the frame of the log. Twenty seconds pass before eventually the log ends.*

Professor A'Buh'bah Don (ELE611420) 0/0/15

A rough draft of a poem apparently submitted to MEF record keeping system in error

no skald will sing our song

no bard will share our tale

we died on the streets of gridipoli

where no one will remember our names

we'll live on as three letters

followed by six digits

bodies killed and revived

to fight and die and fight again

until we face utter obliteration

complete annihilation of our souls

reduced to the word unrecoverable

our losses deemed acceptable

some of us might survive

with shattered hearts and shattered minds

after fighting on the streets of gridipoli

where no one will remember our names


Approximately 30 seconds after submission user access MEF record keeping system help files and submits search query: delete mission log.

User selected article detailing Provision § 8-44-01, colloquially known as the Sunshine Provision preventing the deletion or alteration of any published mission log in order to increase transparency and disclosure.

This page remains open for approximately 21 seconds before terminal loses connection to the MEF intranet. Security footage shows user throwing terminal across the room before sitting down on their bed, head held in hands for approximately 7 minutes.


Disciplinary action for destruction of MEF property at this time has been rejected due to the nature of the current mission.

Artemis Ta’Abna ALF767839 0/0/15

Privet log

I died… I was brought back but I still left the fight. My family can never hear of this. But who do I talk to but them. I knew that I would be recovered but it doesn’t take away the pain of death. Getting skewered and falling from the sky, that was agonizing. Next time I won't be so lucky. I have to change something, I don’t want to die here. I’ve worked too hard to die here. I thought I knew what I was getting into but this is so much worse. Oliver lost his brother, I don’t know how to help him. He needs support but this is also a battlefield. No one gets a moment to rest, not even the dead. This battle feels never ending. We will win this, somehow. Even if only one of us is left we will save this place. May the Moons guide us through this battle. There is still much to do.

Artemis signing off.

Faira Wolfram FEY765612 0/0/15

Audio log

(Sounds of chaos in the background) This doesn’t make sense! How did he die? Rainne was not supposed to die, not when I was right here. I know why Roux had to survive, but Rainne was too young. I don’t know how to look at Oliver, knowing I was right there, right next to him and couldn't do anything. If that was my brother dead under the gravel I would not be able to breathe without him. How could Roux count that loss acceptable, when it could have so easily been him had I chose different. Why did I not choose differently, better yet why did I have to choose in the first place. Why couldn't I save them both. I don’t know who to follow anymore. General help me, I'm at a loss to who should lead me. I pray Oliver will not follow his brother. That fight was too much even for me and now the whole team has to move on and keep fighting. This is what we signed up for. I just hope we are all strong enough to see it through. And The General help anyone who stands in my way.

I can’t anymore (Signs off)

**Lieutenant Vensus Erbauer [VEN17571] 0/0/15**

**Written Log**

Report after immediate extraction from Battle of Gridipoli. These logs are important so getting an accurate view of what the thoughts are in the moment is key. Any readers forgive me if that makes this recording a bit scattered. I suspect I’m still suffering some minor emotional after battle shock.

__Team Encounter Lists__

*Lt. Vensus Erbauer*: Dorect emissary hit. Greater restoration not required.

*Sgt. John Anderson*:. Direct emissary hit. Greater restoration not required. Med Bay trip required. If there’s a list for who needs a week on the Entropy to recover from healing fatigue, I’d like to put him on it.

*Staff Sgt. Zen Takagi*: Direct emissary hit. Greater restoration and healing required to recover full vitality

*Fadrin Urias*: Took some hard hits, no direct emissary hits. Needs better shielding

*Artemis Ta’Abna*: No direct Emissary hits. Went down as a recoverable death to Wars Rain devil. Vensus Erbauer applied revivify spell on battlefield for recovery.

*Ko the Bold*: Direct emissary hit. Greater restoration and healing required to recover full vitality

*Oliver Corax*: Direct emissary hit. Greater restoration and healing needed to recover full vitality. Major trauma infliction. Ability to be field combatant under question and to be evaluated. See medical report

This entire battle was punishing. First encounter I believe I made the right priority choices. Take out the Wars Architects before they can even comprehend what we are doing then move to the Emissary. Change I would make- get our fliers to immediately focus on devils built for covering fire. Those attacks are what hurt us the most and left us vulnerable to attacks.

We do need to react faster, Destruction got the jump on us and Fadrin went down. John Anderson was able to move him to safety and get him back up. I’m going to link to the squad’s recordings from their suits so first hand accounts can be better recorded later than my immediate memory. That may be lazy but I don’t really care right now.

The fight was difficult but successful. We had one recoverable on my immediate squad. Artemis Ta’Abna. I facilitated the Revivify spell and healing. She got up and was willing to continue moving forward. Her death did seem to shake something in Oliver. I wish I had the time and bandwidth to have done something there but gods help me I didn’t. We regrouped, applied healing where needed and pushed onto the next part of the front.

Grouped with Clover and some of his team. The order of things is fuzzy in my mind. It was so many split second choices and re-evaluating priorities that I would need a week to sort it out properly. Two emissaries. Two winged apocalypses. John and I need to switch to ranged weapons that have radiant damage. Possibly keep both gun options on us as some Legionnaire devils figured out the gun was the problem and tried to take John’s.

I want my entire team to be carrying some magic healing potions that don’t require you to be a caster. We already should’ve had that. It was foolish to assume the casters would be able to take care of all the healing. Might be worth reaching out to the Aktians and seeing if we can recruit some life clerics to be with each smaller squad.

Back to the fights. Seraphine was with us against some charger devils and legionaries. She went down. I warped her into a room John Anderson was at so he would be able to heal her and to get her out of the immediate view of the emissary we were facing. I gave her an order to ‘fix herself’. Her version of that was to attempt to make herself a target and run and hide. Which when we have enemies who will just destroy whole buildings instead of looking for you was foolish and the judgement call on if she obeyed those orders is gray at best. I say she didn’t and risked her life and resources we don’t have to spare on a trick that was never going to work the way she would think it would.

We got lucky. If she keeps underestimating the enemies intelligence that won’t keep up.

Rainne Corax, brother to my rookie Oliver Corax was with us against the winged apocalypses, as was the wizard Imric who I think is close with the brothers. Flyers took on the apocalypses and they were nasty. We got them taken down but we hit our second recoverable, Rainne Corax. He was smacked out of the sky then had the whole devil land on him. I did revivify there as well. I hate the sound of rapidly setting bones and refilling lungs. It means it’s working but it’s a sound I don’t think anyone should ever have to hear. Oliver took it badly. Rainne’s reaction to it was to move quickly to the next fight and Roux’s squad. Oliver followed but I called him back. He may never forgive me for that but that fight lost Rainne Corax to destruction. I didn’t know the man well, but he seemed kind. And never stopped fighting. Roux had to deem him as acceptable losses.

Oliver took this poorly. A hasted monk is almost impossible to grab. He broke formation and took off. John Anderson went after him while I stayed with the rest of the squad and held positions for extraction. I couldn’t risk more on one life. Writing that makes me want to be sick. I get to make my entire crew’s life into a part of my *resource* calculations.

I saw some of the fight through feeds. Oliver was cornered by an emissary. Sindri got there first, several others including Seraphine and John were there within moments. It was so close. Without Sindri we would’ve lost John. The Emissary recognized something about John, stopped his extraction spell and did something. It might’ve been a scan. I don’t like the feeling it gives me in my gut. That is going to come back and bite us somehow. Seraphine managed to kill the emissary before it took anyone down to irrecoverable. Oliver is in the medical bay. John Anderson as well. Once at least one of them is out I am opening this bottle I’ve been saving and everyone on the team is having a drink.

And then we are going to talk about Oliver. It is my professional opinion that unless something has seriously changed in the last hour, he is more of a liability on the battlefield now than a boon. To himself and everyone depending on him.

Bringing first mission rookies on this was a mistake. I will never forgive myself for not kicking up more of a fuss. I know we are only 10000. But this shouldn’t be anyone’s first mission. The ripple effects on the MEF from the loss of this class of agents that were deemed powerful enough to join will be felt for decades I suspect. If given time to grow Oliver and Imric and others like them would’ve become backbones. Leaders. They just needed time. Now they’re going to be burned down to the root. Most won’t come back from this.

They don’t know how to handle the grief. I don’t know how to handle the grief and I have decades of experience. I am going to ask the team what they think. And then I’m going to talk with Oliver and we will go from there.

Everytime I think I comprehend our sacrifice here I find more. Did anyone fully comprehend it? I’m not saying it isn’t worth it. I just hate that I keep seeing more of it. The longer I am here in command the more I see the larger picture. And then I’m on a battle field and it becomes so small but I still have to keep everything going on in mind. I have to make sure we use our resources but hold enough back to not waste. I have to decide if we’re going to use energy to shield or pull back to the Entropy. Will that lose us the fight? Will not doing that lose us the next fight? I took a shot at a winged apocalypse to heal Seraphine that I knew wouldn’t hurt the devil. That was the right choice then but what if I would’ve been better doing something else. And I have at minimum two people I don’t trust to listen to my judgment right now. Zen and Oliver. Seraphine too when she’s nearby. They don’t have the full view and I don’t have their trust in me that I’ll make the right call for the full view. That's my fault. I'm not sure where I went wrong but it's on me. I need to fix that. My unit of 50 suffered [number] irrecoverable deaths. [Names and tags here]. I’m carving all of their names into Pumpkin every time I rebuild him. I will not forget a single one. They were all important.

I have things that need to get done and probably not enough time to do them. I expect most future logs to be quick voice logs. History and recording it is important. But there is so little time here for me to write. ~~I wonder if Petriko will read this~~

I’m putting in repair aid requests on Pumpkin as well as a requisition to switch to laser rifles from anti-matter rifles. Also I need to switch up some infusions of my own. I’m real tired of burning, let’s see if I can fix that some. **Log ends**

**Yael Dallaire (YDL368684), Log 2: 0/0/15**

Observations after 15 days:

- Time is more precious than ever. These days, a life well lived is not measured by one's own passing years, but by the hours and inches one buys for the person next to him.

- Each of us here can make no promises to each other without ending up liars.

- If I am lucky, I'll die before him. Please god.

- Winning by a hair is functionally identical to losing by a hair. But if we want to win big, we must play big, and soon. Field testing to come.

- Every inch and hour that has been bought in blood must be paid forward tenfold, or this really will be the end.

**Lieutenant Vensus Erbauer [VEN17571] Personal Log Video Recording**

Ven steps back from turning on the camera, stares, almost says something and then closes her mouth as she walks away to pace the room, almost pulling at her hair. Season appearance has changed, lighter blonde hair fading to green at the ends and eyes closer to a fire-gold than the orange they had been in her fall season. Agitated pacing lasts 15 seconds before she goes back and sits back down.

“I was going to make this a message home but I don’t think I can. Wanting something I can’t have, wanting *another* thing I can’t have isn’t going to help. I see the math now, why it felt it wasn’t balancing. It was. I just couldn’t acknowledge the cost variables.” She stares into the camera, hurt and anger on her face “we will do what we came here to do. And I pray there is someone on the end of this to forgive leadership and forgive me for the choices we are going to make. If I’m here at the end to be forgiven. I’m not sure I’m going to deserve it. I’m not going to hold back ideas anymore if this is how we’re playing it.” Her eyes unfocused, staring beyond the camera before coming back to it. “I’m locking these logs from Cos and anyone else not on the Aktios mission directly. They don’t need to see this. That can be overwritten but that’s fine. I’m fixing my crab. I’m going to trance. Then I’m going to be thrown back out there with a team that is…that deserves more than we’re going to get. And pray that I’m wrong about some things and right about others.” Video ends


From: Commander Rhuminlor Davidax [LSR000022]


Effective immediately consider Red Protocol active if the following conditions are met:

If an agent faces imminent death and is reasonably threatened as target of an emissary; and/or there is no prospect of revival, and/or the effort required for revival is determined to be too high, due to pre-existing infernal incapacitation, and/or extraction has been deemed as not an appropriate option.

All other agents are authorized to execute the aforementioned squad member, under their own discretionary comprehension of the previously documented criteria; thus, ensuring the preservation of the soul and facilitating a potential recoverable death.

Furthermore, Commander Rhuminlor Davidax will assume responsibility for any inquiries or charges arising from the agent's in good faith discretionary choice in implementing this protocol, which is to be observed immediately for all squad members.

**Kalin Dunne (MAT749863) Written Log 0/0/16**

Private Log sent to Kieran Dunne

Came back from my first deployment yesterday; we were ambushed in Gridipoli. We got most everyone out to safety, a few of us had to be extracted to avoid death, myself included. I spent some time in a recovery pod, and I’m mostly back to normal save for a few lingering burn scars from the emissaries we fought. Another rookie, much younger than I am, watched his older brother die and freaked out in battle and broke protocol. A few of us almost died trying to extract him, myself included. He was an inconsolable mess, hell I would be too if I watched you die in front of me. Officials back on the Entropy wiped his memory, and while I have some thoughts on having my brain scrambled with, it was the right choice for the kid. I’m glad he can get back to working with us, and I look forward to being able to get to know him better as these days move on.

I’ve now had two recurring dreams about Saoirse since coming back from the first mission. She was playing on a playground covered with skulls of dead Aktians without a single care, and I also saw her grown. She was walking around a museum, like one of those in Central that we went to as kids, and she was with Jez looking at moments from my life. She didn’t recognize me, which made me think I must’ve been dead in the dream. Kier, I don’t know why I’m so hung up on this, but I can’t get her out of my mind. Is this dream payback for me leaving her and Jez? I didn’t think I would feel this much guilt for leaving, since I am here to do good things and save these Aktians from the devils attacking their homes.

Upon the advice from my captain, Clover, I did a mental health check-in before redeployment. Ever nerve on mine felt it was on fire while I was there; I did not like it one bit, but I did it. I didn’t mention my dreams to the therapist, felt too intimate to bring up. I told her it was my first time in therapy, and she said most M.E.F soldiers have to seek extensive therapy upon returning home due to the horrors they experience. How cheerful. She suggested I call home, which I did. I almost called you, but I felt Jez deserved to hear from me first. She told me you were on the way to help her with Saoirse, and I thank ya for doing so.

Kier, did I do the right thing? Should I have done this? Most folks I’ve met here have accepted death as the most likely outcome of our mission. I don’t want to die; I can’t die. I don’t want to be some number that is added to the never ending list of irrecoverables. That can’t be how I end up. I have more to live for; my story isn’t done being told. I want nothing more than to be able to talk to you here and seek more advice and for you to protect me like you did when I was young, but I know that’s impossible. We’ve traded roles. I’m now the protector… Kier, please tell me I haven’t made a mistake… I can’t let anyone here know I’m doubting my abilities here; we’re all counting on each other to be at their best.

But the show must go on, I’ll hopefully be able to call you the next time I’m back on the Entropy.

Much love,


Sindri (COG-556401)

Sketch Log 0/0/16

Several pages are committed to schematics for a resilient metal plating derived from the armor plating used on the Gallant Entropy. It has been scaled down and modified to be equipped to a large vehicle or creature. Amidst the schematics are frantic scribbles of text. “This conflict is starting to take its toll sooner than expected. This was only the first deployment and already the amount of Irrecoverables is causing problems. The amount was within the limits set forth by the upper brass but the emotional fallout of Trauma Inflictions has got them scrambling. They've started handing out ‘voluntary’ memory wipes for those that don't think they can handle their grief on the battlefield. Oliver was deemed far enough gone to benefit from the procedure. I was hoping to talk to him first but they already got to him. I tried to convince him not to go through without it but he had already made up his mind. I almost told him the truth. That all the MEF cares about is the mission, and if Oliver doesn't make it to the end of the mission, well that's one less broken soul they have to take care of. I didn't tell him that though. He was already distraught and at that point the truth was too cruel.

It's become clear this mission is unlike any other. The MEF is more desperate for soldiers than I thought if they're willing to brainwash the Trauma Inflicted. Any other mission, you'd get a month or two of leave but now you get a pat on the back and sent back to the front lines. How much longer do we have to keep up this facade of weakness? The Gallant Entropy came out of cloak over Glidipoli. Where are the other Galleons? We've done Joint Operations for less.

I've taken steps to modify the Red Jack. Though the initial encounters in the past few weeks have proved it can be an adequate weapon in guerilla tactics, I think it would serve its purpose better in a more defensive role. A shield in front of anything this mission can throw at us. If the MEF isn't going to protect us on the ground, I will.

**Lieutenant Vensus Erbauer [VEN017571]**

**To: SQUAD D**

**From: LT V.ERBAUER [VEN017571]**


Heavy hitters- Prioritize casters and those who will nullify our attacks (see:War’s Architect), followed immediately by emissaries and then devils with wide cover damage capabilities

Flyers- Prioritize the airborne attacks. Wars Reign and Flying Apocalypse are two of the most damaging we’ve come across, we need them down quickly. Avoid emissaries unless otherwise instructed or immediate battle needs require it.

Casters: Same priorities as heavy hitters with balancing support needs. Any small boost may be the difference.

Priorities subject to change at any time.

**Oliver Corax [CRX804621] Personal Log 0/0/16**

Dear Rainne,

I made it back to the Gallant Entropy after the Battle of Gridipoli. I don’t remember too much from the battle but I know it was intense. Don’t be too worried because I’m fine now and actively writing to you but… I think I got really hurt. I spent more than half the time we had on board the Entropy in a restoration pod. The medic I spoke to said I didn’t die, but I think I came pretty close. I have to be honest, it’s really dangerous and scary here. We’ve had some irrecoverables in my group already, though thankfully not my squad. I’m having a hard time grappling with what it actually means to be irrecoverable in this instance; to just be completely and wholly gone… This might be a bit mean, but I am so glad you didn’t pass the exams to come to Aktios. It’s really comforting to know that at least my big brother is safe.

Imric is holding up well enough I think. The battle at the Rhondahk was eye opening for both of us, but I think we’re starting to get our footing. I don’t see him as much as I would like because we’re in different groups, but I promise I’ll do everything I can to keep him safe.

I really hope you’re not too mad at us for coming. What we’re doing here is important. The Aktians have lost more than I could ever imagine and if we can do something to keep them from losing more then we __have__ to. We’re re-deploying soon but seriously please don’t worry too hard, I’m sure we can do this.

Your Brother,


PS. Seraphine beat me at ping pong earlier. It’s possible. I hope you’ve been practicing, cause I’ll only be better ~~if~~ when I get back.

**Oliver Corax [CRX804621] 0/0/16 Official Log**

Something’s changed. I can’t put my finger on it but the mood has shifted. People are looking at me weird and my only thought is it’s because of my age. I know I was hurt badly at Gridipoli but I really don’t feel like my age the reason. They have to know I'm capable by now, so why the looks? I can only hope they don’t treat me any different in the field. I don’t want to be a liability. I can still do everything I could before the Battle of Gridipoli. I won’t lie and say I’m not tired. The short turnaround time is frustrating, especially since I spent the majority of it in a Restoration Pod. But tired is not exhausted. I have to be resolved for whatever’s next.

**Sergeant John Anderson, NPC123456 0/0/16**

Written log

*It is worse than I expected, no one is getting out of this mission. I knew the choice I was making and the price that would be paid but too many did not. Command has permitted the volunteer wiping of traumatic events to allow agents to continue to operate in the field. We cannot afford a single less soldier then we can muster, and we **are** all soldiers now no matter what they say. Soldiers are the ones asked to return to combat with no time to reconcile. I do this willingly. I do not believe many on this mission would've had they known.*

*I fight side by side with the already dead, their true selves cloaked so that they may fight uninhibited. And if that enchantment, that safeguard, is broken as it very well could be fighting destruction... Well I have seen the hardest metals shatter under enough stress.*

*Red Protocol has been initiated, it should've been when we touched down, we'd have more soldiers now. But I understand why it was not. Not many if any share my view, Death now is a shield as well as a sword. And in a way I understand now that Destruction, at least of the soul, is a perversion of Death, it is oblivion not death. So I will not only be mindful of Death but be cloaked in it, worn as armor as much as carry it with me. I pray it will be enough.*

*I will save you this time, I will stop the sword from coming down. And if not I will the next time, or the time after that. As many as it takes.*

**Communication Sent from Unregulated Device to Unregulated Device, Night before latest deployment **

*I acknowledge the risk of even attempting this communication, yet the situation demands attention.

We are faced with unanswerable questions; for the simple truth is there is no longer a satisfactory response. This has gone too far.

The notion of erasing memories, even traumatic ones, contradicts everything I stand for. Everything I thought we stood for.

If we cannot remember; we cannot learn.

If we cannot learn, we cannot adapt.

If we cannot adapt, then we are already dead.

But perhaps you know that.

I understand the gravity of this threat and I know we must play our part but you know our people as well as I do; they will not so idly march to their deaths, like ceshers to the slaughter. Duty and honour will only go far. Watching their friends die while saving strangers will only go so far.

They need more…

I only ask that you would only illuminate the larger plan, let us see all the pieces on the board. Perhaps we could help. Perhaps we could survive. Please…*


**Lieutenant Vensus Erbauer [VEN017571]; Personal Log; 0/0/16**

That date number is too low. How is it only 16 days in?

We’re going to need to step it up even more. The Devil I talked to today…It wants to play with us like the vile hunter plays with its food. But for *honor*. That pissed John and Zen off. John spoke out of turn in the face of the enemy which has me worried. He has nothing like that in my experience with him or in his records.

Challenger Prime Devil. We’re going to need to plan quickly and carefully for that one and pull out some tricks we haven’t used before. It wants to kill us twice. Once so we come back, and then I think second time for oblivion. And John might’ve taunted himself into Oblivion for the first time. The thing seemed almost impressed.

I expect to be the second primary target on the field for that thing. Which means I need to leave the others with a very clear and adaptable strategy for if and when I’m taken off of it.

I hated the look in that Devil’s eyes. It was upset we ended the battle with banishments. Wanted us to bring them back and finish it. This isn’t a game to them but something unlike what we’re worried about. And when we kill this, they’re just going to learn, train and come back worse.

….what if I can use the GE’s ability to capture and hold MEF souls and modify it to grab onto an enemy soul? Capture that thing’s essence before it can go back to its home plane and recover? …if we can get it down then pull that, capture and contain it somehow, at least until this engagement is done…that would save us so many lives. So many resources. Log over

**Communication written immediately after personal log recorded**


FROM: [VEN017571; Lt.Erbauer]

SUBJECT: *For Immediate Consideration- Request for Strategy and Technology Development against Prime Challenger Devils*

MESSAGE: My small group has just fought directly with Devils of Worth and was observed by and then spoke with a Prime Challenger Devil.

I believe a key worry should be that these ones will die, then learn and train, and come back worse. We need to prevent that cycle, even temporarily.

I am proposing we use the arcane tech the GE uses to recover MEF Agent souls to develop a tool or container that will allow squads to capture a Challenger’s ‘soul’ upon death and prevent their return to their home plane for recovery. Even if only temporarily through the end of this engagement, if we could delay second encounters with them until after Destruction is neutralized on Aktios it would save considerable resources and lives.

In theory this should be possible. Unfortunately I do not have the time and attention as an active combatant to pursue this and I am requesting aid to see if this would be viable. If it is it may be something that pushes the balance in our favor.

My personal estimations of first encounters with Challenger Devils kill rates of MEF agents is at 70-100% of a squad, mostly recoverable on first encounters, depending on multiple factors. We can’t afford to let these things learn.

2 letters were uploaded to the Gallant Entropy's servers upon the

irrecoverable death of ELE611420

and delivered to addressed recipients.



I've tried writing this letter probably half a dozen times and each time it didn't sit right with me. I've tried to apologize and I've tried to encourage and I tried praising your abilities and each time it came out wrong. So I'm going to keep it simple this time.

Imric, I'm thankful for having known you.

Trust yourself,


P.S. Rumor has it the Academy is in need of a new professor. I know you're young, but you have my recommendation.


To Bjornulf,

My dearest oldest friend. I know you'll receive this letter because I doubt even an army of emissaries can bring you down. Mourn me, but do not let it cloud your judgement. The MEF and the Aktians need you on your game. I may no longer be here, but speak my name across the stars for as long as you live, so I may never truly die.

Drain a tankard in my memory,



A third letter was unable to be delivered due to being addressed simply to Destruction. Letter was retrieved from server and uploaded to MEF archives for record keeping:

O Destruction!

my soul may no longer linger

but I do not consider you the victor

I may have fallen to your forces

but I will be smiling eternally in the void

I unknowingly served you

alongside your brother Greed

in my younger years

raised in a land not my own

but I turned my back on you

and by fate you brought me home

I have found redemption and shared it

in my attempt to save this land

my body may lie broken

blood seeping into the soil

but someday soon flowers will blossom

and I will live forever

Audio log mid battle after redeployment

Charles Cheimon CCW356824 0/0/21

*In a dispassionate voice* I have failed. The whole reason I am here is to keep those closest to me from becoming irrecoverable, and I couldn't even stay conscience to do anything. I can't keep failing, I must do better.

I guess hope is fading, and life is being destroyed. But as long as I survive those around me won't go hungry. I don't think I will be able to feed their souls anymore though. Please gods give me the strength to save more of those fighting alongside me.

Winter has taken me once more, and I don't know if I can go back. I just hope I don't ruin any food with this sudden change. It is just so hard to care when everything is so cold and drab. Green is really not my preferred color.

**Kalin Dunne (MAT749863)

Video log Date 0/0/21


*Camera flickers on to show a very haggard Kalin, smeared in blood and dirt (both his and others’ blood). Burn marks lick up the side of his face, connecting to the marks Kalin received from an Emissary in his first battle in Gridipoli. His right hand and forearm are also burned from what appears to have been him blocking his eyes from an attack. *

With what little time has passed, so much happened. Too much. Many folks died today; most were recovered or revived on the field or sent back to the Entropy. There was nothing I could do to help with Captn’ Clover, John Anderson, or poor Bubba. Clover went down faster than I’ve seen happen before, but from previous conversations with him and Ven, that’s not completely out of the norm for him. John’s soul was recovered, but his body is currently being reprinted back on the ship… There was no saving his body; it was mushier than the oatmeal I had growing up, that’s for sure.

If I had been more careful and strategic in battle, I could’ve saved Oliver and Bjornulf from dying. Oliver left my side and died right after healing Bjornulf, and Bjornulf later died while I was trying to protect him from lesser devils. While we recovered both their bodies, they shouldn’t have died in the first place. I gotta protect that kid; Oliver deserves to live long enough to know the truth ‘bout his brother’s death. He is owed the right to grieve his loss at the end of this deployment. I won’t let him die without getting that chance.

Despite today’s challenges, we were effective in dispatching every devil we saw. There were no extreme breaks of protocol, fortunately. If there had been, more of us would’ve died, myself included. I once again owe both Rhuminlor and Charles my thanks for surviving today; the Emissary would’ve killed me if it weren’t for Rhuminlor’s quick healing during the battle and Charles healing most of us near the tail end of two of the skirmishes.

Morale seems to be varied amongst the squads. Some spirits are down, but hopefully the scars we carry now will hurt less with time. Soon today’s experience will fade from the bright searing pain it carries now to the starlight in the night sky with a gentle reminder of who we are in this moment. How much we are changing as these weeks go by. We won’t be able to recognize ourselves in the mirror by the end of this.

*He takes a second and pours water onto a cloth and presses it onto his cheekbone, wincing slightly and giving a light chuckle and crooked grimace from the pain. *

There’s no hiding this now when I call home again… Jez will freak out over it, and the last thing I need for her to do is worry or for me to scare Saorise… I hope Jez is able to find comfort in others while we are apart, like we agreed upon. I’m sure she will. I doubt I will find the same here…

*The wind picks up, flapping some of Kalin’s stray curls into his face. He turns around and squints in the dimming light.


I gotta go. The ship is coming back with our recovered members. We’re being sent to the slaughter house again. Maybe this time we’ll be luckier-

**Commander Rhuminlor Davidax, LSR000022 0/0/21, Personal Log in Analog Journal**


I felt more myself today.

A conversation with an old friend, Charles, reminded me of who I am…or at least, a version of myself I used to be. In many ways Charles reminds me of you..perhaps that’s why I listen to him. It still does not feel quite right to be this person, knowing what I know; but, I can wear this mask for a while.

For it is hard to argue with the results; today went well, at least in my own squad. I know there were some irrecoverables in other squads, but in the face of destruction I can only control what I can control. I will have to check the numbers when they come through.

We came across a group of Aktians outside the city. Unfortunately, we were too late to save most of them, but, we did save one. Her name is Cyrene, a follower of Saeri; we only have spoken briefly, but I know you would have liked her.

Cyrene told us that she had seen our faces in new forming stars as she recounted the death of the young agent Rainne. As she spoke it, the story did not seem to be one of sadness, but perhaps the beginning of a hopeful one. Astokos was right. We will remake this sky in a new image.

When she told us her vision, it was the first time I felt you watching since I have been here.

I will not make it home to meet you in the godlands, but perhaps I can be written in to memories of stars in a far off land. I think you would have loved that; I think you would have been proud of that. I am not sure I have done much to make you so lately.

It is getting harder to remember your face, your smile…

As the stars write our story, I hope it comes back to me before the end.


Tamezi Eodrey FAE777666 0/0/21

Video log as he flies over the remnants of the battle:

*In a very serious voice missing any of his usual exuberance* I did it. I focused down and just launched eldritch blast after eldritch blast. I got my first Emissary kill, part of a small group of elites that can say that.

*Wistfully and a little exuberant* Though I'm still nothing like John, I think that man has more emissary kills than anyone else on this deployment. Maybe even more than our entire contingent combined.

*Back to serious and somber* And because I'm not as good we had an irrecoverable. I watched Charles rush in to try and pick up Lt Clover, only to be counter spelled. Then watched as an emissary stomped the life out of prof A'buh'bah'don, and destroyed the body of John Anderson. But I got revenge for them.

*In a perplexed tone* Wait is that guy going alone. WOW he is mowing through those little guys, but why is he approaching that Emissary? I gotta go help, be right back.

**Yael Dallaire (YDL368684), Log 3: 0/0/21**

**H1/*H0***: effectiveness/*ineffectiveness* of banishment as means of crowd control for devils: subtype_ChallengeofWorth (CoW), variants: magic (_mc), might (_mt), strategy (_s)

**Methods**. Field tested day 21. 6 enemy combatants (2 each CoW_mc, CoW_mt, CoW_s) , 2 banished (used resistances on first failure, success on subsequent attempt).

**Results**. Significantly weakened remaining enemy combatants and increased survivability for allies. Permanence achieved after 1 minute; however, this is unlikely to be achieved again (<15% chance of success, assuming N(0.75*3) attacks per round with a 50% chance of maintaining concentration and assuming no other supportive or confounding variables).

**Conclusions**. Banishment remains an effective tool for maintaining control over a crowded enemy encounter, especially where enemy support systems act in an exponential manner, i.e., facing three CoW is 9x more dangerous than facing one CoW. However, its benefits may be short term if concentration is broken. Additionally, permanent banishment is not inherently more useful than simply disabling enemies for the present encounter.

**Future directions**. the practical implications of these findings are immediately relevant. Current researchers should explore the compromise between short term banishment vs. concentration vs. delayed timing, e.g., technology or magic which may banish multiple creatures for anywhere from 6-60 seconds, with timed releases of banished individuals.

**Limitations of present research**. As can be seen, the sample size is very small, and as such this could be considered more of a case study (albeit, a case study where the results are demonstrably significant). Additionally, not accounted for is the confounding variables within the caster's allies, i.e., it is difficult to determine how much of the successes described above may be attributed simply to the outright competence of a highly skilled squadron.

**Medical report for patient John Anderson [NPC123456] as written by Growth Chamber Medical Officer George Richards [GER025647] **

HR 62 bpm

BP 102/64 mmhg

HP 180/180, stable

This is the patient's 4th body regrowth, all vital signs are green, proceeding with range of motion (ROM) and reflex assessments.


First ROM testing cleared, patient showing remarkable speed in adjustment with regrowth. Reflex test also cleared, also with remarkable accuracy. Patient requested early release to head to Requisitions for gear pickup and redeployment. Patient held until all assessments complete.


Noted patient had unusually quick recovery, recommended psyche and emotional evaluation before redeployment, as well as mandatory second ROM and Reflex assessments. Message left with **Lieutenant Vensus Erbauer [VEN17571]** *Make sure those assessments are done **before** redeployment*


**Personal Note** *I have regrown a number of agents for this mission already, but this agent was unusually cold and distant. Every agent I've had in the chamber this mission has qualified for trauma infliction status, except this agent. There should have been something there to read, some sign or reaction to the memories and adjustment to a new body. No one has come out of Aktios unscathed.*

**Oliver Corax CRX804621 Personal Log 0/0/21**

Dear Rainne,

I shouldn’t have the time to write to you right now, but I’m glad that I do. You’ve always helped me keep a clear head. The fighting in Aktios is getting more and more intense. It seems like we’re fighting a never ending scourge of devils right now- well more than seems like I guess, we kind of… are. We’re just lucky they’re as spread out as they are. We’re also encountering new types of devils. Lucky for me, the Challenge of Worth devils can actually be stunned, ~~I just need to make sure I stay fast enough.~~ A Prime Challenger devil seemed to take special interest in my squad. It was downright unnerving the way he was watching us and sizing us up. It’s hard not to let it get to my head even though I know I shouldn’t.

I finally got to fight side by side with Imric. We did get targeted by an Emissary and he came uncomfortably close to going down, but I was able to protect him and keep him up. I used my wing, just like you taught me. I promise he won’t die on my watch. His favorite professor from the academy, Bubba, did die in this fight though, irrecoverably, and he’s understandably not taking it well. I don’t know how to help him through this. I guess being there is the best that I can do.


I made sure he was resting and out of the fight before I flew off to help more MEF members. I think this was my first time fighting with no one who’s actually on my squad. John Anderson probably would have been there too if he hadn’t been… gods that was the most gruesome recoverable death I’ve witnessed so far. He’s just a few feet away now and fine but it’s strange to reconcile that with what I witnessed. Anyways, in the fight we had a plan, but I realized a bit too late that I was the **only** healer on the field. Rainne, I’m not a healer and I was the ***only*** healer on the field. I had to abandon my plan with Kalen to heal Bjornulf and… ok like last time please don’t panic because I am actively writing to you but… this time I did die. It’s a really weird experience. I don’t have time to describe it or process it any other way than just __weird__. I wish I could tell you more but we’re redeploying in about 5 minutes so I should finish getting ready. There’s more people to help ~~and a Prime Challenger to survive~~.

Your Brother,


P.S. Like I said earlier, please please please don’t panic! I know this isn’t great news but I figured no news would be worse. So please don’t panic.

**LT. Vensus Erbauer [VEN017571]; deleted response to message from Chamber Regrowth Medical**

Sure. Happy to do it with the no time we fucking have. Let’s all get medical and psych evals for the funsies to know exactly what wounds are never going to heal for the log and so we know exactly how I broke my team-

**[Message deleted after sensors detected message tablet being thrown against a wall]**

[**Message to Chamber Regrowth Medical, written 5 minutes after deletion of prior message**]

Understood. Will do best with time limits given.

**Personal Log of Lt. Vensus Erbauer [VEN017571]**

*I have this rage in the middle of my chest and it’s not going away. I checked my vital records, I’m stable but since my season change my average body temperature has had a dramatic increase.

Nothing is getting this knot inside of me to let go. Not my usual work, not violence, not a win but every win out here is so expensive I’m not sure if it really counts until we get to the end and see the final numbers.

And today, one more time, going to do my best to not die. And try to not have too many irrecoverables on my team but I suspect that’s going to start being via red protocols soon.

Zen apologized and John spoke out of turn in front of an enemy. Both very out of character. But so is me throwing tablets across the room. I wish I was better at reading people instead of just analyzing them.

Oliver still doesn’t have his memory. I’m downloading a video log of Rainne’s from before this mess to watch later so I can hold the memories like I said I would. I also want to check on Imric. Or ask Clover if he has.

More names are carved inside Pumpkin’s casing now. Since they won’t be on The Pillars, they should be somewhere. It isn’t enough.

I need to go.*

**Open Comms Communication from Lt. Vensus Erbauer [VEN017571] 0/1/14**

*Irrecoverable Death Report, John Anderson NPC123456. All Agents be advised, Prime Challenger Devils are capable of forcing arcane overload transmuting a soul to arcane energy. Consider...-be advised.*

**The Last Will and Testament of Imric Veneticci [ISO343777]**

**To be released upon irrecoverable status**

__*[Play Video Log]*__

*The video starts focusing on a group of people in the Gallant Entropy cafeteria. A disembodied voice speaks. *

“Okay. I think I’m ready.”

*There’s a shuddering sigh, and a whisper of ‘fifth time’s a charm’.*

Imric Venticci turns the camera around. His body has a few marks on it, but it seems otherwise untouched entirely. The only signifier of time are the dark bags beneath his eyes and his hair being noticeably longer than when the mission began. *

“*Ahem*. This is the last will and testament of Imric Veneticci. If you’re witnessing this, I have been killed in action and my soul is irrecoverable. I’m not sure exactly how to go about this, it is… extraordinarily macabre. But. We do what we can.”

*A pause.*

“There aren’t a whole lot of people I’m really able to bequeath things to? And also, I really don’t think I have much of a right to bequeath anything, nor do I have much to give. That's how it typically goes, right? I guess I’ll just take the opportunity to talk to those who are left.”

“Oliver. I still thought this before we left, but I consider you and Rainne my brothers. I’m not sure I ever had a friend as close as you all. At a time I had nothing, you both found me. And I can only hope that in times of difficulty for you, I was there. I tried to be. I try to be. Thank you for taking me in, and for being kind. I know I didn’t always make it easy. Thank you for moments in the noise, for being a steady face. And for in the silence, for giving me peace of mind. And also half of your sandwiches. Remember: keep your head up. Keep your eyes peeled. Keep your talons sharp and your mind sharper. You’re loved. You are so loved.”

*Imric draws in a breath. It’s shaky. He centers himself.*

“And, of course, how-“

*He lets out a sound between a laugh and sob. *

“How could I forget you, Rainne? Thank you, for being the voice I could hear across the cafeteria between courses. It was nice to know that even when around such a, loud presence, you made sure I could be heard. I… I miss you, and I hope you’re doing well, sitting back home.”

*He laughs dryly.*

“Both of you: I love you so, so damn much. Thank you for everything. I’ve put in a request for my glasses to be sent to Oliver, because mementos are important. Keep going. You’ve got this.”

“To Charles! Thank you for the food and the stories. I know you wanted to see me and Oliver grow up to be like Ven and John Anderson. But uh… I guess you’ll have to be keeping an eye on Oliver extra hard for me.”

“To Mom, and Dad: Sorry I’m not coming to you. May your spirits find rest near the stars I become.”

“And, of course, to the people in charge of watching, receiving, and distributing these. Thank you for hearing us.”

*Imric’s voice has gone from composed to shaky, and now is back to a strange calm. He looks up at the camera before scratching the back of his head. He shuffles to his feet and then behind the camera. A moment drags on before:*

“Okay, I think that take works.”

**[Video Log Ends]**

**The last Will and Testament of John Anderson [NPC123456]**

**Edited and submitted on 01/11 of ongoing mission to replace previous submission**

*The video begins with John taking off and cleaning his MEF gear, the red sky of Aktios showing behind him as the camera is angled up at him*

"I had one of these recorded before we left Misithia but things have been different then expected so it was best to record anew... and well I've always been better thinking while doing something."

*He pauses looking at the camera* "And well if you're seeing this I'm gone so I figure I should say a thing or two about myself for you. And I'm sorry you won't have a father to raise you."

*He continues to oil down a slightly battered but otherwise perfect anti-matter rifle*

"Wild rice soup with chicken is my favorite food, but I've never been a picky eater, not that the MEF doesn't have good food. If you ever meet Charles Cheimon, give him my regards, best food in the cosmos as far as I'm concerned. I like the color blue, specifically dark blue."

*He stops to inspect his work and nods approvingly before setting it aside and taking off his helmet to cleaning off the blood and grime*

"It makes me happy to know that my line doesn't end with me, I thought I didn't care about that before but I was wrong. That doesn't change that it is right to be here. No matter what anyone says it was right, a sacrifice had to be made to balance things and If I can add to that weight I will. Every time."

*His face is coated with dust and grime that stops at the nose and the rest of his face is clean. His short brown hair is matted with sweat, but his brown eyes are clear and focused at the camera*

**Commander Rhuminlor Davidax, LSR000022 0/1/14, Personal Log in Analog Journal**


I pen most of these words not as your beloved Roux, but as Commander Rhuminlor Davidax. I write in these pages for I cannot speak the truth of this to anyone else. I wish I could speak these words to you, to hear your voice, to glean wisdom from your eyes. 

Today, my deepest apprehensions about the organization I have pledged my life to were confirmed.

Amara, our progenitor, thinks that we exist merely as a tool to be deployed where here agents of death cannot be. She insists that I fail to grasp the enormity of the challenges she faces - and in this she is not wrong. The Black Protocol is an enigma which exists beyond my understanding. 

Perhaps Amara is right…I do not know anymore. There was a time when our organization were emissaries of peace and exploration, perhaps not divine, but emissaries all the same. Yet this new era seems to only be defined by war and strife. I sometimes long for the simplicity of our humble beginnings. 

There is one thing I do know, however, Amara is wrong about our people. We are no mere pawns to be sacrificed at the altar of her grand design. We are not blank warriors to be purged of memories sent blindly to our deaths.

We possess agency; we wield choice. These individuals volunteered for this mission. They journeyed to Aktios not for the will of the Black Protocol; but as Agents of the Misthian Extraplanar Force driven by duty and righteousness. The Hope we see in the Aktians eyes, though I sometimes resent it, springs not from shadowy machinations of an unseen organization. That hope is built and fostered on the backs of the MEF agents who fight along side them.

Just as children grow to surpass their parents; the MEF will not be limited by a flawed vision imposed by its creator. It cannot be; I will not let it be..

I may not understand everything, but trust I understand this.*

*I move forward in Aktios not as the cold, unfeeling husk Amara would have me be - for I am no Agent of Death. 

I move forward in Aktios now as your son. The person you taught me to be, a person you can be proud of; for I am an Agent of the Misithian Extraplanar Force - and only I can define what that means to me.



**Commander Rhuminlor Davidax, LSR000022 0/1/14, Official Communication to Captain Madan**

*Captain, I would like to formally raise my opposition to the recently instituted Memory Modification Protocol. This protocol places our agents at risk not only for the duration of the mission in Aktios, but for even more severe trauma upon their return to Misithia. This protocol goes beyond any reasonable assumption of risk from our Agents - and is a perversion of all the MEF stands for. We protect our own, and these memory extractions do not.

I formally request this protocol be brought to Chronicle tribunal before it is implemented on any further on agents in Aktios.*

Charles Cheimon CCW356824 0/1/14

Audio log recorded while cooking, various noises can be heard as Charles works and talks at the same time.

I couldn't help for a better friend then Roux. These last few weeks have just been a haze as I worked numbly and with single minded focus. First I lost Bubba right before my eyes, and now I've had to watch as I lost young Imric. I wish I had the time to properly mourn them. But I had to keep moving, keep working, or I may never get going again. But Roux came to try and lift that burden from me. I don't think he fully succeeded, but we're a pair of head-strong old men. We'll be stubborn, obnoxious, and in everyone's business until we kick the proverbial bucket.

He got me to sit down for a bit, and have a nice meal with him. So rarely do I just stop and enjoy my own food. I should make a point of doing that with Ven and clover. But it was enough to get me out of my own head, and start to see what we are here for once more.

It will be very difficult to move forward though, my little squad is no more. I'll have to join in with another squad that is down someone, which is way too many of them. I may just try to form a squad of aktians. So I can help show the MEF what we are fighting for. I'll have to get with Roux again and find the best course of action.

To those that may read this in the future, don't ever lose hope and trust your brothers and sisters in arms. They are what will help you through the worst of time, and celebrate the best of times with you.

*there is a about a minute of silence from Charles as there is the occasional bang and rattle of him cooking before he finally gets the log turned off*

**Strike Major Bjornulf Skyson,

BSK007702, personal Video log sometime after all the skirmishes**

*video starts as Bjornulf comes into view and sits on a rock a personal campfire close by as he stares into the flames and is silent for a few minutes then lets out a huge sigh*

Father…I am sorry that it has been this long and have not spoken these words aloud. I am alive your son did not perish on those beaches of our homeland, I was taken…made a warrior and raider of a place called Ugeniye, I made many friends! I explored, raiding many lands and seeing the wonders of the cosmos just like you dream *HA HA*-*just like you dreamed…* you would be proud, but these days I have become something greater than myself. I am apart of an organization that seeks to travel the expanse and fight for those who cannot fight themselves, It’s good work but something has changed….I feel it in the wind my best friend has died *he paused and looked up at the red sky* and it seems more of our folk these days are dying young and old *heh* even I perished *he removes the top part of his battle armor and revels a body cover in scars he looks down at the one that killed him and a small grim smile comes across his face*

It can’t be helped I am destined to be a tapestry or battle and strife, but some of these others are not… they were not hardened by battle or there resolves tested in the crucible of blood they! *he stops himself as his passionate rant springs him to his feet* …they must go home, some individuals were born to be weapons…..I think I will stay with these folk a while longer, but think my time with them will come to a twilight soon.

I will return home and take my place as leader of our people like you had hoped for but not yet I have a duty to fulfill and son or two that will need gifts before I depart *he chuckles to himself at that thought* I hope we will meet again before we both take our place in the halls of Valor….

*Bjornulf gets up and walks over to the camera looks into it for a second and then it shuts off*

**Kalin Dunne (MAT749863)

Written log Date 0/1/14**

To Kieran Dunne

Kier, I’m tired of death. Day in and day out, we watch, fight, kill, sleep, and repeat. It’s a neverending cycle of torture. The scars are adding up, along with the death count. I’ve died three times in the past five weeks, and while the first time coming back was emotionally rough, I’m numb from it all now. I don’t recognize my reflection in the mirror, the burn scars from Emissaries that cover my face being a large part of that. I will try to call home soon, but I fear I’ve long forgotten who I am besides my duties here on Aktian soil. I don’t know what I’d say to any of y’all besides any surface level conversation… I may go back to the therapist on the Entropy; she may be able to help me navigate this uncertainty, but again, I don’t know if I trust any of these therapists here if their only solution is memory wiping just like they did with poor Oliver.

Two fellow soldiers, one in our squad, and the other in Ven’s, that I’ve come to know over the past month died today, and they’re not coming back. I didn’t check the logs until after my conversation with Clover, noticing his stress while reading them himself. I predicted correctly that John died; he died a vaillant death without fear against a Prime Challenger. Then there was also Imric, Oliver’s adopted brother, gods I grieve for Oliver. Losing both of his brothers in the span of weeks is horrific, then again, he doesn’t remember watching his blood brother, Rainne, dying. I almost envy the two of them, Imric and John… They finally get to rest while the rest of us are stuck here as pawns to be played on the battlefield. I’m tired of it all, but the fight must go on. We must continue on until our deaths, and even then, we are brought back to do it all over again. Again, and again, and again.

Your brother, Kal

**Kalin Dunne (MAT749863)

Video log Date 0/1/14**

*Kalin sets up the camera in front of him as he swings his lute around to rest in his lap. He adjusts his capo and tunes the lute up without much sound besides humming the pitches. *

This is for those we’ve lost today. You will not be forgotten, my friends. *He nods before strumming. *

The moon's on its way

To its nightly shift

The frogs fill the creek below

The tall grass waves

A farewell to the day

The wind moans sweet and low

A heron tucks

His head in his wing

The fish in the lake float along

The sun sinks from sight

Away, but never gone

The dawn brings the dew

Like a thousand jewels

A nest rustles high on a bough

The blue egg stays warm

In the cool of the morn

Under a red breast of down

The clouds turn and stretch

The moon checks its wrist

And gathers itself with a yawn

And winks to the sun

Away, but never gone

All o'er the world

As it turns and it turns

The stars twinkle off and on

And we come and go

Away, but never gone

*Kalin strums the chord letting the notes linger in the air before silence slowly envelops the air around him. He bows his head somberly, reaching for the camera and the image fizzles out. *

End of log.

**Lt. Vensus Erbaeur [VEN017571] ; Draft of Letter written 0/1/14**

*Ken & Cos,

The weakest parts of me wants to come home to you both before more parts break that I didn't know could break. I can take physical pain. I don't want to die but I don't fear it. Even oblivion, while horrifying, I was made to be prepared for that as much as one can be.

But this is chipping at parts of me that were whole. I work to fix the breaks as fast as I can but the repairs aren't given time to properly set.

And wounds I thought would be left alone aren't safe. For how smart I am I feel like an idiot.

The man who became effectively my second in my squad died in front of me by arcane overload, his name was John Anderson. And he died in front of a 21-year old monk, Oliver, I've been trying to keep my eye on after his older brother died and they wiped his memory of him ever being here. The kid thinks his brother is home safe and everytime I feed into that lie the weight of the memories get heavier. And minutes after John died I got an alert that Oliver's best friend also became irrecoverable. So I had to pull him aside while we were marching to extraction and deliver that news and watch him break and then force him to pull it together.

And my day still isn't over. Seraphine had started some relationship with John these past couple weeks and was the closest to a next of kin I could think of so when we reached the extraction point I sat down with her to answer her questions.

She's pregnant. She is pregnant with the child of a man who just had his soul transmuted into energy in the middle of one of the worst incursions in history. That sent a dagger to my heart and I had to pull away because that talk with her couldn't be about me. I managed to get her best friend next to her and I left. And I cried. I just stopped and started writing to you both which I said I wasn't going to do but I don't know where Yael is and you two would know best how this would hurt. [Letter saved to drafts]*

Sindri (COG-556401)

Sketch Log 0/1/14

A few dozen pages are filled with different blueprints for modifications of standard issue MEF weapons. As the pages continue to go on the blueprints become less detailed, relying on footnotes referring to earlier sketches. These sketches begin to become interspersed with drawings and pressings of different flowers native to Aktios. On one page text reads, “This 2nd deployment has been…different. I think back to when we first came here. Of how much in a hurry I was to die. Of how I wanted to be in the worst of it and could get it over with. I no longer think this way. The last month and a half has been met with nonstop fighting and death on both sides. Hundreds of Irrecoverables have been suffered, among them notably Bjornulf’s friend Bubba, Oliver's adopted brother Imric, and John Anderson. I regret not getting the chance to get to know Bubba and Imric. I saw how much their presence brought joy to others. John's death has hit me the hardest. I don't know if I could say I knew John but I at least understood him. He was a true Soldier. He knew why we were here. If we had a hundred agents like him, I'm sure this conflict would have been over by now. I can't help but blame myself a little. If I had made him a better gun, one the Prime Challengers aren't resistant to, maybe he'd still be with us.

The Irrecoverables aren't the only thing that have increased. Hundreds of agents die and are sent off to have their bodies regrown. There's a new morbidity to seeing the same people who got obliterated in the last battle sitting across from you for the evening meal. Some have opted for cybernetic enhancements as they couldn't stomach the body dismorphia that came with their new skin. I've grown numb to seeing their faces now. Tired too. I'm not the only one either. I stumbled into a conversation with the Commander. We talked about the mission and surprisingly he opened up to me. I think it was the first time I saw the man behind the rank. It was clear this mission has been hard on him, probably harder than most. I don't know if I can forgive him for the past, but I can at least move past it. He tasked me with keeping Lt Clover alive. Maybe if it's an order I won't fail this time.”

A few more pages of plant sketches mixed with schematics for hydroponic installations.

“There's an old garden they've started keeping the dead at while they wait to be shipped off. Bodybags surrounded by wilting plants. It was too depressing, so I started tending to the garden. All this death, it helps to put a little life back into the world. Keeps my mind quiet too. Something to break the monotony of the never ending repairs the Red Jack needs. I thought adding the AI function would help me stay focused but now it's trying to act like my own personal therapist. Last thing I need is a therapist, especially after what the last one did to Oliver. I heard he was there when John died. Plus he just lost Imric. That kid’s lost too much for one mission. He's here now saying goodbye to Imric’s body. Hopefully, he can get some closure there. He reminds me a lot of myself after I lost my first squad. I hope I can help ease his pain. I wonder if he likes tea…"

**Lt Vensus Erbauer [VEN017571] 0/1/15**

*Audio Log, voice recorded sounds raw, like it’s been screaming for too long, but the tone is flat*

Irrecoverable Verbal Report

Fadrin Urias [UFU345821], via hits by Emissary of Destruction, Fighter Class.

Staff Sgt Zen Takagi, [TRP031172], via hits by Emissary of Destruction, Fighter Class.

Emissary killed by Aktian fighter known as Nestor, Last of the Warriors of the Road. *Sounds of battle in the background are heard before the audio log is cut off*

Black Protocol alert 0/01/16:

Aberrant behavior recognized

Location: Commander Rhuminlor Davidax’s office.

Subjects : Commander Rhuminlor Davidax and Staff Sergeant Zen Tekagi

Activating Psychic and Audible monitoring.

Zen enters command Headquarters looking for a particular office. He sees the name he’s looking for. “*Commander Rhuminlor Davidax*”. Zen hesitates. “*This is stupid*” he mumbles to himself. But slowly walks towards the door. He reaches towards the door knob, then suddenly stops, pulls his hand away, and grabs his cigar out of his mouth. He looks at it, looks around, doesn’t see a decent place to put out his cigar, so he drops it on the ground, steps on it barefoot to put it out, and kicks it under a table, then looks around to make sure no one saw him. He then turns the door knob, opens the door and steps in. He sees Commander Rhunlor at his desk. “*Uhmmm, excuse me sir. I uhhh. Heard that perhaps you would be a person to talk to in the event maybe, the quacks aren’t a reasonable option sir. I just need a moment of your time if you have some to spare. I will say if I get called in to combat I will have to leave immediately sir.*”

Rhuminlor occupies a modest desk within a sparse office, save for the meticulously arranged bookshelves that line the walls. At his feet rests a partially ethereal canine companion with a coat of darkness and twinkling stars. The dog raises its head at the sound of Zen's voice, then settles back down at Rhuminlor's feet. As Zen continues speaking, Rhuminlor glances at the clock. "*I believe we can spare a moment, Agent Tagaki...Perhaps a drink?*" he suggests in an informal tone. "*And please, dispense with the formalities. Roux will do just fine.*

*Tell me, how can I help?*”

Zen sits there, squeezing his palms together nervously. He glances over at the canine. The canine notices the look and moves only it’s eyebrows to meet eyes, then looks back into nothingness, more concerned with its own canine thoughts. Zen begins to speak. “*It’s just that it’s a soldiers responsibility to perform optimally you see, and things have happened, and I just want to make sure I’m at optimal performance you know what I mean? I’m not saying I feel weird or anything. But… Well. I’ve just been thinking a lot. About a lot of things. Different things. But maybe related and I don’t see it. And well… I need to have my head together in the game out there. No mistakes or we don’t go home know what I’m saying?”*

Roux gestures towards the dog with a slight nod of his head. *"This is my companion, Nova. He's quite friendly,*" he remarks, as Nova amicably approaches Zen. Nova pauses within petting distance of Zen, offering silent permission if taken. Adjusting his glasses, Roux peers through his bifocals. His gaze exudes a sense of calm, yet there is an intensity to it, almost as if he could peer into Zen's very soul. "*These are indeed challenging times, Zen, if I may address you as so,"* Roux continues. *"I am sure that many of our fellow agents share your apprehensions, myself included. But please, tell me. What are these thoughts..these things..that trouble you?"*

Flash back- a very young Zen stares out from under the water. He can see the silhouette of his father on the other side. He can feel his fathers hand holding him down, preventing him from being able to go up for air. Zen is drowning. He’s yelling for help, the sounds of his voice muffled by the water. Bubbles and gurgling everywhere. Splashing breaks the surface as his hands and feet flail in a futile attempt to bring himself above water….. End Flashback. Zen mumbles under his breath. *“This is all my fault sir”*. Zen stares off to the right, softly petting the dogs head subconsciously, not realizing he reached out to it while in his own thoughts. He snaps out of it, realizing what he is doing and pulls away, not really aware of what he just said. As he regains his composure, he speaks bluntly. *“Morale is really low sir. Most of the troops I come into contact have given up. Resigned to die on this planet. All I hear is “I accepted the fact I’m going to die here”, it’s crazy sir. Leadership is not doing anything at all to improve that situation. In fact, most officers feel the same and so act in turn. It’s like a poison spreading through the MEF.”* Zen leans back a bit and straitens up even more, as he goes into his thoughts for a second. *“I feel like we got so powerful, that we forgot how to be a military organization along the way. We got spoiled by our magic and our tech and our big wins and forgot fundamental warfare wisdom. “ *Zen pulls out a little book he keeps in a pouch on his waist. He opens it. *“I have a whole section on this sir. If I may. I’d like to read you some of these quotes”*. Zen then flips through some pages until he finds the right page.
*“An army's effectiveness depends on its size, training, experience, and morale, and morale is worth more than any of the other factors combined." Napoleon Bonapart
"Morale is the greatest single factor in successful wars." Dwight D. Eisenhower
Zen closes the book and looks up at Commander Rhuminlor. “You know I couldn’t tell you what four plus five is, or read even the simplest magic. The symbols get all mixed up in my brain. Hell even normal letters can be a struggle. I wasn’t allowed to read books when I was young. I was told I wasn’t meant to be a leader. That the Takagi are soldiers. We drink hard, we fight hard, we love hard. We die hard. That being an officer was for the elites. The educated. The noble. The talented. And that I would never be that. But when I joined, I found that I could read books on languages and military history and war all day long. On the great leaders of the past with their strategies and philosophies and the nuances of dialects. I couldn’t tell you much about anything else. I’m kinda a rock in that way” *Zen nocks on his head, implying he’s not the sharpest tool in the shed. *“Along that route, I just kept fucking up…. “ *He slouches more, staring off into the distance again.* *“I grew bitter. Drank a lot. Destroyed relationships. Got angrier by the day. Combat campaigns just seemed to expedite that process. I’ve been busted down more times than I can remember. I have more reprimands than anyone in the entire battalion. But anyone that’s ever served with me in combat knows. That shit that happens on base stays on base. That I’m all business in the field. That I know my shit and I’ll die for my brothers and sisters!”** *Zen realizes he’s starting to raise his voice, and his fists are starting to glow. He calms his breathing. Relaxes his mind.* *“I think I’ll take you up on that drink sir….” *

Commander Rhuminlor-*“Once more, Zen, simply Roux or Rhuminlor will be fine," *Roux gently insists before gliding towards the bookshelf. Retrieving a bottle, he pours two drinks then leans closer to Zen as he offers one before settling to half sit on his desk. *“Zen, you are correct. Morale is indeed waning and your concerns are valid. However, before we discuss that, I would like to be frank with you, as you seem like a person who will respect that. I am not one of our mental health professionals but as a leader on this ship, I am familiar with your reputation and often times, it seems the only obstacle in your way is yourself. You are clearly talented, and from the size of your journal you just shared with me, you have extensively studied. Why are you so hells bent to be in your own way? Or I suppose more directly, where does this deep seated anger you carry come from?”* Though his words are direct, Roux’s demeanor is calm and kind.

Zen leans forward to grab the drink from the commander’s hands. As he does so, flashes of memory trigger in his subconscious. Flashback- And angry Tortle stands above him, smelling like alcohol and wielding a belt, slamming it down with vicious intensity. *“You…will …. Never…Be…anything… But… a SOLDIER…” *The belt strikes with every word to reiterate the idea of Zen’s limitations. Flash- to next moment- A teenaged Zen stands there holding two buckets of water in his hands, held out parallel to the floor. On his biceps are armbands that hold two blades pointing down. If his arms get tired and collapse, he will stab himself with the blades. He has blood already flowing from his ribs. His father walks around him, drinking a bottle of whiskey as he speaks. “*Takagi are soldiers. You will follow orders to the letter. You will obey at every whim. You will die without question. Takagi strength comes from obedience. You will always be on the battlefield. You will never attempt to supersede your station as soldier. You will stay in your place. You are the follower, on a great path towards honor.”* Zen’s eyes tear as his arms start to give and he stabs himself again.- Flash back to present-Zen sips the drink. Subtle nostalgia kicks in. The smell. It triggers something deep inside. Like all the emotions at once joining hands to hum a lullaby. He brings the drink down and holds it with both hands as he ponders the question. *“What’s the point of caring about what happens in garrison when I will never be anything but a grunt anyway. Show up to formation, not show up, get drunk, do good, Iron my uniform or look like a bag of lettuce, kiss some officers ass. Non of it matters. I will still never be anything but a grunt on the battlefield.”*

*“Hmm…”* Roux pauses, thinking for at least half a minute before responding. *“Zen, perhaps I could take a moment to explain how I personally feel about the M.E.F. after over 500 years in its service. I view our organization as not merely a military entity, but as a collective force of good in the cosmos. Our members, not soldiers, but Agents in service of that good. Like a reflection of Misithia itself, none of our agents should be limited by station - but empowered to always be better.”* His tone turns melancholy as he turns to a map of Aktios on the wall. “*You were right earlier; we have gotten, maybe too, used to being the most powerful faction in any engagement and here in Aktios, we may not be. Many of our agents and leaders; they have never experienced loss like this and it is taking a toll as they learn to adapt.”* He takes a long sip of his drink. *"You are astute though, Zen. Winning here in Aktios, winning against destruction, will often mean merely survival. There is a reason this mission was strictly voluntary," *Roux finds Zen’s eyes before continuing , determination evident within his stare. *"But you can trust me when I say this; I am doing every single thing in my power to ensure a safe return to Misithia for as many agents as possible." *Roux rises from his lean on the desk, before resuming his place on the other side. “*I would ask you, Zen Takagi, not as a soldier, but as an Agent of the Misthian Extraplanar Force. From your extensive studies, do you perceive avenues we have overlooked? Ways you would improve morale? I always welcome a fresh perspective.”


Zen stares at the map of Aktios on the wall. He sees the entire playing field from here. The entire campaign. All the information at once. It is his first time in such a position. It all makes sense to him now. Not the war. His war. His war with himself. With the past. With his history. How much time was wasted. How much of a life was wasted. Zen looks on this map, and a deep sadness enters his heart. He knows now what he truly lost along the way. Along his downward spiral path. It’s gone now. Forever. A missed moment in time. *“What I have to say will not be easy to hear sir. And likely by the sound of it, dismissed as banter from some foolish belligerent Tortle who couldn’t possibly understand with his limited lifespan. That seems to be the general attitude among you long lifers.”*

Without even acknowledging the barb, *“Please Agent Tagaki, try me…”*

Zen stares at the map. He wants to choose his words carefully, but knows truth can be innately difficult to process. That very fact is sitting in his own heart heavy. Zen speaks in a low voice, almost to himself. *“When forests gets too old, nature finds a way to burn it down. This is not a tragedy, but a moment of celebration, for it is not the end of the forest, but it’s rebirth”* He looks up to Rhuminlor. *“The MEF has been around a long time, and you have seen it exist for 500 years, but you have seen it exist within the context of bloated power. The most resources of any organization remotely like this, and therefore the most victories. An immovable force spanning through time. This itself presents a problem. Allow me now to tell you how I see the MEF. As an organism…. In fact, most things are organisms of some type. From humanoids, to “organizations” as you want to call the MEF, to militaries, to empires. Etc., and as such, the tendency is to view itself within the context of time in a way that justifies itself. You are older therefore wiser. This force is older therefore more powerful and smarter. An empire is older therefore the most civilized. But that is unfortunately, not the nature of things in life. The truth is with age, with time, with power, there are certain recurring phenomenons. The growth of arrogance for one. In Beings. In powerful organizations. In empires. An all too common trait.” He puts a cigar in his mouth subconsciously, not considering where he is, but doesn’t light it. “Then ignorance. It knows so much, because of “time”, it could never be wrong, it’s “better” than traditional wisdom. Then lack of discipline. Why does it need it? It’s winning at everything. Then finally, a fall of leadership. After all, why would you need leaders if you’re doing fine? From there starts the fall. Like an adult that no longer knows how to pick berries because it grew up in a city, and then the city get’s burned to ash by a dragon. It must relearn how to live. Such is the MEF. He stares back at the map. I’ve seen Lieutenants lead patrols with no idea on tactical engagement of possible friendly’s in a hot zone. I saw a young soldier, completely mentally not present, alone, with no leadership present to help the young soldier get his bearings. I’ve seen soldiers flat out break ranks because a family member died. Somewhere else on the battlefield”*, Zen shakes his head disapprovingly. *“I may be a total shit bag in garrison, but when we are in the field, all the social politics, ass kissing, and ceremonial nonsense doesn’t fly when the enemy is there to actually fight"*. He looks back at the Commander. *“We need to learn to pick berries again sir. We need to look at ourselves honestly”. *That phrase burns Zen deep in his heart. *“We need to rebuild the MEF from the ground up” *He pulls out a little black book with white letters that say *“How to pick Berries by Zen Takagi”.* He rubs his thumbs across the leather, staring into it more than at it. He waits for the commanders response.

Roux pauses, his hands cradling his face as he processes Zen's words. After a moment of contemplation, he begins to respond.* "Zen, it has been some time since I picked berries," *he muses, extending a hand towards the nearby book. *“It may surprise you, but in some sense I agree with you, albeit for different reasons. The M.E.F. was conceived under a certain vision—a vision that I believe needs to change. To draw from your analogy, not a complete rebirth, but perhaps a process of adaptation? Evolution," *he suggests, punctuating his statement with a final sip from his glass. *"This evolution has already begun,"* as he pivots back towards the map. *"Consider the young agents you mentioned. Let's not forget, Zen, they chose to be here. They could have been assigned to any Astral Galleon, yet they've opted for the Gallant in Aktios — our most arduous campaign—because they believe it's the right thing to do, the good thing. They deserve our respect for that choice. While many may not yet grasp the harsh realities of this mission, the feats I've witnessed from agents fresh out of the academy are nothing short of extraordinary," *a spark igniting in his eyes. *"Don't you see, Zen? They embody the future, that evolution of the M.E.F. A next generation poised to reshape our organization in their own image. We can either facilitate their progress or impede it,"* Roux asserts, his tone growing serious. *"Take Vensus, for instance—the lieutenant you mentioned. I will be honest with you outside of my role with the M.E.F.,she is very important to me. She is still learning, Zen. Assist her, mentor her. Share your insights with her as you do now. She will listen, and trust when I say, she is a fast learner. What she needs, what we all need; is not the angry “grunt” you seem content to cast yourself as, but rather this person filled with thoughtful analysis and articulate discourse. We all stand to benefit from it,"* Roux insists, his gaze unwavering. "*In essence, Zen, I believe our objectives align. We both want to protect the well being of our agents,"* he concludes, flipping through the pages of Zen’s book. *"Would you mind if I borrowed this for a while, Zen? I would be interested to read it.”*

Flash back- *“Where is mommy?”* A young Zen asks his very drunk father. *“She left because of you, and she is never coming back!”* Replies his father. The smell of whiskey exhaling with every word. *“Now get back to training!*” Zen shakes his head disapprovingly at the commander’s words. *“Respect did not keep John Anderson alive, nor any of the hundreds of irrecoverable’s. Extraordinary? We are losing sir! We are not just dying. We are dying soulless. What are you talking about? You think I’m being hard on them for the things I’ve seen? You still don’t get it do you. Yes these things happened. But it isn’t their fault sir.” *Zen closes his eyes a bit as he prepares his next few words. *“It’s yours…”* He bites in those words harshly to drive them in deep. *““When things go wrong in your command, start wading for the reason in increasing larger concentric circles around your own desk.” That was said by General Bruce C. Clarke. That is not to be hard on you sir, but to point out that one, we are losing, and two, if soldiers are not being trained correctly, then it dam sure as hell isn’t the soldiers fault. I don’t blame Oliver or Ven or any of them. They are doing their best with what they have. LT. Ven is one of the best out there and her heart is strong and full of integrity. Oliver is a savage in the field that learns quick. Faudren will lay his life on the line for anyone even though one hit could render him Devil food, and John Anderson is probably the best I have ever seen. And he’s dead… Any lack of camaraderie, lack of morale or skill on how to deal with it. Lack of knowledge of strategic engagement. Any of that is the MEF High Commands responsibility to ensure it is a part of every soldiers training. Quite frankly, you are sending amazing people unprepared into battle and so they are acting like a bunch of adventurers out to fight some dragon and not like a cohesive military unit. Is it any wonder we are losing? But oh I forgot” Zen scoffs as he says this. “It’s not merely a military…”* Zen light’s his cigar, losing all care of where he is. *“You may have come here at first thinking this is some typical MEF campaign, but this map shows a full scale war sir. A losing war on our side I might add. With the highest casualty rate I think maybe in th history of the MEF in who knows how long. Agents don’t win wars sir. Organizations don’t win wars. Disciplined, well trained militaries with good, intelligent, and most of all, inspiring leaders win wars. You”re putting the weight of the war on them with your words, but thousands of years of military history says the weight should be on its leadership. Have you not noticed that I haven’t taken you up on calling you by your name? Do you know why that is sir?" *

Roux starts to speak, but the words catch in his throat. His gaze turns inward, eyes hollow and shoulders slumped beneath the weight of an unspoken burden. Silence fills the air heavy with an unvoiced truth. *"Why, Agent Tagaki?" *he finally utters, laden with anguish, resignation

Zen stares at Commander Rhumilor, half expecting him to get angry, but instead sees a man, broken… It startles him, to see the commander so utterly defeated. He sees in Roux a million thoughts wanting to burst out, and a wall of resignation containing them. There is something he wants to say. Zen feels it. But he can’t. He looks at the map and then back at the commander. There is something a miss. This drives down his reality all the more deeply into his heart. *“Because I didn’t come here to talk about my feelings with my favorite pervey uncle. And I didn’t come here to explore my broken head with pseodopsycho cadoodle therapy crap with someone to make me feel like they’re my dad".* He looks around the room feeling utterly sad. He looks at a mirror across the room. *“I came here looking for a leader…” *Now it is Zen who slumps, as he brings his gaze back to Commander Rhuminlor Davidax. *“At first, I thought I might find it in me. But then I realized”* Zen looks back in the mirror with a deep sense of regret, *“ I just missed that boat.” *Zen looks back at the commander, *“Too many years I wasted being a fuck up. Too many years making utterly self destructive decisions. Too many years avoiding my responsibilities. Too many years burning bridges”* He looks up to the map and then back to Roux. *“Then I hoped it would be you. But I see now there is something holding you back as well isn’t there…”* Zen walks over to the table where Commander Roux’s bottle of liquor sits, and stares into it.* “And so at the end of the day, this is all my fault as well. I should have been more like John Anderson. Not just strong in the field, but squared away as well on all fronts. I would easily be in charge.”* Then looks over at the commander with beady eyes *“and nothing would get in my way of protecting MEF soldiers and making sure we win this gods dam war.” *Zen picks up the bottle. “*"A true leader has the confidence to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions, and the compassion to listen to the needs of others. He does not set out to be a leader, but becomes one by the equality of his actions and the integrity of his intent.”- I didn’t say that. Someone else did. I failed the MEF. I can do nothing but hit the battlefield and hope for the best. What can you do?” *Zen walks towards the door, bottle in hand. *“I’m taking this*” as he lifts the bottle into the air. *“I’m second in command of a squad now. You're first in command of the gallant entropy. Keep the book. If you won’t use it. Find someone with the balls too.” *As Zen steps out of the room, Cigar in his mouth and a bottle in his hand, he realizes one thing more than all others. Quietly he mutters to himself “*we are fucked….”*

As Zen's departing footsteps fade the room sits heavy in silence, broken eventually by the muttering words of the old man. *"I was never much for whiskey anyways," *he chuckles to himself, shaking his head. Roux crosses the room slowly until reaching an ornate tea set nestled in a corner. His bones weary,he sits and begins pouring a cup with deliberate care. The grin on his face fades as quickly as it had appeared. *"If only he knew..." *Roux’s voice heavy with unspoken burdens.

As the warmth of the tea hits him, Roux allows the exhaustion of weeks in Aktios to wash over him like a crashing wave. He drifts off to sleep in his chair.

————————— Roux finds himself standing alone in a chamber of ice and stone. The words of our creator, Amara, echo coldly, *“The MEF is merely a tool..."* the phrase reverberates through the icy cavern, each repetition seemingly an attempt to wedge deeper in his subconscious. Roux stares into his own reflection in the ice, more aged by the day. He watches as the reflection shifts and changes. The faces of past agents now reflect to Roux in the ice. Some more familiar, while others are distant, faded like a worn photograph. Some faces enshrined in happiness, some angered, many etched in the final moments before their deaths. Some reflections speak, their voices now joining in Amara’s chorus. Roux’s heart sinks as Agent Harton’s face appears in the ice; her dissapointed eyes cutting through him, *“Some of us are only human Roux…”.* The icy reflection now morphs to Harton in anguished pain as the emissary tore her in to pieces.
Roux falls to his knees now, tears flow as he breaks down. The memory of thousands of agents too much to bear. Amara’s words continue to echo as the faces shift. Zen’s form locks in the ice as his words cry out, *“A true leader has the confidence to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions.”* Zen's voice rings out with unwavering conviction, his words cutting through the chaos like a beacon of clarity. Roux feels his resolve waver as doubt gnawed at the edges of his consciousness, threatening to consume him. The voices form in to one as Amara's form materializes from the ice, her eyes a black void. The voices of a thousand agents now join her *“The MEF is merely a tool…”*. Roux stands to meet her gaze, wiping tears from his face; a surge of defiance rising within him. *"YOU ARE WRONG! WE ARE MORE!" *he shouts as his voice cuts through the echo.

The voices stop. The vision fades. ————————— With a start, Roux's eyes snap open, the remnants of tears staining his cheeks, his hands shaking. The ship’s intercom now the only voice he hears, *“Two hours until redeployment”*.

The old man sighs as he begins to clean his spilt tea.

**Kalin Dunne

Video log Date 0/1/16**

*The camera flickers on, revealing a very exhausted Kalin as they lean back against some broken rubble. The red haze of night is starting to brighten as dawn approaches. Kalin's scars have become much darker, the burns across the side of their face a deep burgundy against the olive green, a stark reminder of the change that is inflicted on them and every other MEF soldier.*

I couldn’t sleep, so I woke early to do some song writing… Thoughts of dying out here weigh heavy on me, and I can’t shake it. Might as well get some song inspiration outta it. Maybe I’ll become famous because of it when I die out here… I shouldn’t say that; I want to make it home. I have to see my sweet girls again… I owe it to Jez to make it back to her and our daughter.

*Kalin turns down to his lute and begins to play.*

I've been thinking about dying

And how that's gonna be

When my skin and bones give up the ghost

And I finally feel my fragile soul

And all I am falls into mystery

I've been thinking about after

And all the folks I wanna see

My neighbor says that this is it

My daughter says we live again

Most of the time I'm somewhere in between

Don't the question beg an answer?

Don't the song beg a dancer?

Don't you dare

Tell me that there ain't more to this

More to this

I've been seeing this life different

Ever since I let you go

Fragile flowers in a field

60 stories made of steel

Birds above and business deals below

And I've been thinking 'bout our lifetime

Like I never have before

A hundred years or a hundred days

Hundred times no difference, babe

Promise you, I'd want a hundred more

Don't the question beg an answer?

Don't the song beg a dancer?

Don't you dare

Tell me that there ain't more to this

And don't our tears beg for laughter?

I promised I'd love you forever

So don't you dare

Tell me that there ain't more to this

There's more to this

*The music fades as Kalin looks to the distance at something off camera. *

Today feels like it’s going to be different. I don’t know how, but I don’t have a good feeling about it. The night was too quiet; something is brewing, and we might be going through hell today. Hopefully no one near in our squad or Ven’s squad dies today, I don’t know if I can take seeing any friends fall and not coming back to us. I’m too damn tired to deal with more grieving.

Sindri (COG-556401)

Red Jack Status Report

Battle of Efkos 0/1/16 -2:16:59 to Extraction

Emergency Power Connected

Running Diagnostics…

Primary Power Core —> Caution

External Defense Matrix —> Inoperable

Primary Weapon Systems —> Inoperable

Integrated Aim Assist —> Inoperable

Environmental Control Systems —> Inoperable

Pneumatic Limbs —> Critical

External Sensors —> Inoperable

Emergency Ejection System —> Obstruction Detected

Communication Array —> Inoperable

Interior Cameras —> Operational

Video feed cuts in as Sindri finishes rewiring sections of the Red Jacks cockpit to reroute power. He frantically starts flipping switches and testing the controls. A frantic Tamezi flies up from the passenger seat. Due to the Red Jacks orientation to the ground, the small fairy looks to be hovering in place sideways “Sindri we have to go!” He speaks a phrase in Sylvan and a magical portal opens on the ceiling of the cockpit.

“Hold on. I can get it moving,” Sindri shouts. He disconnects and reconnects a power coupling from the wall of the cockpit to the main dashboard. “I got it!”

Pneumatic Limbs —> Critical

The cockpit shifts as the Red Jack tries to free itself from the rubble covering it. The left side of the cockpit has been torn off and as the Red Jack shifts, the exterior is revealed. The Red Jack sits at the bottom of a 50 foot crater, surrounded by rubble and the corpse of the Rendwyrm Sindri had just finished fighting. Drawn by the movement, the massive form of a Divine Emissary looms over the Red Jack. “Fuck,” Sindri sighed.

Primary Weapon Systems —> Inoperable

Primary Weapon Systems —> Inoperable

Primary Weapon Systems —> Inoperable

Primary Weapon Systems —> Inoperable

The controls continued to not respond no matter how hard Sindri pushed them. “Get out of here,” Sindri yelled to Tamezi, who flew through his portal. Sindri looked up as the Emissary dropped into the crater. A look of resignation crossed Sindris face. A face ready to meet its fate. A face the Red Jack would never see again.

Directive 1 - Find a pilot.

The Red Jack was Sindri's legacy. It was built to last long after Sindri returned to the stone. They were a team, however, and they would need a new partner to maintain combat effectiveness. But at the moment, the combat effectiveness of the Red Jack was not in question.

Directive 2 - Protect the pilot.

Emergency Ejection System —> Obstruction Detected

Administrative Bypass —> Safety Restrictions Deactivated

Emergency Ejection System —> Engaged

Sindri let out a gasp of surprise as the pilot's seat rocketed out of the cockpit, exploding through Tamezis portal. Sindri’s shouts of protest are cut off as the portal closes.

Directive 3 - Finish the Mission

The cockpit shifts once more as the Emissary grasps the Red Jack.

Initiate Jackpot Protocol

All power rerouted to the Primary Power Core

Primary Power Core —> Meltdown Imminent

Detonation in 6…

A series of clips showing Sindri’s trial and error attempts to build the software.


Video clip of the Red Jack taking its first steps in a garage.


Video clips of weapon calibration and testing.


Video clip of the Red Jack tearing through scores of Devils.


The Emissary looks through the hole in the Red Jack as a blinding light fills the cockpit.


The video feed distorts and cuts out.

**Kalin Dunne (MAT749863)

Written log Date 0/1/17**

To Jezebel Dunne

Jez, I am sorry I haven’t called in a while. I struggle to write to you and to Kier update you on how I am; most times, the only words I can find are in song. Today is the exception.

I’ve been on the ground in Aktios for the past few weeks, and while most of it has been routine protocols and simple, today went far worse than any of us expected. I am okay, mostly, but the gravity of the mission has finally reached me. These weeks here on the ground have left me scarred, internally and externally. I look very different, and it’s still startling to see myself in my own reflection. I haven’t wanted to scare you with a surprise video call without first sending this letter to you, because I’m scaring myself daily… We are in over our heads; the risk of death is far greater than I allowed myself to believe. But, we are making a difference here. For the first time in weeks, there are stars in the sky, and it’s because of us. They are glowing the same blue as the energy here on the Entropy, and our stories are being written in the stars.

Kier told me you’ve made some friends in the support group, and that you hosted a dinner party with them the other day. I’m glad you’re not alone in this, and I am so proud of you for putting yourself out there. It has been lonely here, and while I can say I’ve made some friends here, some of them seem to die before we can make any long lasting connections and their deaths carve into my memory and find a way into my music.

I find myself thinking of you more and more. I miss you terribly… I yearn to wake up in our bed with your body next to mine. The warmth of your skin against mine under our cold sheets is the only warmth I crave. Everything else burns and feels as if I’m being boiled alive at a single touch, but you would be the only one or thing in this world that would never burn me. Even after the way I’ve hurt you during all this, I know that if I make it home, your embrace would never burn me. I don’t deserve your love, but I am glad to know it and still feel it from afar. I promise to call when I can.

With love,

Your husband, Kal.

**Kalin Dunne (MAT749863)

Video log Date 0/1/17**

*As the video flickers on, Kalin sits cross legged in his bunk. The soft blue light of the MEF dorm rooms illuminates the bags that hang under his eyes as he hugs his lute to his chest that is littered with scars of destruction.*

I can’t sleep; every time I’ve tried closing my eyes, I am thrown back into battle with the emissary from today, dangerously close to dying. Actually dying…

*Kalin stares off for a long minute, silence filling the room before he shakes himself out of it.*

It’s overwhelming. Even after staying in the Quiet Room for a few hours, my nerves feel like they’re on fire. The screams of those dying on the ground and then… gods, something broke in me today, and I can feel parts of myself gone. I don’t know if it was triggered from finally unatunning my gear for the first time in weeks or if the cause was something else, but I only carry fear and emptiness… Besides today’s events… I can’t get Jez out of my mind, hence this log, so here it goes…

*Kalin mutters a soft 4 beat count off before he starts to strum his lute. *

Darling, darling, darling, let me sing to you,

Let me sing to you, let me sing to you

Darling, darling, darling, let me shelter you

Lay you into all the homes that fear has made of me

How the shingles fall like dust beside your company

Darling, darling, darling, let me sing to you,

Let me sing to you, let me sing to you

Darling, darling, darling, let me cherish you

Let me cherish you

Through this cold metal screen, it will just be you and me

Let me dance with your eyes, it will just be for the night

Darling, darling, darling, let me sing to you,

Let me sing to you, let me sing to you

Darling, darling, darling, let me dream of you

Let me dream of you

When I die in, die in, die in your arms

Die in, die in, die in your arms

Darling, darling, darling, let me sing to you,

Let me sing to you, let me sing to you

Down fell the rain

Though your little words often came

And out of this dreary house you built by heart

Don’t you despair

Though my little words can’t compare

I’ll always be here with you behind closed eyes

Down fell the rain

Though your little words often came

And out of this dreary house you built by heart

Don’t you despair

Though my little words can’t compare

I’ll always be here with you behind closed eyes

Darling, darling, darling, let me sing to you,

Let me sing to you, let me sing to you

*Once the last strum of the lute falls to silence, Kalin will reach forward and click the video off.*

End of log.

**Commander Rhuminlor Davidax, LSR000022 0/1/17?, Personal Entry in Analog Journal**


Once again, I seek solace in these pages.

Seraphine is gone. But she is safe; her child is safe.

Her absence leaves a void upon this ship that many will feel deeply; perhaps none more so than myself.

She was one of the few kindred lonesome souls on the Gallant and I will miss her greatly; though I take comfort in knowing that, wherever she goes, she will no longer be alone.

Reflecting upon our relationship, I cannot help but feel a measure of regret. I wish that I was more open with her; that I was able to give more of myself. For generations I have built these walls around myself; to keep those I care for at a distance. Seraphine had a rare gift to bound those walls; and to accept me without reservation or expectation; even though she always deserved so much better.

There is so much I wish I had said. I should have told her how incredibly proud I am of the person she has become, the mother she will be. I should have conveyed the truth of her importance to me these past 70 years. She is like a family to me, and I love her dearly.

I think that she knows. I hope that she knows...

Perhaps, one day I will have the opportunity and the courage to tell her.

For now though, once again, my feelings will have to live in these pages.*

Log posted by

Charles Cheimon CCW356824 0/1/17.

Cleared for immediate release to all active MEF members. Forwarded to the mail registry of all MEF Agents currently serving aboard the Gallant entropy, recommended for immediate viewing while still aboard the GE.

Charles sits back down after turning on the camera. He's sitting across from Roux in his office with plates of breakfast in front of both of them.

"So have you been making sure to eat good food when I'm not around on mission?"

Seated at the table, Roux appears tired and frail; restless nights and infernal magic now manifesting their toll on his body.

Roux glances uncomfortably towards the camera, then back to Charles.

"If I am to be honest with you, Charles, probably not as well as you would like."

With a small, sincere smile.

“So how does this work?”

Charles give a sad little nod, but still has a smile on his face.

"Mostly just having a nice meal together. Showing everyone that even the prestigious Commander Rhouminlor needs to eat every now and again. It also should help to hear some of your thoughts on what we've done well. That way all these agents who refer to us as 'OLDS' won't only focus on the things going wrong. Speaking of what did you think about the stars we saw last night?"

“What do I think of the stars?"

Roux muses as his gaze drifts upward forgetting they sit inside the ship.

"I think that the new stars are a poignant reminder of the ultimate sacrifice made by so many of our agents to safeguard these lands. Though many of their souls are lost to destruction, their memories will live on in the skies of Aktios.”

His words convey sorrow, but also reverence.

"It was already our duty to protect these lands and it’s people, but now it is also to protect it’s skies and their stories; to stop the poison of destruction."

Roux's voice trails off momentarily,.

"What do they mean to you, Charles?"

"That even as we lose those precious around us we are buying hope for the future. That our loses haven't been meaningless, and that even in oblivion, destruction can't fully erase us. Because we live on in the memories of those around us. That hope will live on as we fight on."

Charles takes a few bites of food pointedly looking at the plate in front of Roux. Once Roux has taken a few bites he asks his next question.

"Have you looked at how many Aktians we've saved?"

“I have not, no. Truthfully, no one will truly be saved until the forces of Gurumbeloth have been dispatched from Aktios. History may need to be the one to answer that question, Charles.”

Roux deliberately takes a few bites of his breakfast.

“Though it is heartening to see the optimism spread amongst the Aktians I have met.”

Charles smiles as Roux eats, but nods solemly at his words.

"Unfortunately that is a very true statement. But we are making progress, and I know we've gotten a lot of Aktians of the ground. Have you gotten to interact with a lot of the Aktians?"

“I would not say a lot, no, there has not been much time. But the Aktians I have met are very eclectic, interesting people. I find their conviction to their faith and ideals very admirable, not unlike our own dedication to the MEF. I would have like to see this place before all of this.”

Roux’s eyes glint with a realization.

“Charles, before you set up this camera, you told me you wanted the people of the Gallant to hear a message of hope from someone that everyone respects.”

He takes several bites then folds his napkin neatly before looking at Charles proudly.

“What would you like to tell the people of the ship?”

Charles looks a little startled at the sudden reversal, and then takes a few bites as he thinks.

"Darkness and death await us around every corner in Aktios, but for every corner we search we bring the light of hope and the stars. We must mourn our losses now while we are surrounded in the light of our ship. So that when we go back out there we are able to shine bright for all those around. Also don't forget to come to me if you need a good meal to pick you up."

Charles waves his fork at the partially eaten plate in front of Roux.

"That includes you Roux."

In an act of concession, Roux finishes the meal laid before him, a gesture of compromise in the midst of the conversation.

"I could not have said it better myself,"

Roux begins to stand from the table,

“And make no mistake, Charles; despite my rank, there is no one more widely respected on this ship than you."



*Computer fill in the date, I don’t feel like checking it right now.

We’ve found where we’re going to make a strong hold for the Aktians while we finish this off. We cleared out the capital city and then marched up into these mountains. The Aktians are getting stronger. Leaders are stepping forward or being gravitated to. Which is good, because it feels like ours leadership weakening. Myself included. I still have Ko, Artemis and Oliver. Somehow. And Zen and Fadrin’s names have been added to the inside of Pumpkin’s shell. It’s not the Pillars of Order, but it’s something. And I’ll keep doing it until I can’t anymore. At least for the fifty under my command and those I’m close with.

There’s a few Aktians that seem to never be too far from my group. Nestor, one of the ones shaping up to be a leader, ARES, a construct made of a mix of MEF scrap and Aktian magic and armor that is entirely focused on hope, and Yem, a barbarian. Ko I think was talking with him some. I spoke with Nestor. Explaining MEF tech to someone who has no reference point to it is more difficult than I thought it would be. He keeps calling the tech that holds our souls for revives our ‘own boatman’. Which I guess isn’t completely wrong. He was confused as to why more of us aren’t religious, especially after I mentioned that La’iya ascended in Misathia and the scar is still on the land there.

Honestly after this maybe he’s right and I should go to a temple service of some kind. I feel like I’ve been giving some sort of worship to La’iya and Ithiisia through what we’ve been doing here. It’s hard to ignore death’s presence with so much of it around. I wonder if Lemenos is still around. Though I think now is rather late to find religion.

When we got to the site of the Titan’s body…can you get a feeling of dejavu for something you’ve never experienced? It was…just for a moment but it was such pain and despair and…shame. Apparently it spiked my vitals enough that comms checked in and I was crying. I don’t think it was anything malicious. Ko did a detect good and evil and I’m sure they ran some scans on me and I’m fine. I don’t like this cold that’s settled into my spine, especially the fact that I can notice anything cold while I’m in winter.

I’ll try to attach those scans to this log just in case I’m wrong and it is something*

**Kalin Dunne (MAT749863)

Written log Date 0/1/16**

What the actual fuck? Why are we here on the ground if we aren’t going to be needed? Why are we out here fighting for this cause and dying if our involvement is no longer necessary? The Aktians are significantly stronger and have grown in numbers. We are outnumbered in terms of forces compared to them. The difference we are making has become insignificant, pointless even… The Aktians even see it. I overheard a comment between Nestor and Cyrene where it sounded like he was mocking Clover for no longer being a squad leader…

The M.E.F. has zero urgency in pulling us from this mission or to use their resources to save anyone besides Aktians. Today we ambushed a ship and cleared it from demons and devils only to realize the tieflings were bound to the ship with a life sucking curse. I wanted to help them, save them from the torment they’ve received from the devils. I begged a higher ranking officer to give us a solution to save them, and all they could do was send a comms out that resulted in nothing. I know I have not been a part of the M.E.F. for long, but I am certain we had the sources to save them. They didn’t have to die senselessly for being innocent people tangled up in a war against their own volition. There is something seriously wrong in refusing to help them as they suffered. The Aktians had more grace to put them out of their misery and keep their souls from returning to the hells, while the M.E.F. could give two shits.

We have zero agency, and no one cares about anything besides the Aktians. We’re going to be worked to our death, and for what? I could have easily been one of those tieflings, if things had gone differently for my great grandparents when they fled to Mithisia. And to see the complete disregard the M.E.F. had for the tieflings… It seems that the only thing we are capable of is bringing Death to ourselves and innocent bystanders.

What have I signed myself up for?

*End of Log*

**Kalin Dunne MAT749863

Written Log 0/1/17**

To Jez and Kier,

As the Aktians grow stronger, it seems the M.E.F. grows weaker. Hope has been zapped from most of us as things become grim while the Aktians radiate positivity. Yesterday was a hard day, but lately most days have been difficult. We are being spread thin and have an important battle looming over our heads come the morning. If tonight is my last night alive, I wanted to spend it writing to the two of you… I do not deserve the love and support you’ve given me through the years we’ve known each other. If I survive tomorrow’s battle, I will call home. And if I don’t… There is a comm scheduled to send to the two of you with my last will and testament with letters addressed to the both of you. It's been prepared and ready for a while now, but it was made when I still had hope of returning home. While anger has risen with the realization of the failures of the M.E.F., I have accepted my fate as the sacrificial pawn… Death would be a welcomed reprieve.

Now I can only hope that my eventual death doesn’t bring you too much pain, and that you can move on to people who do deserve the love you have to offer. Kier, please continue looking out for Jez and our daughter, gods know she needs all the help she can get with Saoirse. Jez, kiss our baby girl and tell her how much I love her. I would say that I’d meet you again in the Godlands after all this, but the likelihood of an Emissary destroying our souls tomorrow is almost certain. Do not live to mourn me, but please do not forget me.

With love,


*End of Log*

**Commander Rhuminlor Davidax, LSR000022, Eve of Tridilonia**

*To be submitted to Misithian Chronicle Archives upon conclusion of events in Aktios*

*If I die tomorrow..

I hope they shed no tears for me..

For this blessed long life,

has shown me all I need to see.

If I die tomorrow..

I hope they remember a life well spent..

For five centuries of devotion,

My body, my heart, my everything an Agent.

If I die tomorrow..

I hope they see a worthy sacrifice..

For more Aktians, more Mistithians on the scales saved;

I pray my life, my soul, will suffice.

If I die tomorrow..

I hope to join my fellow agents in the sky.

For to live on in the stars of Aktios,

is a perfectly poignant goodbye.*

Ko' the Bold [AKA013370] 0/-/-

*Written Log*

*Autosaved post death*

I lived a life full of regrets. I chased glory over happiness. I ran from every vulnerable moment. I never truly loved or allowed myself to be loved. The M.E.F. gave me a chance to be great, but I failed to become that. I came into this world as nothing, and I will die as nothing. But maybe if Aktios makes it through this evil, I would've died for something. Look for me in the stars, but please do not repeat my mistakes. Life is far too precious for that. I'm only sorry I learned that too late.



**Ven Erbauer [VEN017571]

Message to strategy and leadership (what is left of it) after Battle of Tritalonia**

I resign the title of lieutenant for the remainder of this deployment and upon return to Misathia.

**Kalin Dunne MAT479863

Video Log Date 0/0/15

Uploaded to Database 0/1/18 at Time of Death**

*The camera flickers on as a haggard Kalin slumps down into a metal chair. His hair is mostly dry with the tips of his loose curls still slightly damp from a shower, some droplets of moisture dripping onto Kalin’s white tank top. Deep burgundy red scars lick up the chest, shoulder, and kisses the bottom of his jaw. Tears well in his eyes as he takes a deep sigh, draining what little energy he has. When he starts speaking, he tries to enunciate his words and limit the severity of his accent.*

If you are seeing this, it means I have died and my team was unable to recover my body. My personal logs and any possessions I have here on the Entropy will be sent to my wife, Jezebel Dunne. The money that would have been paid to me will be placed into a trust for my daughter that will be monitored by my wife and brother, and these funds will not be available for Saoirse to use until her 18th birthday, thirteen years from now. Written and video logs not addressed to my daughter, Saoirse Dunne, will be accessible to Jezebel and my brother, Kieran Dunne. The video logs addressed to Saoirse will be sent to her once a year until she turns eighteen, and two extra logs will be locked until Jezebel or Kieran gives the password I leave for them to unlock for Saoirse. It is my wish that Saoirse does not see this particular log until after her eighteenth birthday.

*Kalin wipes the tears from his eyes, muttering a few curse words before continuing, his voice slipping back into his usual accent. *

To my anchor, my brother Kieran: You’ve always been by my side to comfort and aid me when I feel I’ve failed. Brushing the dust off of my coat and pushing pen, paper, and my lute into my hands, you’ve always encouraged me to try again. Failure was a happenstance, but never the ending in your eyes. Temporary setbacks, you always called them. You believed I could always get up and keep pursuing my dreams. I wouldn't have been able to achieve what I have without your wise words and compassion guiding me. I don’t think I ever thanked you for taking me in and raising me up after Ma and Pa passed within a year of each other. Kier, you were a busy college student pursuing the magical arts, the first of our family, and you definitely didn’t have time for a nuisance that was younger me. You sacrificed everything, and I am ever so grateful to you. Yet, even after everything, I must be selfish and ask one last favor from you in my death. Please continue looking after Jezebel and Saoirse. I want my daughter to know who I was, but I especially want to relieve as much stress and pain from Jez as possible. She did not sign up to become a widow and a single mother. I will cherish the times we had growing up before you moved North, and all the times we’ve spent together over the years. You were the best brother anyone could’ve asked for, and I will carry that with me even when my soul no longer exists. Thank you, Kier.

**Yael Dallaire (YDL368684)**

***A handwritten note, placed atop a pile of mostly completed research papers***


30 years of contributing to MEF research and more than 20 years of conducting it in-between deployments may seem like an isolating experience, but nothing could be farther from the truth. Between every line of every paper are the individuals who brought me to where I am today.

To my coworkers, co-researchers, and superiors: I apologise for any past offenses, and yet hope that the reason for my insult remains with you. You are capable of always doing better.

To the crew of the Gallant Entropy, and especially my team: it is good to know that even here in hell, you can find yourself surrounded by the best and brightest of people.

To my friends, here and at home: The past ten years have been the best of my life. You taught me how to be a friend - I would die a million times more if it promised your survival. As your ever-demanding friend, I will make at least one more request: please remember me. Keep my hopes and wishes for the future alight.

To my family: everything you ever taught me might be saving millions right now. I wish it could give you your children back. I love you too. No regrets.

To Marjane: nothing makes me feel so much as knowing that it's done before it ever began. You are made up of that year's laughter and tenderness, or at least my imagination that your life was as changed as mine was and that you also feel a nostalgia for the people we weren't. I loved you and love you and will love you and I'm saying it like it matters. I was lucky to be able to dream about you.

To the MEF: you are the massive marvellous beast to which I owe so many personal and professional accomplishments. But despite so many of your injustices and failures, I chose to stay, because I was always desperate for you to fulfil the promise that we would do good. Leaving seemed like giving up. What a fitting end to die here in your arms before I'll ever really know if we finally made good on that promise. To put it most simply: I don't know who I would be without you.

**Commander Rhuminlor Davidax [LSR000022], 0/1/18**

A gaunt, tired but resolute Rhuminlor stands before the camera in his dress officer’s uniform .

*“The MEF has given me so much over these four hundred fifty eight years. It has allowed me to see and do wondrous things, while extending aid across the cosmos. The MEF has given me a special life."*

He pauses, gathering his thoughts, steeling himself for the words to come.

*“And now, I stand ready to give that life. Tomorrow, on the field of battle, I shall offer my life willingly. I can no longer perform the mental arithmetic as to why I, who have lived such a long life, should persist while Aktians and fellow agents, a fraction of my age, meet their end."* A fleeting sadness crosses his eyes before he presses on.

*“There is a truth I have long avoided. The MEF, my fellow agents, have always needed me far less than I have needed them.”*

His lips curl into a bittersweet smile; *“Of course this truth will not stop an old man from attempting to part some final wisdom…”

“To the agents past and present, of which I have been so lucky to serve with, know this: your lives matter; your deaths matter; especially these last few weeks. Each and every sacrifice has contributed not only to Aktios' liberation but to the potential salvation of the entire cosmos from there grasp of destruction. There is no more worthy cause ."

"To the agents of our future… you have chosen a hard path few walk, yet it is a righteous one. The MEF no longer rests in my hands; it now lies with yours. Witnessing the strength and grace of our younger comrades, I am confident that it is in capable hands indeed.”* He pulls a leather bound journal from his hip; he fingers stroke the inscription on its cover. *“I ask only that you remember these words when I am gone: Observe, Analyze, Act. You may be surprised well they serve you.”*

Briefly diverting his gaze, his hand instinctively rises to his eye, brushing away an unseen tear, before returning to address the lens once more.

*"In death, as in life, I had intended to give all that I possess to the MEF. However, I ask to amend my will and assign all my belongings and assets to Seraphine Manyaman."

"Seraphine… may you both use them well in a life filled with love."*

A solitary tear glistening in his eye.

*"Charles, I hope you are watching this…

I am sorry that I did not have to courage to tell you of my plans. However, I am glad I got to spend my final evening making dinner for you. Thank you for everything.

I am ready to make my final sacrifice. I am ready to embrace the mystery of the fate I have seen befall so many others. I only hope it can matter in the end.”*

Rhuminlor noticeably shivers before the screen fades to black.

End of logs

The mission continued for some weeks before the victory against the devils, though the spirit of the Misithians on mission died at Tridilonia.

The 20th mission of the Gallant Entropy had the largest irrecoverable death count of its time.